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  • Fuerteventura is the second largest of the Canary Islands,

    富埃特文圖拉島是西班牙群島 亦即加納利群島

  • a Spanish archipelago situated in the Atlantic Ocean.

    的第二大島,位於 大西洋。

  • This island is famous for its stunning beaches


  • and picturesque villages


  • and, like the others in this group,


  • enjoys a climate that makes it feel like perpetual spring.

    有著四季如春的 宜人氣候。

  • With an average of 365 days of sunshine each year and 160 miles of coastline,

    每年平均有 365 天日照日 海岸線長達 160 哩,

  • Fuerteventura is the perfect place to escape.


  • Just half an hour north of the international airport is Corralejo,

    從國際機場往北約半小時 車程來到科拉萊霍鎮 (Corralejo),

  • once a small fishing village and now one of the island’s largest resort towns.

    她過去是一個小漁村 如今已是本島最大的度假勝地。

  • Claim a sun lounge,


  • or explore the incredible Corralejo Dunes National Park.

    探索令人驚奇的柯拉萊霍沙丘 (Corralejo Dunes) 國家公園

  • Take a day trip to the other end of the island to Morro Jable.

    到島的另一端往莫羅哈夫萊 (Morro Jable) 進行一日遊。

  • Although this is a very popular spot with tourists,

    這是非常受觀光客歡迎的 景點,

  • you can escape the crowds at the quaint harbour which is still used by local fishermen.

    如要避開人潮,可前往古海港 至今當地漁民人仍在使用。

  • Enjoy a drink at one of the restaurants,


  • sample local seafood, or stroll to the Jandia Lighthouse,

    試吃當地海產,或漫步到 整個群島最高的

  • the tallest in the entire archipelago.

    漢迪亞 (Jandia) 燈塔。

  • Gorgeous beaches run the length of the Jandia Peninsula reaching all the way to Costa Calma.

    沿著漢迪亞半島美不勝收的海灘 一路直達卡爾瑪海岸 (Costa Calma)。

  • For something a little different,


  • spread out your beach towel on the pitch-black sand of Ajuy Beach,

    將大浴巾舖在阿滬伊海灘 (Ajuy Beach) 漆黑的的沙灘上,

  • actually tiny fragments of volcanic rock.


  • In the unlikely event you ever tire of the Fuerteventura’s beaches,

    若厭倦了 富埃特文圖拉島的海灘,

  • head inland to gain a deeper understanding of this island’s amazing landscapes and

    可往內陸走以更深入了解 本島其他令人讚嘆的美景

  • its picturesque villages.


  • Like the other Canary Islands,


  • Fuerteventura was formed by volcanic eruptions millions of years ago.

    富埃特文圖拉島是數百萬年前 火山噴出的溶岩所形成。

  • Take the winding roads up to Mirador Morro Velosa on

    沿著強風小徑往上走至 Tegu 山的摩羅維羅薩眺望台 (Mirador Morro Velosa)

  • Mount Tegu for one of the best views on the entire island.

    其為俯瞰島上全景的 最佳位置之一。

  • Or, take a bus to Puerto del Rosario, the island’s capital.

    或者搭巴士前往本島首府 羅薩里奧港 (Puerto del Rosario)。

  • Quirky statues are dotted all around this town,

    古怪的雕像在鎮上 到處可見,

  • an open air exhibition that makes for a delightful stroll.

    在這開放的展覽空間散步 是種愉悅的享受。

  • With its long Spanish history,


  • Fuerteventura is also home to many romantic buildings and

    富埃特文圖拉島也建造出許多羅曼蒂克 建築物和

  • churches such as the parish church at La Oliva and the town hall in Pajara.

    教堂如奧利瓦 (La Oliva) 教區禮拜堂 和 Pajara 市政廳。

  • An old fishing village,


  • today El Cotillo is perhaps the most picturesque on the entire island.

    科蒂略 (El Cotillo) 可算是全島 最美的村莊。

  • Stroll the old harbour which is still used by fisherman or admire the original windmills.

    到漁民仍在使用的舊海港散步 或是去參觀原始的風車。

  • In an archipelago famous for its beaches,


  • Fuerteventura has some of the biggest and most beautiful.

    富埃特文圖拉島擁有最大 最美麗的海灘。

  • Combined with its perfect weather and sandy shores,

    結合宜人的天氣和 沙岸,

  • this is the perfect island to relax and recharge and reconnect with nature.

    本島無疑是休假、充電 返回大自然懷抱最理想的度假勝地。

Fuerteventura is the second largest of the Canary Islands,

富埃特文圖拉島是西班牙群島 亦即加納利群島


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