字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi. Welcome again to engvid.com. My name is Adam. Today, I'm talking about a very interesting topic Hi,歡迎再次來到engvid.com。我是Adam,今天我要討論一個非常有趣的話題 because, for example, in Toronto right now, it's very, very cold. I'm thinking about travelling; 因為,例如,現在多倫多的天氣非常非常冷,我打算去旅行 I would love to go somewhere hot to get away from this winter. So, when I travel, 我想去熱帶地區避開這個冷冬,所以當我旅行時 I have, of course, to make travel arrangements. So here, we have a list of words, a list of 我當然要做好旅行安排。這裡有一些字彙清單 things that you must think about before you go on a trip to a different country. We're 和當你去不同國家旅行前必須考慮到的事項清單。 going to go over each of these. 我們會逐一檢視。 We're going to start with "booking" and "reservation". Now, many people think that this is more or 我們從"訂"booking和"預約"reservation開始。很多人認為這兩個動作差不多 less the same, which it is. To book something or to reserve something means to keep a place, 這是真的。"訂"和"預約"代表保留位置 to keep your place. You book a flight, you book a hotel room. Generally speaking, you 保留你的位置。你訂機票,訂飯店房間。大致上來說, make a reservation at a restaurant; you make a booking with a travel agency or with a hotel, 你向餐廳預訂座位,你跟旅行社預定或跟飯店預定住宿 with accommodations, any type of accommodation. Speaking of, accommodations are hotel, motel, 或預約任何一種形式的住宿。住宿可以指飯店、汽車旅館、 hostel, B&B, bed and breakfast; all kinds of accommodations. Make sure you have a booking 青年旅館、民宿(B&B, bed and breakfast),任何一種住宿形式。出發前要確定你已經預約好 before you go, so your place is safe, it's kept for you. When you arrive, it's all good. 所以你有地方住,他們為你保留了床位。你抵達時,事情都沒問題。 Next, when you're at your destination, the place you're going to, you might want to "rent" 接下來,當你到達目的地、你計畫去的地方,你可能要"租"rent車 a car. Okay? Sorry, this is accommodation. One thing I wanted to also make sure - "accommodations", 抱歉,這裡是住宿。我也要解釋一件事-accommodations後面有沒有加上s意思不一樣 without the "s", "accommodation" means something different. Okay? "Accommodations" is where 加上s的accommodations代表你要去 you're going to sleep. 過夜的地方 And you might want to "rent" a car. You can also "hire" a car. Means the same thing. British 你可能想要"租"rent車,你也可以"雇"hire一輛車,意思一樣 people generally use "hire" more, North Americans use "rent" more often. 英國人通常說"雇"hire一輛車,而北美洲人比較常用"租"rent Next, you have to think about your "baggage". Suitcase, luggage, bags, anything you're carrying 接下來,你要想到你的"行李"baggage。手提箱、行李箱、袋子,任何你攜帶的東西 with you. You might have "check-in baggage". Sorry, I don't know if you can see this guy. 你可能有"托運行李"check-in baggage。對不起,我不知道你們看不看得到這個"符號"。 "Check-in baggage" and "carry-on baggage". "Check-in baggage" means you give it to the "托運行李"check-in baggage和"手提行李"carry-on baggage。托運行李代表你要把行李 airline, they put it under the plane, you pick it up at your destination. "Carry-on" 交給航空公司,他們會放在飛機下層,你可以在目的地領取。"手提行李" means, carry on, so you carry it on your shoulder on to the plane. Okay? In your carry-on, 代表你可以隨身攜帶,所以你可以背在肩上帶上飛機,好嗎?在手提行李部分 you have to be careful, it has to be small. You can't have liquids because of security and all that stuff. 你要注意,行李要很小。因為安全考量,你不可以攜帶液體或類似的東西 So things that you can't put in your carry-on, you must put in your 所以你手提行李裡不能放的,你必須 check-in baggage and give to the airline. 放進你的托運行李裡,然後交給航空公司。 Next, when you get to the airport, assuming you're flying, you will have to do a few things 接下來,當你到了機場,假設你要搭飛機,你要做一些跟 that concern the word "boarding". Before you board your plane, get on your plane - you "登機"boarding有關的動作。在你登機前,搭上飛機前 will get a boarding pass that lets you pass through security and into the airport. On 你會拿到能讓你通過安全檢查和入關嘚的登機證。 the boarding pass, you will see your "boarding time", this is when you get on the plane and 在登機證上,你會看到"登機時間"boarding ,就是你該搭上飛機的時機 your "boarding gate", the place in the airport where you're going to get on your plane before 和你的"登機門",那是在機場內,你在飛機起飛前要去搭上飛機的地方 takeoff. Okay? We can also use this for a train. You board a train, you get a boarding 這也可以用在搭火車。你搭上火車,你拿到上面有搭車時間 pass with a boarding time, and generally a boarding platform. Okay? So "boarding", getting 還有一般來說,搭車月台的搭車證。所以"搭乘/登"boarding, on your vehicle, whatever vehicle that might be. 搭乘交通工具,任何一種交通工具。 You will also generally need to get a "visa" to many countries. Now, a "visa" is something 你通常也需要"簽證"visa才能去許多國家。"簽證"visa是 that you use to get into a country, it gives you permission to stay in that country. But 讓你能進入一個國家、准許你停留該國的文件。 be aware: many places, if you're going through another country... So, for example: I'm going 但請小心,如果你要經過一些地方到另一個國家,例如 to country "C" via country "B". "Via" means by way of or through. So I might need a "transit 我要透過B國家進入C國家。"藉著/透過"via代表順便或透過,所以我需要 visa", means I can go there, switch planes and keep going on my journey. But I'm still "過境簽證"transit visa,代表我可以去那個地方轉機,繼續我的旅程 in another country, I need a transit visa. Excuse me. Also, make sure you're prepared 但我還是在另一個國家,我需要過境簽證。當你到達目的地 to spend money as soon as you get to your destination. 你要做好花錢的心理準備。 If you're going to a different country, that country will be using a different "currency", 如果你去不同國家,那個國家會使用不同的"貨幣"currency,錢的種類。 type of money. In Canada, we have Canadian dollar. America has American dollar. Okay? 在加拿大,我們有加拿大幣,美國有美金,對吧? For things like that. In Europe, you need the euro. So make sure you have some of the 類似的事還有,在歐洲用歐元,所以當你出發前, currency before you go, or purchase it at the airport or at the destination you're going to. 記得換好一些外幣,或在機場、目的地買一點 Some countries, especially hot countries, are not very... You don't have very clean 吃藥或做任何類似的事來預防可能發生的麻煩。 water or there may be lots of diseases or other things you need to worry about; mosquitoes, "疫苗"vaccination有時叫做"接種"inoculation,意思一樣。 malaria, etcetera. You might need to get "vaccination". You might need to get a shot or you might 可以是藥物或注射、打針。 need to get pills or anything like that to protect you from whatever troubles there are. 當你買機票時,旅行社會寄"行程"itinerary給你。 "Vaccinations" are sometimes called "inoculation", same thing. It's a pill or it's a shot, a Itinerary是"行程";你出發的日期,時間,機場 needle. 到達的機場,日期。行程表也是你參加的附帶遊覽(excursions)團體旅行 When you purchase your ticket, the travel agent will probably send you an "itinerary." 的旅行計畫。"遊覽"excursion是出外遊玩。你計畫出去玩,你要去 "Itinerary" is a plan; you're leaving this day, this time, this airport, arriving this 不同的地方,做些不一樣的事。如果你要去非洲, airport, this day, this time. Itinerary is also a plan if you're doing like a package 你可能會去野生動物園,那也是種遊覽。你去某些地方 tour with excursions. "Excursion" means an outing. You have planned outings; you're going 在某些日期做某些事。行程表是旅行計畫 different places, you're going to do different things. If you're going to Africa, you're 你將進行的表定旅行計畫。 probably going to go on safari, that is a type of excursion. You're going to go somewhere 再來,如果你在海外買任何東西,當你回國,你可能要跟"海關"customs and do this, this, and that on this, this, and that day. Okay? So your itinerary is a "申報"declare你買了些什麼,花了多少錢,你帶了什麼東西回家。 plan, a written plan of what you're going to do. 所以你必須申報。準備好申報你購買的每項東西 Then, if you buy anything overseas, when you come home, you might have to "declare" to 因為如果你被抓了,結果可能會不太好。 the "customs" officer what you bought, how much you spent. What are you bringing back 你可能會被海關人員找些麻煩。 home with you? Right? So you have to make a declaration. Be prepared to declare anything 再來,當你完成這些動作,就要打包行李-不要忘記你的盥洗用品、 that you bought because if you get caught, not going to be very good; you might get into 防曬用品。我旅行時總是要帶防曬用品,因為我皮膚白。 a bit of trouble with the customs officer. 你準備好要出發了,對吧? And then, once you do all of these things, pack your bag - don't forget your bathing 不論如何,如果你需要在這些單字上下點功夫,上engvid.com網站。 suit, sunscreen. I need sunscreen every time I travel because I'm kind of pale. And all... 我會在上面放上這些單字的小測驗,你們可以試試看。請再來我們的網站看看,再見。 Then you're ready to go. Right? 我會在上面放上這些單字的小測驗,你們可以試試看。請再來我們的網站看看,再見。 Anyway, if you need to work on these words a little bit more, go to engvid.com. I'll 我會在上面放上這些單字的小測驗,你們可以試試看。請再來我們的網站看看,再見。 be putting up a quiz there for you to work on these words. And come visit us again. Bye. 我會在上面放上這些單字的小測驗,你們可以試試看。請再來我們的網站看看,再見。
A2 初級 中文 行李 旅行 飛機 單字 簽證 國家 計畫旅行囉! (English Travel Vocabulary: Planning a Trip) 48053 2094 ck 發佈於 2014 年 05 月 22 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字