字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (happy music) (快樂的音樂) - Hello everyone and welcome back to English With Lucy. 大家好,歡迎回到English with Lucy I probably look a little bit different today 我今天可能看起來有點不一樣 and that is because I think I live in the hottest flat 那是因為我認為我住在英國最熱的公寓 in England, 00:00:23,992 --> 00:00:25,551 或至少在劍橋。 or at least in Cambridge. 哦,我的天啊。 Oh my God. 對,所以現在外面大概有27,28度 Right, so it's around 27, 28 degrees outside 對於英國來說 真的 真的很熱 which for England is really, really hot 但在這公寓內 就像一個該死的熱帶雨林 but inside my flat, it's like a damn rainforest. 非常潮濕 悶熱 這是一個很好的詞 It's humid, muggy, that's a really good word, Muggy(悶熱)就是有很沉重,熱,黏黏的空氣 濕度 muggy is when it's like heavy, hot, sticky air, humidity 我有整整一面牆都是窗戶 and I have a whole wall of windows, 這很棒 which is great, 因為它可以讓光線進來 because it lets in loads of light 但它導致我公寓裡的溫室效應 but it also contributes to a greenhouse effect in my flat 所以我現在就像是在沸騰一樣超熱 and so I'm absolutely boiling. 所以,我不能讓自己綁好我的頭髮 So I couldn't bring myself to do my hair 因為它就是會 'cause it would just, 我綁好之後 它會再次散開 I'd put it in and then it would fall out again 今天也沒有領毛衣 and also no turtlenecks today. 反之 我拿到我的可口可樂T恤衫 We've got my Coca Cola tee shirt instead 這不是贊助 which not sponsored, 真希望它是贊助的 wish it was sponsored, 想像一下可口可樂贊助你 太讚了 imagine having Coca Cola sponsor you, awesome. 所以今天,這是一個非 非常 非常重要的影片 So today, it's a really, really, really important video. 今天,我要給你一些建議 Today, I'm going to give you some advice 關於如何停止翻譯成你的母語 on how to stop translating into your native language 因為很多人都有這樣的問題 because a lot of people have this problem. 我問過很多英語學習者 I've asked lots of English learners 和其他語言的學習者 and learners of other languages 他們說 and they say, “我能說得更流暢 "I would be able to speak so much more fluently “如果我能停止翻譯。” "if I could stop translating." 現在,大多數人可能已經知道這一點 Now, most of you probably already know this. 如果你是新來到這個頻道 If you're new to this channel, 那麼我可以講一口流利的西班牙語 then I speak fluent Spanish 而且我正積極地在學義大利語 and I'm actively learning Italian 我記得在一開始 and I remember at the beginning 我的西班牙語學習之旅 of my Spanish learning journey 我真的覺得很難不去翻譯 I really found it hard not to translate. 在英語和西班牙語之間轉換 And translating between English and Spanish 真的 真的很困難 很惱人 can be really, really difficult and annoying 因為字詞的順序很不同 because the word order is so different. 現在我正在積極地學習義大利語 I'm now learning Italian actively 而我計畫要這樣做 and I'm managing to do so 不去翻譯成西班牙語或英語 without translating into Spanish or English. 所以,以我自己身為一個語言學習者的經驗 So speaking from my own experience as a language learner 還有身為一個英語老師的經驗 and speaking from my experience 我將給你一些建議 as an English language teacher 並希望能幫助你克服 這個巨大的 巨大的障礙 I'm going to give you some advice 這個障礙阻止了你進步 and hopefully help you get over this massive, massive hurdle 首先,在我們開始之前, that's preventing you from improving. 我想感謝今天的贊助商 Firstly, before we get started, Lingoda。 I'd just like to thank the sponsor of today's video, 我有一段時間在這家公司工作 Lingoda. 我非常 非常相信 他們所提供的東西 This is a company I've been working with for awhile. 他們是一個在線語言學院 I really, really believe in what they have on offer. 他們教英語 法語,西班牙和德語 They are an online language academy. 你按月註冊 They teach English, French, Spanish and German 你會得到一個群體跟個人的課程組合 and you sign up on a monthly basis 通過視頻聊天授課 and you get a combination of group and private lessons 他們有非常 非常棒的教材 taught via video chat. 教給你並傳授給你 They have really, really great materials 通過真的被認證的母語教師 taught to you and delivered to you 如果你查看一下價格 by real native qualified teachers 它真的非常 非常合理 and if you look at the prices, 使用Lingoda學習絕對是比 it's actually very, very reasonable. 去一個面對面語言學校 更負擔得起 It's often much more affordable to study with Lingoda 他們給了我一個折扣 可以給你們 than it is to go to an in person language school. 你能拿到50歐元或美元 They've given me a discount for you. 當你訂閱Lingoda的第一個月 You can get 50 euros or dollars 通過點擊在描述欄的連結 off your first month subscription at Lingoda 並使用折扣代碼ENGLUCY6,ENGLUCY6. by clicking on the link in the description box 所有的訊息都在下面 and using the discount code ENGLUCY6, ENGLUCY6. 好的,讓我們開始影片 All the information is down there. 我的天啊,太熱了吧 Right, right, let's get started with the video. 我敢打賭 你們都在你們的國家 My God, it is so hot. 讓我們來做些有趣的 I bet all of you are in your country, 告訴我你住在哪裡 actually, let's do something fun. 你現在所在的地方溫度是幾度 Tell me where you live 因為我敢打賭你們當中的一些 應該有像是在40度高溫中的 and what temperature it is where you are right now 我知道我在塞維利亞的朋友正受苦於 'cause I bet some of you are in like 40 degree heat. 這種熱度 I know my friends in Seville are really suffering 而我在這裡 27度 快熱死了 with the heat 我非常敏感的 and I'm here with 27 degrees dying. 好了,我一直思考這個問題 I'm very sensitive. 想了很長時間 Okay, so I've been thinking about this question 其實 我曾在我的手機上留下一些筆記 for a long time 只是因為我想為你們排好正確的順序 and I have actually made some notes on my phone 所以,請多多包涵 just because I want to get in the right order for you. 那麼,如何避免去翻譯成母語 So bear with me. 我可以給你的第一個技巧 So, how to avoid translating into a native language. 不適用於每個人 Well, the first tip I can give you 就是不要在學習起初就開始翻譯 and this will not apply to everyone 如果你大約在英語初學者的水平 is don't start in the first place. 有些翻譯是不可避免的 If you're at like a beginner level of English, 你會去翻譯 some translation is inevitable, 我們在學校裡的學習方式是 amarillo(西班牙文),yellow you're going to do it. naranja(西班牙文),orange The way we learn in school is amarillo, yellow, 我們通過翻譯學習 naranja, orange. 然而,回想到當你還是嬰兒的時候 We learn through translation. 你是如何獲得你的第一個語言 However, think back to when you were a baby. 你的母語? How did you acquire your first ever language, 您通過觀察,看,聽 your mother tongue? 嗅覺,味覺,看各種動作 You learnt through observing, seeing, watching, hearing, 你沒有通過翻譯學習 smelling, tasting, watching actions. 因為你沒有任何基礎可以讓你翻譯 You didn't learn through translation 因為你沒有母語 because you had nothing to base your translation on 所以,嬰兒能學習一門語言 because you had no mother tongue. 不用任何其它語言作為參考 So babies are capable of learning a language 然而,我們發現這非常困難 without any other language as reference, 所以,你需要的就是簡化 yet we find it incredibly difficult. 嬰兒從小處著手 So what you need to think is simplification. 然後一年又一年又一年 Babies start small 他們建立起自己的詞彙量 and then over years and years and years, 你也需要把這套用在你身上 they build their vocabulary. 學習單字會更有效率 And you need to apply this to yourself as well. 藉由觀察和擷取東西進來 It's much more effective to learn vocabulary 比起只是在字典裡搜尋 by observing and taking things in 這剛好可以延伸至我的下一個重點 than it is to just look at something in the dictionary. 噢,我的天啊,我超熱的 And that brings me onto my next point. 這剛好可以延伸至我的下一個重點 Oh my God, I'm so hot. 就是抓住你的雙語詞典 And that brings me onto my next point 並把它扔出窗外 which is grab your bilingual dictionary 不要真的這樣做,好嗎 and throw it out of the window. 它可能會砸在別人的頭上 Don't do that, okay, 只要小心地將它放在一邊 it might land on somebody's head. 然後拿起你的單語詞典 Just place it to one side very carefully 這是恰當的字嗎? and then pick up your monolingual dictionary, 然後拿起字典 is that the word for it? 你正在學習的語言的字典 And then pick up the dictionary 在大多數你們的狀況,應該是英語 in the language that you are learning, 然後開始讓語言定義本身 in many of your cases, it will be English 因此,像名詞和動詞 and start letting the language define itself. 它會有點難以理解 So with words like nouns and verbs 但這就是你需要通過觀察學習的地方 it can be a little difficult to understand 當你看著形容詞,副詞 but that's where you need to learn through observation. 和其他類似的東西 When you're looking at adjectives, adverbs 試著先用同一種語言去了解定義 and other things like that, 因為你要做的是 try to understand the definition in that same language first 訓練你自己用你正在學習的語言思考 because what you're going to be doing 00:06:34,121 --> 00:06:36,697 這剛好可以延伸至我的第三重點 is training yourself to think in the language 噢,我的天啊,這是個多麼美麗 that you're learning 精心策劃出來的影片 which brings me on to my third point. 所以我接下來的兩個重點 Oh my God, what a beautifully 是關於思維和與自己對話 well planned out video this is. 用該語言 So my next two points 現在,其實我建議你開始 are about thinking and speaking to yourself 用其他語言對自己大聲說出來 in that language. 我想我有提到 在一個關於溝通的影片 Now, I actually recommend that you start 使你的談話與溝通進步 by speaking out loud to yourself in the other language. 如果你有興趣 I think I mentioned that in a video about conversation, 你可以觀看那部影片在上面那裡 improving your conversation and communication. 然而,用其他語言與自己對話 If you're interested in that 是個非常 非常很關鍵的因素 then you can watch that video just up there. 對於學習去用那語言思考 However, speaking to yourself in that other language 舉西班牙文當例子 我在開車 is a really, really key factor 我會形容某些動作 in learning to think in the language. 我會在車上進行的 So for example with Spanish, I'll be driving 我會像(西班牙文) and I'll describe the movements 總之 那是我會做的 that I'm going to be making with the car. 或者我悠閒地在我的廚房 I'll be like (speaking in foreign language). 烹飪和對自己說 Anyway, that is what I do 我在做什麼 or I'll be puttering around my kitchen 你會開始注意到自己的錯誤 cooking and talking to myself 尤其是當你聽到自己大聲說出來 about what I'm doing. 一旦你對於對自己講得很大聲感到自在 And you will start to notice your own errors, 在私下 用那個語言 especially when you hear yourself speaking out loud. 前進和後開始思考 Once you're comfortable speaking out loud 現在 我覺得說話應該先於思考 to yourself in private in that additional language, 不過這只是我的看法 move on to starting to think. 每個人學習的方式不同 Now, I think speaking should come before thinking 我個人認為這更容易去發現錯誤 but that's just my opinion. 還有變得自在 當你說得大聲 Everybody learns in different ways. 大聲說出來 I personally think it's easier to spot errors 你應該會在私下做 and get comfortable when you're speaking out loud. 但思考 Now the speaking out loud, 我希望你能到處做 you should do in private 在公共汽車上 看到任何經過的事物 but the thinking, 它可以牽涉我做的這個影片 I want you to do it everywhere, 如何去學習和記憶詞彙 on the bus, seeing what goes past. 你可以在這裡觀看 It can relate to the video I made 這是一個有用的方法 on how to learn and remember vocabulary 你觀察你周圍的一切 which you can watch up here. 然後你檢視看看你是否知道 如何用你想學的語言去表達這些事物 It's a useful method 完整的解釋在這個影片 where you observe everything around you 有的人發現這真的非常 非常有用 and you check to see if you know it in your chosen language. 我也覺得很有用 The full explanation is in the video 看看你是否可以應用單語字典 and some people have found that really, really useful. 在那部影片 I know I found it useful. 我建議使用雙語的 See if you can apply using a monolingual dictionary 看看你是否可以用一本英語詞典去做到 to that video. 所以用英文思考 I think I recommend using a bilingual one. 我在說關於描述人 See if you can do it with an English dictionary. 如果你看到有人在走路 Yeah, so by thinking in English 心裡暗想 這個人在走路 and I'm talking about describing people, 他正走在街上 if you see someone walking, 或者只是通過你身邊 think to yourself, that man is walking, 我正從公車下來 he is walking down the street 我打算去商店 or just going through your motions. 在你腦海裡 I am getting off the bus. 你正開始沉浸自己在那個語言裡 I am going to go to the shops. 那美麗的詞語 沉浸 In your head, 沉浸你自己 you're just starting to immerse yourself in the language. 讓我可以帶出第五個重點 Ah, that beautiful word, immerse, 就是沉浸 to immerse yourself, 而這實際上是我最喜歡的字之一 brings me on to point number five 我知道我有很多的最喜歡的字 which is immersion. 但沉浸 沉浸 .... 這字真的很棒 And that's actually one of my favourite words. 這是一個好字 I know I have a lot of favourite words 所以沉浸是你應該要做的 but immersion, immersion, mmm, that's nice, 在整個學習過程中 that's a nice word. 這是你可以在處理多重事物時做的 So immersion is something that you should be doing 這是我最喜歡的事情之一 throughout your learning experience. 所以,當我在做什麼的時候 And it's something you can do whilst multitasking 當不需要100%專注力時 which is one of my favourite things. 像烹飪或清潔 So, when I'm doing something 我總是會放一些背景聲音 that doesn't require 100% concentration 清潔,烹飪,洗滌汽車,園藝等等 like cooking or cleaning, 任何事情 可以讓你去聽別的聲音 I always have something on in the background. 在同時又可以做事情 Cleaning, cooking, washing the car, gardening, whatever, 用那個語言的聲音當作背景音樂 any task that allows you to listen to something else 我知道我說得彷彿是一場革命 at the same time as doing something else, 不過說真的,不要忘了做 have something on in that language in the background. 我知道你會浪費很多時間 I know I'm saying it as if it's revolutionary 而且耽誤了許多學習 but really, don't forget to do it. 通過播放背景音樂 I know you can waste so much time 即使不去認真聽 and miss out on so much learning. 你會逐漸習慣發音和口音 By having it on in the background 並通過傾聽和集中在他們在說的話 and not even listening, 你會讓自己熟悉 you will be getting used to pronunciation and accents. 某些語法 字詞 And by listening and concentrating on what they're saying, 不同的詞彙 you will be familiarising yourself 而且,你會發現你所缺乏的地方 with certain grammar lexi, 所以,如果你在聽一個廣播節目是有關 different vocabulary, 我總是說攝影 but also, you will notice where you are lacking. 我能說什麼? So, if you listen to a radio programme about, 例如,你在聽一個廣播節目是有關政治的 I always say photography, 我最後一個重點是持續每一天 what can I say? 專注於頻繁和持續 So if you listen to a radio programme about politics, 我總是告訴我的學生 for example. 每天20分鐘的高度專注 My last point is make it daily. 即使不學習 Focus on frequency and consistency. 只是獲取語言 I always say to my students 獲取語言 that 20 minutes a day of high quality, 我有時候自己也很驚訝 not even studying, 我口中會說出來這些字 just language acquisition, 每天20分鐘的高度專注英文時間 language acquisition, 00:11:14,212 --> 00:11:17,234 這聽起來比較像是Lucy會說的東西了 I sometimes surprise myself 是非常 非常 非常有價值的 with the words that come out of my mouth, 比起只在一天內花140分鐘 20 minutes a day of high quality English time, 因此,讓沉浸融入每一天 there we are, 思考跟與自己對話 that sounds more like something Lucy would say, 這是你可以在每天做的事 is much, much, much more valuable 讓它成為你行程的一部分 than 140 minutes all in one day. 讓它變得自然而然 So make the general immersion 我現在有時候會花一個小時用西班牙語思考 and the thinking and the speaking to yourself 在我腦中大聲地用西班牙語思考 something that you do throughout your day. 然後我意識到 Make it part of your routine. “我的天啊,我一直都在講西班牙文“ Make it become automatic to you. 而這是因為我常常做 所以它變得很自然 I sometimes now go for an hour thinking in Spanish, 然後 微微調整 you know, thinking out loud in my head in Spanish 和需要自助的一小部分 and then I realise and I go, 你最後要做的 "God, I've just been speaking in Spanish the whole time." 就是找單字的定義 And it's because I do it so often it becomes automatic. 運用你會的語法 Then, the little tweaks 你缺乏的 and the little kind of self help part 或試圖擴大詞彙量 that you're doing at the end 它花的時間很短 應該每日都要去做 which is searching definitions for words, 好的,一如既往 working on the grammar that you've identified 我想知道你們的意見 that you're lacking in 你們都很聰明絕頂 or attempting to expand your vocabulary, 我喜歡聽你們的建議 that should be short and it should be daily. 我也會把它們應用到我的日常生活 Right guys, as always, 所以我很想知道可以幫助你的東西 I want to know your opinions. 停止翻譯成你的母語 You guys are a bunch of extremely intelligent minds 我敢肯定 你們有很多想分享 and I love hearing your recommendations 在我的其他影片裡,我曾問你 and I apply them to my daily life as well. 你可以說多少種語言 So I'd love to know something that helps you 有些人甚至會講七種語言 stop translating into your native language. 真是令人難以置信 I'm sure you've got lots to share. 真的很棒 很令人印象深刻 In my other video where I asked you 很榮幸有一群像你們一樣的學生 how many languages you speak, 請分享你們的建議 some of you speak like seven languages 跟經驗 在下面留言 which is unbelievable, 而且,歡迎建設性的批評 really awesome, really impressive, 所以,如果你不同意我說的一些地方 honoured to have a group of students like you guys. 說出來,用好的方式去說出來 But yeah, so please share your recommendations 因為我希望大家都可以尊重這個空間 and your experience in the comments below 我不是英語的女神 and also, constructive criticism is completely welcome. 我說的不一定都是對的 So if you don't agree with something I say, 但我真的希望我可以幫助到你們 say it, just say it in a nice way 這就是今天的影片 because I like everyone to be respectful here. 不要忘記去查看Lingoda But I'm not the goddess of English. 看看它是否適合你 What I say doesn't go. 連結在描述欄 But I really do hope that I help you. 還有我的代碼ENGLUCY6 That's it for the video today. 不要忘了聯絡我 Don't forget to check out Lingoda 用我的社交媒體 and see if it's for you. 我有Facebook Instagram Twitter The link is in the description box 很快地 下一堂課再見 with my code ENGLUCY6 (歡快的音樂) and don't forget to connect with me on al of my social media. I've got my Facebook, my Instagram and my Twitter. I will see you soon for another lesson. (upbeat music)
A2 初級 中文 英國腔 語言 學習 英語 翻譯 西班牙語 思考 6種方法停止在腦海中翻譯,用另一種語言思考!#海綿 (6 ways to STOP translating in your head & THINK in another language! | #spon) 1802 239 Victor Xiao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字