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  • In August 2016, a North Korean diplomat defected to South Korea, reportedly out of disgust for his country’s government and leader Kim Jong-Un.

    2016 年 8 月,一位北韓外交官叛逃到南韓,據說是因為他對政府和領導人金正恩感到厭惡。

  • It's extremely rare for North Korean citizens, much less high ranking officials, to flee the country, as harsh punishments are imposed on those who are caught trying, as well as their families back home.


  • Nevertheless, it does happen.


  • So how does someone defect from North Korea, and what happens to those who do?


  • Well, a “defectoris someone who flees to an enemy country, which for North Korea, is basically anywhere outside its borders.


  • Although leaving North Korea without permission is illegal and the country maintains rigid border controls, hundreds of thousands of North Koreans have successfully defected since the mid 20th century.

    雖然在未獲得政府允許下出國是不合法的,北韓在邊界也有戒備森嚴的出入境檢查,但在 20 世紀後,仍有數十萬北韓人成功脫北。

  • Most escape through the country’s shared border with China.


  • Under Chinese law, North Korean defectors are considered illegal economic migrants, and must be returned to their home country, regardless of whatever punishments await them.


  • So, many continue onto a third country, but some stay and hide in China.


  • An estimated 200,000 North Koreans are believed to be secretly living in China today.

    據估計,現今大約有 20 萬名北韓人偷偷地居住在中國。

  • Alternatively, many defectors seek asylum in South Korea.


  • According to government estimates, roughly 29,000 North Koreans have resettled in the South since the end of the Korean War in 1953.

    根據政府的估計,從 1953 年的韓戰至今,大約有 2 萬 9 千名北韓人在南韓安頓下來。

  • For decades, South Korea was very accommodating of these asylum seekers.


  • In the early 1960s, the country provided an allowance, stable employment and housing for defectors.

    在 1960 年代前期,南韓政府提供脫北者津貼、穩定工作,以及居所。

  • But through a series of reforms in the 1990s, these privileges were curtailed, and in 2004 the South Korean government reduced financial aid for asylum seekers by nearly two-thirds.

    但經過 1990 年代一系列的改革後,這些特權都被削減了,而在 2004 年,南韓政府對尋求庇護的脫北者的經濟援助減少了近 3 分之 2。

  • North Korea has accused the South of explicitly encouraging their citizens to defect.


  • However, South Korea has denied such claims.


  • Perhaps surprisingly, roughly 80% of North Korean defectors are women.

    或許令人驚訝的是,大約有 80% 的脫北者都是女性。

  • A 2013 study found that women tend to suffer the most from poverty and economic hardship, one of the driving forces of emigration.

    2013 年的一項研究指出,北韓女性往往是貧窮和經濟困難的最大受害者,這是迫使他們移民的推力之一。

  • Male defectors, on the other hand, cited political or ideological reasons for their defection.


  • Given all the reasons to flee North Korea, and all the risks defectors take to escape, it may come as a surprise that some end up voluntarily moving back.


  • Thesedouble defectorsare known to return for a range of reasons.


  • Most commonly, feelings of marginalization and a lack of opportunity in their new country.


  • But returning is risky.


  • North Korea is known to punish escapees with years of hard labor in prison camps or execution.


  • However, in 2013, Kim Jong-Un announced that defectors will be welcomed back into the country, and in some cases even offered cash and an opportunity to share their experience on state-run TV.

    然而,在 2013 年,金正恩宣布北韓歡迎脫北者回國,甚至對一些人提供金錢援助,並邀請他們上國家電視台分享經驗。

  • Ironically, many defectors in South Korea are already semi-celebrities, as they regularly appear on talk shows and reality TV.


  • In the end, a defector’s fate largely depends on their destination.


  • Countries that are culturally western, like the United States, Canada, and much of Europe, tend to be more accommodating than others.


  • But wherever North Korean defectors land, it’s probably better than where they came from.


  • Many North Koreans defect because of massive food shortages, all while the country's leadership and elite live lavish lifestyles.


  • Who's really to blame for the country's food shortages? Find out in this video.


  • By 2013, the country's food aid had dropped almost 20-fold.

    到了 2013 年,這個國家的食物供給減少了 20 倍。

  • The United Nations reported in 2015 that 70% of North Koreans are food insecure.

    聯合國 2015 年的報告指出,70% 的北韓人民缺乏糧食保障。

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    謝謝收看 SeekrDaily。

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In August 2016, a North Korean diplomat defected to South Korea, reportedly out of disgust for his country’s government and leader Kim Jong-Un.

2016 年 8 月,一位北韓外交官叛逃到南韓,據說是因為他對政府和領導人金正恩感到厭惡。

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