字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 What, what What, what What, Shenme What, 什麼 Oh my gosh, stop right here! 我的天呀,快點停下! There's so many Camrys! 有那麼多凱美瑞! Alright, let's go! 好吧,我們走吧! Garvey, Valley 加維, 山谷 Main, Huntington 明, 亨廷頓 Garvey, Valley, Main 加維, 山谷, 明 Huntington! 亨廷頓! I’m gonna get noodles 我要一碗麵條 Only got $10 in my pocket 只有十塊錢在我口袋 I'm on Garvey, yeah, I'm kinda starving 我,我在加維。對,我有點挨餓 This is really awesome 這是真正爽呀 Walk up on Garvey like "Whoa, is this Chinatown?" 走到加維像“哇,這是中國城嗎?” The new Chinatown, not the old Chinatown 是新的中國城,不是舊的中國城 Immigrant drivers, be careful when you ride around 新移民的司機, 小心當你上車 Crooked in the lane, you can catch em' swerving out of bounds 開在車道歪,突然轉向失控界限 You can't find this mix anywhere on the planet 你去任何地方,根本找不到這樣的混合 Canto's the language, a little Viet and Spanish 广东话,越南语,西班牙语 But almost everyone speaks Mandarin 但大多數人都說普通話 Cuz' all the Mainland Chinese are moving in 因為那麼多大陸人已經搬過來 DONG BEI! 如果你喜歡好的折扣記住這條大道 If you like a good deal, then you gotta know this avenue 你去JJ(港式西餐)但你不喜歡他們的食物 Go to JJ's and you don't even like the food 小家庭餐廳, 老相情飯館 Mom and pop shops like holes in the wall 姥姥带孫子, 叫她婆婆 Grannies with grand kids, call them poh pohs 从潮州粿條到埃尔蒙特的越南河粉 From chiu chow noodles to the pho in El Monte 你就知道服務員長相你的阿姨 You know the waitress will remind you of ya auntie! 街上擠滿讓你看到集体文化 The streets packed so you know it's a community 努力工作的移民,只是在寻找机会 Hard working people just looking for opportunity 站在加菲街道,看着人们通过 Posted up on Garfield, watching people pass 有人说這裡贫民窟,但我覺得人阶级好! They say it's kinda ghetto, I just call it working class! 我要一些好吃的東西 I'm gonna get some nomz 只有十塊錢在我口袋 Only got $10 in my pocket 我,我在上谷,好多的飯館 I'm on Valley, so many restaurants 這是真正爽呀 This is really awesome 我要一些好吃的東西 I'm gonna get some nomz 只有十塊錢在我口袋 Only got $10 in my pocket 我,我在上谷,好多的飯館 I'm on Valley, so many restaurants 這是真正爽呀 This is really awesome 你知不知道這裡有300亞洲餐廳? What you know about 300 Asian restaurants? 那麼多餐廳, 你挑不到最好的 So many different types you'd never pick a best one 你可以Yelp的数年, 得到朋友的帮助 You could Yelp for years, get help from peers 但你還會錯過一個好吃的地方 And you'll still miss a tasty spot! *残酷* *TEAR* 许多东方银行是在阿罕布拉市的上谷街 Valley in Alhambra is full of banks from the far east 这么多银行,你可以把它称为亚洲华尔街 So many banks you could call it 'Asian Wallstreet' 呀啊啊啊,我不要一個山谷的女孩 So many banks you could call it 'Asian Wallstreet' 我只需要一個熟悉山谷街的女孩 Yeah, I don't need a girl from The Valley 兩餐加甜點讓你感覺像個胖子 I just need a girl who knows her way around Valley (Blvd)! 加州最有名的亞裔飲食街 2 meals + dessert = got you feelin like a fatty! 新大街到德爾馬,那就是小大陸 The most famous Asian food street out in Cali! 開車過希爾頓廣場,你最好有耐心 New Ave to Del Mar that's Little Mainland 媽的,他們說亞洲人很聰明! Drive by the Hilton and you better have patience 我們有八萬塊的汽車但我們還不知道怎麼停車 Man, they say Asians are smart.. 我需要一些非亞洲的食物 $80,000 cars and we don't know how to park! 我想我要闖闖明街 I need something non-Asian 如果我想吃餃子,我會繼續駕駛 I think I'm gonna hit up Main! 總有拉斯圖納斯 If I want dumplings, I'll keep driving 現在我們在明街,如此的多晶 There's always Las Tunas..... 大型連鎖店,是有一點好的變化 Now we on Main it's so multi-grain 因為這是美國,有時候我需要一個漢堡 With major chains, it's kinda nice for a change 還有時候我要用英語跟我服務員交談 Cuz' this is America, sometimes I need a burger Hi! and sometimes I want to speak English to my server 阿罕布拉版本的老鎮帕薩迪納! Hi! 但不那麼乾淨,也便宜一點 Alhambra's version of Old Town Pasadena 現在到拉斯圖納斯,又回到亞裔地區 Except not as clean and a little bit cheaper 但這些亞洲人說英語,還有更多白種人 Now it's Las Tunas, it's back to being Asian 新的建築,拉斯圖納斯開始忙起來 But the Asians speak English and there's more Caucasians 如果你要結婚? 廟城市中心! New developments, Las Tunas getting busy 廟城...有好人" And if you getting married, downtown Temple City! "我們繼續往北走,好嗎?" "好" Yeah, Temple City, nice people huh? 現在我們通過亨廷頓, 這些道路寬 Yeah, but lets keep heading north. 老錢,新錢的鴻溝 Now we roll through Huntington, road so wide 亞洲東西一直出現,總有一天 Old money, new money. That's the divide 這條街上會看起來像聖馬力諾高中! Asian stuff poppin up, it's a matter of time 對大多人來說這只是一個街道到商場 Before this street ends up looking like San Marino High! 但是,在某種程度上,它其實是最厲害的街道 For most, it's just the street to the mall 我北上的亨廷頓 But in a way, it's the most powerful street of them all! 有錢人住的地方 I'm going north of Huntington 花哨的街道真大 Where the rich people live 這就是626 Fancy street so big 這些街道流過626 This is the 626 每個城市都有它的特殊點 These streets flow through the 626 這些街道從東邊流到西 Every city has it's own identity 我喜歡每一個街道的特殊點 These streets flow from east to west 加維, 山谷, 明, 亨廷頓 I like every street in it's own waaaaaaay 加維, 山谷, 明, 亨廷頓 Garvey, Valley, Main, Huntington. Garvey, Valley, Main, Huntington.
B1 中級 中文 亨廷頓 山谷 亞洲 口袋 好吃 亞裔 【Fung Bros】洛城626區之歌 Garvey, Valley, Main, Huntington (MUSIC VIDEO) - Fung Brothers ft. Priscilla Liang 1413 73 VoiceTube 發佈於 2013 年 05 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字