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Have you ever heard of a job title and automatically wondered if it's a real thing?
So have we!
So, we decided to put together a list of the strangest jobs out there, with information on what the job entails and how much they could potentially make.
If you want to be blown away, keep watching!
Number 1, pet psychologist, earnings: $69,000 per year.
第一、寵物治療師,收入:每年 69,000 美元。
Pet psychologists aren't as similar to therapists for humans, so, don't imagine a pet sat on the couch while being psychoanalyzed.
No matter how amusing that may be, a pet psychologist is actually tasked with monitoring a pet's behavior and identifying its triggers.
They then advice pet owners how to correct problematic and destructive behaviors.
Number 2, professional queuer, salary can vary.
If you don't mind camping out or standing in the rain for hours on end, then you could become a professional queuer.
You'll be hired to stand in line and wait for a product release or a store to open for someone else.
Professional queuers can charge what they like⏤someone once paid a queuer $12,000 to stand in line for an iPhone launch!
專業排隊員可以隨心所欲地收費,曾經有人付給排隊員 12,000 美元,只為了請他在 iPhone 發表會排隊!
Number 3, cat catcher, earnings: $80 per cat.
第三、抓貓員,收入:每隻貓 80 美元。
If you're a cat owner, then you will know the struggle of trying to get a cat into a pet carrier, which is where these professionals come in.
A cat catcher is hired to literally get your cat into a carrier, leaving you scratch-free.
Number 4, bed warmer, earnings: $89 per night.
第四、暖床人,收入:每晚 89 美元。
Another bizarre role includes warming up people's sheets before they get into bed at night to ensure their bed is nice and toasty.
Hotels have even caught onto this trend, with Holiday Inn offering a free 5-minute bed-warming session to guests.
甚至有飯店掌握了這個趨勢,像是假日酒店就為客人提供了免費 5 分鐘暖床服務。
Number 5, live mannequin, earnings: $100 an hour.
第五、活人模特兒,收入:每小時 100 美元。
Were you good at playing musical statues as a kid?
If yes, then you could excel as a live mannequin.
People are hired to stand as still as possible in shop windows to show off the latest fashion trends.
Number 6, fake wedding guest, earnings: $200 per event.
第六、婚禮假賓客,收入:每場活動 200 美元。
Yes, this is actually a thing!
People hire phonies to step in as wedding guests when their numbers are looking low.
You'll be hired to step in and pretend like you know the happy couple while participating in the day's events.
Number 7, professional bridesmaid, earnings: $1,500.
第七、專業伴娘,收入:1,500 美元。
Some people also step in as a bridesmaid in times of need.
These professionals are hired to keep other bridesmaids in check and ensure that everything runs smoothly.
They may also take on the role of an event planner for an additional fee.
Number 8, dog food tester, earnings: $27,500.
第八、狗食測試員,收入:27,500 美元。
People are hired to test dog food to make sure they are tasty, nutritious, and safe for their furry friends.
If you love your pet that much and don't mind eating jellied meat, then you could earn up to $30,000 a year.
如果你如此愛你的寵物且不介意吃果凍肉,那麼你每年可以賺入高達到 30,000 美元。
Number 9, crisp inspector, earnings: $50,000 per year.
第九、洋芋片檢查員,收入:每年 50,000 美元。
Can you think of a more perfect job?
Eating crisps for a living is actually a thing!
You can spend your days analyzing the size, shape, and taste of crisps to ensure that they are of the finest quality.
Number 10, water slide tester, earnings: $27,500 per year.
第十、滑水道測試員,收入:每年 27,500 美元。
Another fun job includes testing water slides.
You'll literally be tasked with rating slides based on their speed, adrenaline levels, and even how much they splash.
The best part?
You'll get paid to do it!
As you can see, there are plenty of wacky jobs that might be worth pursuing.
If you're looking for more ideas, head over to careeraddict.com.
如果你正在找更多想法,前往 careeraddict.com。
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