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  • Top 10 Richest Cities With Serious Poverty Problems

  • 10. Stockholm, Sweden

  • Sweden’s capital and most populous city, Stockholm, is renowned for its culture and

  • it is also in the top 10 regions in Europe by GDP per capita. While many people think

  • Sweden is a socialist country, it isn’t, but it does have socialist leanings. It is

  • also known for its stable economy, for example, during the European debt crisis, Sweden was

  • returning to a surplus, when other European countries were going into more debt.

  • Yet, even Stockholm with its strong social programs struggles with poverty. In fact,

  • between 2001 and 2011, the poverty rate rose from about 8-9 percent to 15 percent. In Sweden,

  • more than one in 10 children, approximately 220,000, live in poverty. Another major problem

  • that Stockholm is facing is that they also have had an influx of Romanian immigrants

  • who have made their way to Sweden who live in slums and panhandle. Unfortunately, this

  • is becoming an increasingly large problem in Stockholm and they are unsure of a way

  • to fix it.

  • 9. London, England

  • London, England has a long, rich history and is considered a cultural capital of the world.

  • It has the highest concentration of secondary schools in Europe, including some of the world’s

  • most renowned universities like Oxford and the London School of Economics. It has a number

  • of notable landmarks, museums and art galleries. So while it is a very cultured city, it has

  • a serious problem; 28 percent of its population is living in poverty.

  • There are a number of factors that contribute to London’s high poverty rates, including

  • the cost of apartment rentals. In outer London, the average cost to rent an apartment is $1,400

  • per month, while inner London it is about $1,800. There are also about a million people

  • between the ages of 16 and 24 who are unemployed. It has been suggested that increasing the

  • minimum wage and creating affordable housing could help lower poverty rates.

  • 8. Seoul, South Korea

  • Founded over 2,000 years ago, Seoul currently has the fourth highest GDP out of all metropolises

  • in the world. It is a technologically savvy city that is home to some of the biggest electronics

  • and technological companies in the world. They have invested millions in infrastructure,

  • including the world’s biggest subway system that is equipped with Wi-Fi.

  • Problems with poverty first became prevalent in 1988 when Seoul hosted the Olympics and

  • city officials forced the homeless to shantytowns on the outskirts of the city. One of the shantytowns,

  • Guryong, is a short distance from Gangnam, which is Seoul’s wealthiest neighborhood.

  • A lot of the people who live in the shantytowns are seniors in their 70s and 80s, because

  • Seoul has a major problem with supporting their senior citizens. The seniors, who helped

  • Seoul rise to the economic powerhouse that it is today, often live in poverty. In fact,

  • over half the seniors in Seoul are poor, which is the highest in the industrial world. The

  • reason is because there was not much of a social security system put in place in South

  • Korea because it was customary for children to look after their parents. However, in the

  • past 15 years, that notion has changed drastically. 15 years ago, 90 percent of children thought

  • they should look after their parents, and in 2014 that number had shrunk to just 37

  • percent, leaving many millions of seniors without any social support.

  • 7. Silicon Valley, United States of America

  • Silicon Valley is an area in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area and encompasses

  • Santa Clara Valley and parts of San Jose. Silicon Valley is the world’s biggest tech

  • hub and home to some of the world’s biggest companies including Apple, Cisco, Facebook

  • and Google. It also accounts for one-third of all venture capital in the United States.

  • Needless to say, Silicon Valley is booming with business.

  • Yet, they also have an incredible problem with poverty. The poverty stems from the problem

  • that the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, which has made the cost

  • of housing skyrocket. In 2015, the median rental list price is just under $2,000 a month

  • and the median house price is $550,000. But housing isn’t the only factor; transportation,

  • food and other necessities are also more expensive in Silicon Valley. For a family of four to

  • cover all their expenses for a year, it is about $90,000. As a result, people are forced

  • to live in garages and in tent cities.

  • 6. Seattle, United States of America

  • According to one study, Seattle, Washington, is the best city for employment opportunities

  • in the United States in 2015. It is also considered one of the best American cities for its rich

  • culture. It’s a wealthy city; it has the sixth highest income median in America. However,

  • one of the major problems with Seattle is that it has a growing problem with wealth

  • inequality. Only people in the top five percent are having their salaries increased, while

  • the bottom 40 percent hasn’t had much of an increase in wages in some time, which is

  • a problem for the bottom 40 percent because the cost of living continues to increase.

  • Due to the wealth gap, Seattle struggles with poverty and homelessness. With the median

  • rental apartment price of $1,284, people struggle to find an adequate residence. On a night

  • in January 2014, the city counted 2,300 people sleeping in public places or in vehicles.

  • That doesn’t include the people in the 1,700 beds in shelters. With the amount of homelessness

  • in the city, three major tent cities have popped up and the mayor is looking at ways

  • to make them legal so that the city can regulate them.

  • 5. Toronto, Canada

  • Toronto is the most populated city in Canada and it is famous around the world for its

  • multiculturalism. It is the commercial capital of Canada and according to the Economist’s

  • Intelligence Unit and the Mercer Quality of Living Survey, it is one of the best cities

  • in the world to live in.

  • Like most big cities around the world, Toronto has a horrible problem with a high cost of

  • living. In fact, in the same report issued by the Economist Intelligence Unit that said

  • it was the best city to live in, it also placed Toronto in 70th out of 113 for cost of living.

  • Due to that high cost, in 2014, Toronto was tied for highest child poverty rates in Canada,

  • with 29 percent of children, which is about 149,000 children, live in low-income families.

  • Out of the 140 neighbors in Toronto, 40 percent of them have child poverty rates of 30 percent

  • or higher.

  • 4. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Dubai is the shining beacon of wealth in the Middle East. It is an oil rich country, known

  • for pouring money into elaborate projects like the world’s tallest building, Burj

  • Khalifa, which cost $1.5 billion. There are also man-made islands called the Palm Islands,

  • which cost at least $25 billion (only one of the three is finished). It is a country

  • famous for its luxuries, expensive dining and one of its biggest attractions is shopping

  • malls.

  • While they poured a ton of money into the construction of the city, Dubai has a major

  • problem with poverty. This became more prevalent after the financial crash of 2008. The problem

  • is 99 percent of people who live in Dubai weren’t born there and don’t have citizenship,

  • so they are exploited. In fact, all those major construction projects listed above were

  • built using mostly slave labor of immigrants from India and Pakistan.

  • 3. Vancouver, Canada

  • The picturesque coastal city of Vancouver is often cited as the best city to live in

  • within Canada, North America and even the world. It is an incredibly green city with

  • a vibrant economy. It is often calledHollywood Northbecause of how many movies are shot

  • there due to its variety of scenery available; it has mountains, forests, urban areas and

  • it is on an ocean.

  • It also is suffering from a high cost of living crisis. It is the most expensive city in Canada

  • with the median cost of a house being over $700,000. In fact, it is just behind Hong

  • Kong in terms of least affordable housing in the world. Due to the high cost of living,

  • one in 10 people live in poverty, which is about 72,000 people.

  • Vancouver also has one of the poorest neighborhoods in Canada, which is the Downtown Eastside.

  • The neighborhood is the cheapest in the city and is rife with drug dealers and prostitutes

  • since the 1950s. Currently, there are approximately 18,500 people that live in the two-kilometer

  • (0.6 miles) stretch of downtown. It is estimated that about $1 million per day is being pumped

  • into social programs for the Downtown Eastside, but it has not made much of a difference.

  • 2. Tokyo, Japan

  • Japan’s capital city, Tokyo, has the highest GDP in the world. It has 51 Fortune Global

  • 500 companies, which is the most of any city in the world. At the end of 2012, it also

  • had 461,000 millionaires, meaning that Tokyo has more millionaires than any other city.

  • Despite being the wealthiest city in the world, Tokyo has a seemingly unseen poverty problem

  • and poverty numbers are hard to find. There is no begging and the homeless generally try

  • to stay hidden, but Tokyo has its share of poverty. It is estimated that out of the 34

  • countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Japan has the

  • sixth worst relative poverty rate. One group that is definitely having problems is single

  • parent families. The relative poverty rate for them is over 50 percent. It is the only

  • country in the world where being employed doesn’t reduce the overall poverty rate

  • for single parents. Meaning that more than half of the single parents in Tokyo cannot

  • afford their lifestyle.

  • 1. New York City, United States

  • New York City is one of the most famous cities in the world. It is a leader in arts and culture.

  • It is one of the most visited cities and has numerous attractions like the Broadway District,

  • Times Square, The Statue of Liberty and Central Park, just to name a few. It is the home to

  • Wall Street and NYC has the second highest GDP for a metropolitan area. It is also the

  • city with the second most millionaires, being home to about 389,000 of them.

  • New York City is also very well known for having an incredible amount of poverty, mainly

  • owing to the fact that it has a long history of having some of the highest rent prices

  • in the world. Unfortunately for New Yorkers, between 2000 and 2012, the rental median rose

  • by 75 percent, which means that as of 2013, the average rate to rent an apartment was

  • $3,017. The result is that 45.6 percent of people who live in New York live near or below

  • the poverty line. Even worse, during the winter of 2015, which was the coldest winter on record

  • for NYC, homelessness hit an all time high of 67,000 people. What’s interesting is

  • that 2010, the federal government put more money and resources into trying to help the

  • homeless, but in 2010, there were just over 53,000 homeless people in New York City. So

  • even with the government trying to combat homelessness, the rates in New York City still

  • rose.

Top 10 Richest Cities With Serious Poverty Problems


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