字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 It's 8 a.m. on a cold morning in the suburbs of Helsinki and these primary school children are getting ready for class. 現在是早上 8 點,在赫爾辛基郊區一個寒冷的早晨,這些國小學童正要準備上課。 This morning's lesson—ancient history. 這天上午的課是古代歷史。 Well, they are reading with pairs, some texts about Egypt and ancient life. 他們正在兩兩一組,閱讀一些關於古埃及生活的文章。 They are reading and then I'm going to ask something, what did they find out from the book. 他們正在閱讀,接著我會問他們一些問題,看他們從書中讀到了什麼。 I think we all are ready now. 我想大家都好了。 This is a school system that for years has been among the world's best. 多年來這個教育系統一直是全世界最優秀的。 And then what about this gold one? 接下來,這個金色的呢? And yet these kids will spend half as much time in a classroom as Australian children. 不過這些孩子在教室裡待的時間只有澳洲小孩的一半時間。 When you go to the first grade, when you are seven years old, the amount of hours is 20 hours a week. 當你上小學一年級、當你七歲的時候,上課的時數是一週 20 小時。 It's the minimum and then it gets more hours the older you get. 這是最低時數,接著等你年紀越大,時數就會越多。 But it's still less than in many countries in Europe or in the world. 但這仍然比歐洲或世界上的許多國家少。 In Finland, it's individual teachers who decide how the curriculum is taught, including how much technology should feature in their classrooms. 在芬蘭,課程如何教授是老師們個別決定的,這包括在教室內該使用到多少科技。 We're working on a pyramid project, for example. 例如,我們正在做一個金字塔的報告。 We're now writing our names on paper with hieroglyphics and then we'll be doing some tasks from classroom. 我們現在正在紙上用象形文字寫自己的名字,然後我們會在教室內進行一些任務。 Eleven-year-old, Mintu Latimarki, asks to leave class to work at the school's own student-run cafe. 十一歲的 Mintu Latimarki 請求離開教室,前往由學生經營的學校咖啡廳工作。 You can go. 你可以去。 Yeah, that's okay. 是的,沒關係。 Hello. 哈囉。 One cake for the cameraman, one cake for me, and two coffees. 一塊蛋糕給攝影師,一塊蛋糕給我,還有兩杯咖啡。 How much is it? 這樣多少錢? Two euros and 60 cents. 2.6歐元。 How much change? 找多少錢? Two euros and 40 cents. 2.4歐元。 Is there a tip jar? 有小費罐嗎? Do you have tips? 你們收小費嗎? No. 不收。 No tips? Okay. 不用小費?好吧! In Finland, school lunches, like books and excursions, are free. 在芬蘭,學校午餐跟課本和遠足一樣,是免費的。 The kids select what they want, sit down with their friends and teachers to eat, before they clean up after themselves. 孩子們選擇想吃的食物,坐著和朋友、老師們一起享用,吃完後自己收拾。 The children rug up again to play outside. 孩子們再次穿上暖和的衣服到戶外玩耍。 Some play a raucous version of soccer, some play basketball while others wait for the hockey rink to open. 有些人喧鬧地踢著足球、有些人打籃球,而其他人則等待曲棍球場開放。 There are plenty of options for bad weather days too. 天氣不好時也有許多替代方案。 The facilities in this school are just amazing. 這間學校的設施簡直令人驚歎。 Outside we saw an ice skating rink and in here where the kids can play at lunchtime, there's a ping-pong table, a pool table. 我們可以看到戶外有溜冰場,而午餐時間孩子們可以在室內玩耍,這裡有乒乓球桌和撞球桌。 And in here, for the cold winter days, they've got a room full of bean bags and couches and there's even a PlayStation in the corner. 而這間房間是特別為寒冷的冬天準備的,裡面擺滿了懶骨頭和沙發椅,在角落甚至有一台PS 遊戲機。 It seems like it's such a rich school, you must get more money than other schools? 這是一間非常優質的學校,你們收的學費一定比其他學校高很多吧? No, we don't. 不,我們沒有。 It's the same money for everyone actually. 事實上大家繳的費用都是一樣的。 In Finland, schools are not allowed to raise private funds or to charge fees from parents. 在芬蘭,學校不得進行私人募款或是向家長收取費用。 All schools are equitably funded from taxation. 所有的學校都公平地由稅金資助。 And in our system everything is free for the students actually. 事實上,在我們的系統裡,提供學生的所有東西都是免費的。 We don't collect any money from the parents. 我們不會向家長收取任何費用。 We want our schools to be equal and have equal opportunities to arrange the education. 我們希望所有的學校都是平等的,並享受平等規劃教育的機會。 So, therefore, also the finance system needs to be equal and treat equally all the schools. 因此,財政系統也得公平,以平等地對待所有學校。 Mintu Latimarki's older brother, Levi, is in year seven and this afternoon he's got maths. Mintu Latimarki 的哥哥 Levi 就讀七年級,而今天下午他有數學課。 We have, like the last term, chapter before we have the next exam. 就像上學期一樣,我們在下一次考試前有一章節。 There are regular exams in Finland but the results of these tests are not published and shared. 在芬蘭有定期的考試,不過這些考試的結果不會被公開或是分享。 We have a national test but the big difference is we don't compare schools that this is not a good school, this is a bad school. 我們有國家考試,但最大的區別是,我們不會比較學校說這不是好學校、這是壞學校。 We just use the information that we evaluate ourselves. 我們只使用資訊來評估自己。 But perhaps the single biggest difference in Finnish education is the standard of teaching. 但或許芬蘭教育最大的不同是教學水準。 Levi's maths teacher, Oona Arnez, speaks five languages and has postgraduate qualifications. Levi 的數學老師 Oona Arnez 會說五種語言,並且擁有研究所學歷。 So every one of us, we have to have a master's degree to be teachers. 我們所有人都必須有碩士學位才能當老師。 So like, for example, me, I'm maths and chemistry and physics teacher. 所以,比方說我,我是數學、化學和物理老師。 In Finland, a career as a teacher is highly sought after. 在芬蘭,教師這個職業是非常搶手的。 To enter the studies in university actually it's really hard. 要進入大學學習,實際上是非常困難的。 They take something like 10 percent to study teaching. 他們需要大約百分之 10 的比重來學習教學。 If you really want to be a teacher, it can't be your second or third or I don't know what kind of option. 如果你真的想成為教師,它不能是你第二、第三,或我不知道排第幾的選項。 It has to be your first. 它必須是你的首選。 I believe that they know what is the best for our children. 我相信他們知道什麼是對我們孩子最好的。 I'm not a teacher, I don't have that education. 我不是老師,我沒有受過那種教育。 So we don't interfere with their work. 所以我們不干涉他們的工作。 In Finland, there's little anxiety about finding the right school for your child. 在芬蘭,幾乎不用擔心如何幫你的孩子找到對的學校。 We trust that they have very good school so we don't need to do any research work. 我們相信學校是很好的,所以我們不需要做任何調查。 - I think that is not a question in Finland. - No, no. - 我想這在芬蘭不是個問題。 - 對,對。 Finland is a vastly different country with a tiny homogenous society. 芬蘭是個眾不同的國家,且有著微妙的同種社會。 But its education success must surely offer some lessons for Australia. 但是其教育上的成功,必然為澳洲提供了一些經驗。 I would like to say that try to build the system that you trust the people. 我想說的是,試著建立一個相信人民的系統。 And its investment in teachers seems an obvious place to begin. 而其對教師的栽培似乎是一個非常明顯的起點。 The society respects the teachers and it means also the parents respect the teachers and they don't question the teachers. 這個社會很尊重教師,這表示家長們也尊重教師,他們不會質疑老師。 And that's, in Finland that's a really huge thing. 而這,這在芬蘭是一件非常重要的事。 Hi, I'm Leigh Sales. 嗨,我是 Leigh Sales。 Thanks for watching this story. 感謝收看這則報導。 If you'd like to watch more of 7:30's stories, they are on the left of your screen. 如果你想收看更多 7:30 的報導,它們就在你螢幕的左側。 And, tap on the button below to subscribe and get the latest from ABC News. 然後,按下下面的按鈕來訂閱,並接收來自 ABC News 的最新消息。
A2 初級 中文 澳洲腔 芬蘭 學校 教師 老師 教育 教室 【國際教育】一週只上課 20 小時!芬蘭的教育為何可以獨步全球? (Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30) 30595 1148 Nina 發佈於 2020 年 03 月 02 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字