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  • Isn't it intolerable that there will be an entire class...

  • ...who get 100K when they buy their first home.

  • And in the business district they know a lot of tax tricks...

  • maximise the amount parents can transfer to their children tax-free.

  • If you have a liberal fibre in your body...

  • ...that should make you sick, right? People have to work for their money.

  • For decades, it was a forgotten idea: the basic income.

  • A fixed amount of government money that people can spend freely, unconditionally.

  • Backlight focused on the subject...

  • ...and historian Rutger Bregman wrote a book about it.

  • Things have to change, but we don't know how.

  • We live in the land of plenty. What kind of utopia would we still want to fight for?

  • Four years ago, we spoke at length with Bregman about this revolutionary idea.

  • Worldwide, the idea was embraced again.

  • 'Let's give away free money'.

  • From Finland to India, from Canada to Kenya, experiments have been started.

  • Are we on the eve of a definitive breakthrough of the basic income?

  • Together with Backlight, Bregman selected TV clips...

  • show the current state of this groundbreaking idea.

  • And those 'toothbrush counters', let's get rid of them.

  • This is Backlight. Welcome to the world of the citizen's dividend.

  • our basic income

  • First, I made an episode with VPRO Backlight, in February 2014.

  • If the current trends continue...

  • ...we'll have to ditch the idea that you have to work for money.

  • That sounds as absurd as saying in the 1950s that all women should work.

  • First of all, you should think about a basic income.

  • A very old idea. - Free money?

  • You could call it that, yes.

  • In 2014, I titled my book 'Free Money for Everyone'.

  • In English, it's titled 'Utopia for Realists', a much better title.

  • 'Free Money for Everyone' is stupid, because they'll say:

  • 'You lefties are handing out money again, but who'll pay for it?'

  • 'Yes, the men and women who are doing the real work.'

  • So you sideline yourself.

  • People say: 'The basic income will never happen, it costs a fortune, it's a utopia.'

  • I think it's the other way round. In the long term...

  •'ll cost a fortune to not have a basic income.

  • Because when we look at this type of investment...

  • ...we often only look at the costs.

  • We think of the amount, and that we can't afford it.

  • But a lot of studies show the huge benefits of a basic income:

  • Lower healthcare costs, children perform better at school, better mental health.

  • If you delve into the history of the idea, it's actually very liberal, or even conservative.

  • Because we would get a state that might be larger in terms of redistribution...

  • ...that gives everyone an equal chance at success...

  • ...but that's smaller in terms of patronising.

  • In terms of paternalism. People will be free to choose.

  • That's classic liberalism, almost right-wing.

  • So it's venture capital for the common man.

  • Now only a few people can take risks, but with a basic income, everyone can.

  • A number of experiments, including one conducted in North Carolina...

  • ...among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians...

  • ...have shown that the benefits outweigh the costs.

  • So it's literally free money, an investment that repays itself.

  • Imagine getting paid, simply for being yourself, every six months.

  • Would you enjoy life more?

  • That's exactly what the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians did 20 years ago.

  • Twice a year, all tribe members get a cheque, simply for being Cherokee.

  • Imagine that.

  • The tribe members didn't stop working.

  • Data from the past 20 years even show the opposite.

  • 12,000 dollars for all 15,000 tribe members

  • educational levels mental health

  • crime - stress - addiction

  • Coincidentally, a casino opens...

  • ...and the profits of the casino are distributed...

  • ...among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

  • So all these people are lifted out of poverty...

  • ...and the researchers realise it's a gold mine, a sociologist's dream.

  • A huge number of scientific papers were written about the fascinating results.

  • Which were spectacular: Healthcare costs went down, people invested in their lives...

  • ...and the behaviour of parents and children improved.

  • There were so many hugely positive side effects...

  • ...that the benefits outweighed the costs.

  • For me, it was a real eye-opener...

  • ...that since the 1960s, there have been large-scale trials of this crazy idea.

  • Few people know that in the late 1960s, nearly all experts were convinced...

  • ...that the basic income would soon be implemented in the US.

  • The New York Times published letters...

  • ...signed by a thousand economists who supported it.

  • There were huge experiments in the 1970s, under Nixon.

  • He liked the idea, which is hard to imagine.

  • Nixon thought: 'Oh well, then I'll be the president who writes history.'

  • Not that he had studied it so well, that he was such a visionary.

  • He just thought: 'Let's do it.'

  • And he got pretty far, until the democrats torpedoed his plan...

  • ...because they wanted a higher basic income, how ironic can you get?

  • To Nixon, this was one of the key parts of his entire political programme.

  • It meant that more than ten million Americans...

  • ...the working poor, as they are called, who live in poverty while having a job...

  • ...would have got a guaranteed basic income, a revolutionary plan.

  • I only know Nixon from Watergate, as a scary, power-hungry wiretapper.

  • But he had a socialist idea.

  • So what about the connection between the basic income and socialism?

  • That's a fallacy, because this idea transcends left and right.

  • Nixon is right: The current welfare state often makes people stay at the bottom.

  • It's called the poverty trap.

  • If you're on welfare, but you want to work three or four days a week...

  • lose all your allowances.

  • What does our social security system look like?

  • It's a huge circulation machine full of allowances.

  • Help, there's another one.

  • 80 percent of people receive an allowance, which makes no sense.

  • Plus it makes the system susceptible to fraud.

  • And it requires a lot of inspection by 'toothbrush counters'.

  • So what will be the result if we introduce the basic income?

  • First of all, we can erase all those allowances and circulation machines.

  • Let's do it. Here we go. And those toothbrush counters, let's get rid of them.

  • And what's the result? A very simple system: One allowance, that's it.

  • Social democrats, or left-wing people in general, often don't understand...

  • ...that you shouldn't talk about poverty or unemployment with a patronising tone.

  • Low-wage workers hate that the most: Being addressed as pitiful people...

  • ...who need the state to help them.

  • No, they need venture capital to be able to take risks in life.

  • So they can also contribute. People yearn to make a productive contribution.

  • What's always more powerful to me about the conservative, right-wing arguments...

  • ...for a citizen's dividend....

  • that it's not about the state telling you what you're doing wrong.

  • No, the state gives you the means to fulfil your ambition.

  • Maybe we shouldn't call it a basic income but a dividend.

  • Because it's a fact that we're incredibly rich right now.

  • We have a whole lot of land, buildings, technology, knowledge.

  • And you could make those who have access to it pay interest.

  • Distributed equally, that interest is the dividend, our venture capital.

  • A super liberal idea.

  • Are there any examples of these basic income dividends worldwide?

  • We'll have to go to the US again, to another very conservative state: Alaska.

  • Since the 1970s, they've had the world's most successful basic income system.

  • Which is funded by the oil revenues.

  • They said: 'We don't want the state to get it...'

  • '...because we're not socialists. The state would squander it.'

  • 'We'll give it back to the citizens.' If a politician touches it, he's through.

  • experimenting with free money - 2015 Backlight

  • Fantastic. It's simply framed differently in his head.

  • The basic income is capitalism's crowning glory.

  • Capitalism is about being able to take risks, to try something new.

  • Find a new job, start a company, end a bad marriage.

  • You want freedom, dynamics.

  • And innovation is all about taking risks.

  • Allowing failure after failure for a few brilliant ideas.

  • This would've been such a brilliant plan. Alaska for America.

  • A conservative state...

  • ...has had a programme since the 1970s that's popular across the board...

  • ...and you say: 'Let's make it nationwide.'

  • 'And we won't use tax on labour for it, so we won't bleed average Joe dry...'

  • '...but we'll use tax on capital, like oil revenues or carbon tax.'

  • Genius, but then she doesn't do it. It's enough to drive you crazy.

  • You think: What if she had implemented it?

  • People who can make their own choices are more creative and innovative.

  • And more productive, because people enjoy their work.

  • Plus there are 'soft benefits', which are very important.

  • People can become a caregiver or do other useful things.

  • And having a lot of spare time makes people happy.

  • Everyone understands the 'soft benefits': Care for your mother, grandma or child.

  • But when you treat it on par with paid labour, everyone says: 'We can't do that.'

  • That discussion often fails when people start to make calculations on cigar boxes.

  • They think: 'What if we abolish the dole?' Maybe it adds up, or it doesn't.

  • But essentially it's not about that.

  • The main obstacle for a citizen's dividend isn't economic or technological...

  • ...but ideological. Something has to change up here.

  • In the late 19th century, you had liberal thinkers...

  • John Stuart Mill and Pieter Cort van der Linden.

  • In their writings, they constantly oppose the rentier class...

  • ...those who buy something, sit back while the price goes up and say it's their right.

  • They denounce that. They think people should work and contribute to society.

  • For instance, if you're in the financial sector...

  • maximise debt, by providing loans to as many willing people as possible.

  • You'll receive a lot of interest, which isn't sustainable at all...

  • then it crashes, you say sorry, and the tax payer cleans up the mess.

  • You get all the interest but don't pay for the mess.

  • That's the classical business model of speculating bankers, pure and simple.

  • But then you start using all kinds of complicated terms, like derivative...

  • ...interest rate swap and credit blah blah obligations.

  • So you think it must be useful...

  • ...while in reality it's just the old, Louis XIV, Sun King business model.

  • They can live off their money and knowledge, and say:

  • If you want to live in Amsterdam, you have to pay a sky-high rent.

  • Since the 1980s and 90s, we've seen more and more talent...

  • ...absorbed by Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

  • On Wall Street, you invent complicated financial products to exploit other people.

  • And in Silicon Valley? The best summary comes from someone...

  • ...who worked at Facebook for years. He said:

  • 'The best minds of my generation...'

  • '...are thinking about how to make people click on ads.'

  • So we make people buy shit they don't need to impress people they don't like.

  • Such a huge waste of talent, and we pay for their education ourselves.

  • We have major schools in this country, called business schools or universities.

  • Basically, those are pirate schools, so we pay for our own exploitation.

  • It's preposterous, if you think about it.

  • So it's not a good mechanism, but should we all get in on the scheme...

  • we'll all get a citizen's dividend?

  • We're already in on the scheme, all of us together.

  • If you think about the financial sector, which we all like to criticise...

  • ...what's actually behind that?

  • Our pension funds and banks, which jack up our property values.

  • If you get angry when your return goes down and there's no inflation adjustment...

  • you vote for the pensioners' party...

  • ...maybe that means you can't get angry about the next government bailout.

  • Because you're complicit in it.

  • We're all little rentiers now. Or, at least, many of us are.

  • At least half of the country, I think.

  • Everyone who has built up a nice pension or bought a house at the right time...

  • a major rentier.

  • The thing is: We only really get the crumbs, but the crumbs still taste good.

  • That's what makes it so ingenious, of course.

  • Those crumbs make me complicit? - I think so, yes.

  • Yes, let's face it...

  • ...if you bought a house five years ago, let's say in Amsterdam or Utrecht...

  • ...and you sell it now, you could make a 100K profit. Or 200K even.

  • I've read about people who sold their apartment in Amsterdam...

  • ...and bought a huge farm in the countryside, where they live like a king.

  • Did they work for that? Of course not. Is it fair? Of course it's not.

  • The state should skim it off. But it must feel good if it happens to you.

  • Mark Rutte once said that inheritance tax is the most unjust tax there is.

  • On his office wall, there's a portrait of Pieter Cort van der Linden...

  • ...the first liberal prime minister.

  • But Cort van der Linden and pals wanted to raise the inheritance tax to 100 percent.

  • Not a euro from your parents. Work for your money.

  • Isn't it intolerable that there will be an entire class...

  • ...who get 100K when they buy their first home.

  • And in the business district they know a lot of tax tricks...

  • maximise the amount parents can transfer to their children tax-free.

  • If you have a liberal fibre in your body...

  • ...that should make you sick, right? People have to work for their money.

  • So the inheritance tax should be much higher, but no party still supports that.

  • The average VPRO viewer will also choke on his glass of wine...

  • ...if the inheritance tax goes up.

  • The average VPRO viewer thinks he's very left-wing, but he's a rentier as well.

  • In the 1960s, they were squatters, but now they have real estate in the city.

  • They're thinking: Hands off.

  • The old liberal idea was to skim it off.

  • Dutch ministers in the 19th and early 20th century...

  • ...proposed the ground lease system.

  • So if there's a land price hike thanks to public investments...

  • ...because we built a metro line or a park, funded by our collective labour...

  • ...that money shouldn't go to the owners.

  • It's a very logical, fair, liberal, right-wing, sound idea.

  • You should work for your money.

  • But now there's a class of home owners who don't want to work...

  • ...and who say: No more ground lease.

  • Have we become a rentier state? - To an extent, yes.

  • I know people who can buy a house and others who can't.

  • The decisive factor isn't their salary, but whether their parents have 100K.

  • So whether mum and dad can help you. That's what happens in rentier countries.

  • And what does the future of a rentier society look like?

  • Sad, very sad.

  • The Netherlands has been a rentier nation before.

  • The Golden Age brought us great prosperity, but in the 18th century...

  • ...the slacker period started, and our country didn't produce so much anymore.

  • We started building beautiful riverside mansions, which you can still admire.

  • But there was no productive investment.

  • Are we on the eve of a new slacker period?

  • We're in the middle of it, I would say.

  • My idea is that in all those places in society where people get free interest...

  • should be distributed equally.

  • This could be one of the main sources of funding for the citizen's dividend.

  • A very nice example would be to levy a carbon tax...

  • ...and use the profits to pay out a basic income. That's the most elegant system.

  • So you take our main challenge, climate change...

  • nearly all economists support a carbon tax...

  • ...and then you don't give the money to the state...

  • ...but you choose a right-wing solution by giving all citizens a dividend.

  • It's one of the most hopeful visions.

  • This dividend would be a citizen's dividend.

  • So all Dutch citizens would get it.

  • Instead of simply implementing a basic income, you should create a whole ritual.

  • So when you turn 18 or 21, you take your lover, parents, family and friends...

  • your first basic income ritual...

  • ...and in the presence of your loved ones you say how you're going to use it...

  • ...and why you won't betray the responsibility and use it well.

  • It could be a part of a pretty nationalist, patriotic package.

  • At least, if you ask me.

  • The country that first implements this should be proud of it.

  • In Alaska, they're also proud of it. - Yes.

  • But won't this make you an enemy of the left-wing intellectual community?

  • With your patriotic citizenship packages.

  • I think a lot of people are pretty tired of the usual left versus right discussion.

  • That feeling of knowing what someone will say.

  • The basic income has a great return on investment, for left and right alike.

  • If you don't have a heart, you have a wallet, right?

  • It makes sense to invest in things that pay back.

  • Imagine the innovation and creativity...

  • ...if everyone had some venture capital to take risks.

  • You could do so many things you can't do now.

  • So many people live from salary to salary...

  • ...but with a basic income, you can switch jobs, start a company, relocate...

  • ...and say 'no' to the dickhead you've been looking at for years.

  • And if it's about the importance of meaningful work...

  • ...if you ask me, one of the most important thinkers right now...

  • the American anthropologist David Graeber. Let's have a look.

  • In 2013, an essay was published by an anthropologist, David Graeber...

  • ...who's one of the most important thinkers today.

  • It was a brilliant essay, titled: 'On the Phenomenon of...'

  • And now a very scientific term: '...Bullshit Jobs.'

  • In this essay, he described a phenomenon he saw in people around him...

  • ...who had a job of which they themselves thought...

  • So it wasn't Graeber who said it, or me.

  • No, these people said about their own job:

  • 'It won't really make a difference to the world if I don't show up at the office.'

  • A bullshit job. - Yes.

  • Crucially, people say so themselves, and Graeber introduced this hypothesis.

  • Two Dutch economists, Robert Dur and Max van Lent, have tested this.

  • They asked a huge number of people if they felt their job was useful or not.

  • They used a slightly different term: Socially useless jobs.

  • Graeber's intuition turns out to be correct.

  • Worldwide, about 8 percent of employees, in 47 countries...

  • ...are sure their job is useless, and 17 percent have doubts about this.

  • So together, about a quarter of the working population...

  • ...seriously doubt the use of their work.

  • But who are these people? They added some nice tables, let's see.

  • Well, they're not firemen: 0 percent. Policemen: Also 0 percent.

  • So they think their job is very useful? - Priests: 0 percent.

  • Yes, they think it's very useful.

  • Librarians are also convinced of their importance.

  • But when you look at the other table, you find the usual suspects.

  • Sales, marketing and PR professionals: 21 percent useless.

  • Finance managers: 15.1 percent.

  • And these are only the people who explicitly say so.

  • But there will also be people who tell themselves that their useless job is useful.

  • So we've ended up in an image economy, or a bullshit economy...

  • which we all brag about our great jobs.

  • But we could also do something we like.

  • When I started writing about this, most reactions came from advertising people.

  • A lot of people emailed me and said: I recognise this.

  • Let's say you're a young investigative journalist. There's no money in that...

  • you advertise the companies you hate.

  • Journalism platform Follow the Money calls this 'whorenalism'.

  • After that, you use the money you've earned...

  • publish reports about the exact same companies.

  • You could call this the bullshit cycle, and it's everywhere.

  • Like the company lawyer who's thinking: 'Why am I defending these assholes?'

  • At some point, he thinks: 'Can't I help a couple of asylum seekers?'

  • So you use the money you've made with bullshit to do truly useful things.

  • It's an upside-down world.

  • I often think about a psychological phenomenon...

  • ...that's called pluralistic ignorance.

  • Everyone will recognise it:

  • You're walking around a shopping mall with four or five people...

  • ...until someone asks: 'Where are we going?'

  • But no one knows. 'I thought you knew.'

  • When I look at the bullshit job economy, that's what's happening on a huge scale.

  • People have meeting after meeting about some paper...

  • ...on co-creation in the network society, and everyone thinks: 'It's probably useful.'

  • So you spend lots of money to educate your greatest talents...

  • the best universities.

  • In their jobs they don't contribute anything and wonder: 'What the hell am I doing?'

  • Then they crash and have a burnout.

  • And at 40 or 50, they decide to just paint from now on.

  • That's a pretty absurd system.

  • Why don't we just stop doing that and let people follow their dreams from the start?

  • But if we all start painting, it'll ruin the economy.

  • But what's the economy? What do you mean by that?

  • The economy is the system that creates enough benefits...

  • And what are benefits?

  • If it's true that a quarter of the Dutch working population has a useless job...

  • ...and I think it's true, because they say so themselves. And they're the experts.

  • So if it's true, we could cut the working week by a fifth...

  • ...without getting any poorer in reality.

  • And this is a huge phenomenon, if you think about it.

  • We often worry about unemployment, which rose to 8 percent during the crisis.

  • It was the main political debate: How to tackle unemployment.

  • But the number is much higher:

  • A quarter of the working population seriously doubts the use of their job.

  • That's a lot, and those people cost the rest of society much more...

  • ...than the people on welfare.

  • Because the salaries of the people with bullshit jobs are much higher.

  • So there's a huge class that the rest of society has to provide for.

  • This flips the perspective. We actually live in an upside-down welfare state.

  • So the bullshit jobs are supported by the teachers, dustmen, nurses and librarians:

  • All the people with a useful job.

  • And neither left nor right seems to share this perspective.

  • The VPRO viewers will love this one.

  • Take Japan, for instance.

  • One of the richest, most civilised...

  • ...and most robotised countries in the world also has the lowest jobless rate.

  • You'd think all those robots would cause mass unemployment, but no.

  • I was in Japan to give interviews about my book.

  • Normally, at interviews, there's an interviewer, a cameraman, a sound guy.

  • But in Japan, there were 15 extra people taking notes...

  • ...and pretending to be doing something useful.

  • Capitalism has a phenomenal ability to invent new bullshit jobs.

  • It keeps coming up with new jobs, even though they're pointless.

  • Theoretically, one day we could all be doing completely useless work.

  • We'll all be in a prison called 'office', writing emails to each other.

  • While we could also just call it a day.

  • I thought this only happened in industries like advertising, design and the media.

  • In professions in which people are under a lot of stress.

  • But based on the reactions I received, this happens everywhere.

  • In the past, I worked 90 to 100 hours a week.

  • Every night, I had to hurry to catch the last train.

  • But one night I was on the platform, and I suddenly thought:

  • 'One step. Just one.'

  • 'One step and I'll never have to work again.'

  • Do you ever feel you're working yourself to death?

  • In Japan, this phenomenon is called 'karoshi'.

  • But it's also a taboo, so very few people talk about it openly.

  • When Kona Shiomachi anonymously shared a manga...

  • ...titled 'Stop Working Before You Die', it soon went viral.

  • After a while, overwork makes you unable to think clearly...

  • ...and pessimistic about everything. You're in constant agony.

  • It's like walking on a narrow ledge with an abyss on both sides.

  • The path is littered with crossroads and exits.

  • But you can't hear or see anything. You can't move forward.

  • In Japan, you clearly see how absurd it can get.

  • It makes no sense, of course. It's not efficient to work 80, 90, 100 hours a week.

  • In the 1920s, Henry Ford was one of the first to say:

  • 'If my staff works 40 hours instead of 60, they're more productive and profitable.'

  • So it's not about efficiency at all.

  • If the metro had a two-minute delay, they were handing out notes...

  • you could prove to your employer that it wasn't your fault.

  • That's happening in Japan? My god.

  • You can laugh about it, but we're slowly moving in that direction.

  • It's not inconceivable that... - That it will happen here as well?

  • Yes, if you keep making the work ideology more extreme.

  • Fortunately, it isn't nearly as bad here, but it also exists in the Netherlands.

  • How many people are sitting in their offices at 4, 5 p.m., thinking:

  • 'I'm spent, I should go home.'

  • But they don't want to be the first to go.

  • Just think about the waste: So many hours of useless work...

  • ...simply because we don't dare to tell each other: 'This is pointless, let's quit.'

  • The story we always tell, is that those at the top are the ones who make money...

  • ...the strong shoulders that bear the heaviest burden, and the right says:

  • 'They're very productive people, let them be.'

  • 'If they don't pay too much tax, it'll be alright.'

  • The left says: 'Maybe, but we should also show solidarity with the underclass.'

  • 'So they should pay a bit more tax.'

  • That's pretty much the political debate.

  • But the assumption is the same: Prosperity comes from the top.

  • But if you look at the real economy, the people we really depend on...

  • ...who can't go on strike, because we'd be in deep shit...

  • ...then that's actually the underclass, or the lower middle class:

  • Teachers, dustmen, cleaners, nurses. If they quit, we're screwed.

  • So they are the strongest shoulders that bear the heaviest burden.

  • And I want us to move towards an economy in which they also...

  • ...perhaps thanks to a basic income, gain more bargaining power, higher wages...

  • they will also have to pay more tax, and then we'll see who shows solidarity.

  • Here's my vision of a healthy, civilised society:

  • You give everyone the right to good public education and healthcare.

  • And you give them a ground to stand on, which is unconditional.

  • No need to fill out forms or humiliate yourself at the social services desk.

  • It's simply a right, not a favour.

  • And you're convinced there's enough capital to finance this?

  • If 20 to 25 percent of Dutch people say their job doesn't contribute anything...

  • ...we're so rich that we can support those people. That's insane.

  • Including regular unemployment, that's 30 percent of people who don't contribute.

  • Apparently we can do that. As a society, we're so rich, innovative and strong...

  • ...that we can afford such a huge load of bullshit.

  • And as we get richer, our computers and robots get smarter...

  • ...and our entire social system improves, we can afford even more bullshit.

  • So a very different society is possible.

  • Who are the opponents of a citizen's dividend or basic income?

  • The main opponents of these kinds of ideas are always the people in power.

  • It's as simple as that. If you're living off your interest, you don't want to share it.

  • And you'll say: 'It's fine to give it to me, I come from a good lineage.'

  • 'But if you give it to everyone, they'll squander it. It'll be a disaster.'

  • That's what Louis XIV said in the 17th century:

  • 'You can't give the plebs a citizen's dividend. It won't work.'

  • So the idea that most people are no good, that they're fundamentally wicked...

  • one of the oldest ideas in the West, and it's always been in the rulers' interest.

  • So that we don't trust each other, because then we need those rulers to control us.

  • Yes, and people to manage the money. - There you go.

  • So it's a revolutionary idea to say:

  • 'Wait, maybe most people actually want to make something out of life.'

  • 'Maybe most people are actually good.'

  • If you really follow that idea, you can completely reorganise society.

Isn't it intolerable that there will be an entire class...


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未來我們需要基本收入嗎?| VPRO紀錄片 (Do we need basic income in the future? | VPRO Documentary)

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    王惟惟 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日