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  • Hi Bob the Canadian here.


  • Let's learn English in the Forest!


  • Hey welcome to this video.


  • If this is your first time here don't forget to click the subscribe button below, it's

    如果你是第一次來這裡,不要忘了。 點擊下面的訂閱按鈕,它就是

  • the red button down there, and if at some point during this video you could give me

    下面的紅色按鈕,如果在一些。 在這個視頻中,你可以給我

  • a thumbs up, that would be awesome.


  • Well hey welcome to this video, it is kind of fun to be out here in nature today.

    好了,嘿,歡迎來到這個視頻,它是一種 今天在大自然中的樂趣。

  • We're gonna talk about the season of Fall and we're gonna talk about it out here in

    我們要討論的是秋天的季節。 而我們要去談論它在這裡的

  • the forest.


  • In Canada we have four seasons.


  • We have Winter when the snow flies and it's really really cold.

    當大雪紛飛的時候,我們就有了冬天,它是 真的真的很冷。

  • We have Spring when everything starts to grow and the trees get leaves back on them again.

    我們有春天,萬物開始生長 而樹上又有了葉子。

  • We have Summer when everything grows like crazy, that means it grows a lot!

    我們有夏天,當萬物生長的時候 瘋了,這意味著它長了很多!

  • And it's really really hot.


  • And we have Fall or Autumn.


  • It has two names in English.


  • Generally we use the term, "Fall" and I think "Fall" became popular because in the, in the

    一般來說,我們用 "秋天 "這個詞,我認為。 "秋天 "之所以流行,是因為在,在。

  • Fall leaves fall off the trees.


  • So you'll see in the path behind me there's just all kinds of leaves that have fallen

    所以你會看到在我身後的小路上有 落英繽紛

  • from the trees.


  • In the Fall trees turn from their normal green colour to brown, red, orange, yellow, and

    秋天,樹木從正常的綠色變成了綠色 顏色為棕色、紅色、橙色、黃色、和。

  • all the shades in between and it's really a beautiful season to be outside.

    渾然一體 一個美麗的季節是在外面。

  • So in English we have three words to describe the forest.

    所以在英語中,我們有三個詞來形容 林中。

  • We have, "forest".


  • We have, "woods".


  • And we have, "bush".


  • In my area of Ontario, Canada we generally use the term, "bush".

    在我所在的加拿大安大略省,我們一般 用 "灌木叢 "這個詞。

  • If I was to say to someone, "I'm going out to the forest to go for a walk."

    如果我對別人說:"我要出去了。 到森林裡去走走。"

  • They might look at me funny, because we don't use the word, "forest" a lot in this area.

    他們可能會覺得我很好笑,因為我們不... 在這一帶經常使用 "森林 "這個詞。

  • But if I said, "I'm going out to the bush to go for a walk."

    但如果我說,"我要去叢林裡 去散步。"

  • They would understand what I'm talking about.


  • I thought I'd stop for a minute and tell you why we have a maple leaf on our flag, why

    我想我應該停一下,然後告訴你 為什麼我們的國旗上有一片楓葉,為什麼?

  • the flag of Canada has a maple leaf.


  • It's because we have maple trees and maple leaves everywhere.

    這是因為我們有楓樹和楓樹。 葉子到處都是。

  • On the ground around me there's just all these nice red maple leaves that have fallen off

    在我周圍的地面上,有隻是所有這些 漂亮的紅色楓葉,已脫落的葉子

  • a tree.


  • So because there's so many maple trees we decided to use the maple leaf, which is the

    所以,因為有這麼多的楓樹,所以我們。 決定使用楓葉,這是

  • leaf from the maple tree on our flag.


  • So, ….. Now you know!


  • So you can see behind me that a lot of leaves fall off the trees in the Fall.

    所以你可以看到我的身後有很多葉子。 秋天從樹上掉下來。

  • If we were in town, if we were in the city, we would have to rake these leaves up into

    如果我們在城裡,如果我們在城裡。 我們將不得不把這些葉子耙起來,成

  • a pile and often people rake leaves into a pile and then their kids jump into the pile

    一堆,經常有人把樹葉耙成一個 然後他們的孩子跳進那堆東西里

  • for fun.


  • It's a pretty common thing for young Canadian kids to do.

    對加拿大年輕人來說,這是一件很平常的事情。 孩子們做。

  • So there's three main reasons why you might come out to the woods, or the forest.

    所以,有三個主要原因,你可能會 來到樹林裡,或者森林裡。

  • You might be someone who is a avid hunter.


  • That's someone who really likes hunting for animals, maybe with a bow and arrow.

    那是一個很喜歡打獵的人。 動物,也許用弓箭。

  • It's possible that you just like to go on a hike or a nature walk.

    有可能你只是喜歡上。 遠足或自然散步。

  • And it's also possible that you're coming out to the forest to cut down trees for firewood.

    也有可能是你來了。 到森林裡去砍樹當柴火。

  • In Canada we still have a lot of people that use wood to heat their houses in the winter.

    在加拿大,我們仍有很多人 冬天用木頭取暖;

  • So it's pretty common to come out to the forest or the woods to cut down trees for firewood.

    所以到森林裡來是很平常的事。 或樹林裡砍樹當柴火。

  • Usually when you do that you have a chainsaw.


  • I'll put a picture up here of a chainsaw.


  • And you have what we call a log splitter in order to split the pieces of wood into firewood,

    而你有我們所說的原木分割器,在 以便將木塊劈成柴火。

  • and then that firewood is used in a wood burning stove to heat their home.

    然後,這些木柴被用於燒木頭。 爐子來加熱他們的家。

  • So there's really two kinds of trees that you'll find in the forest.

    所以,真正的樹有兩種。 你會發現在森林裡。

  • There's deciduous trees.


  • Those are trees where the leaves turn colour and they fall off in the Autumn or Fall.

    那是葉子變色的樹 而它們在秋日或秋季就會脫落。

  • Deciduous trees are trees like, maple, or oak, or poplar.

    落葉樹是指像、楓樹、或、等樹木。 橡木,或楊樹。

  • There's also coniferous trees.


  • Coniferous trees are trees that have needles instead of leaves, and they stay green year

    針葉樹是指有針葉的樹木。 而不是葉子,而且它們常年保持綠色

  • round.


  • The needles don't fall off in the winter.


  • A few examples of coniferous trees are trees like spruce, or pine, or cedar.

    針葉樹的幾個例子是樹木。 如雲杉,或松樹,或雪松。

  • So I'm in a clearing right now.


  • A clearing is an area where there's no trees, and I thought this would be a good time to

    空地是指沒有樹木的地方。 我想這將是一個很好的時間,以

  • go over the parts of the tree.


  • The part of the tree that's underground, way down there underground, is called the roots.

    樹木的一部分,在地下,方式。 下面的地下,就是所謂的根。

  • This right here, this right here is called the trunk.

    這個地方,這個地方叫做 後備箱。

  • And the, the skin of the trunk is called the bark.

    而樹幹的表皮被稱為 "樹皮"。 樹皮。

  • Up there you have a branch, and if we look even higher you'll see some twigs, which are

    在那裡你有一個分支,如果我們看看 再高的地方,你會看到一些小樹枝,它們是

  • small branches, and you'll see the leaves.


  • So there's also the parts of the tree that we refer to after it has been cut down or

    所以,還有樹的部分。 伐木後是指

  • after it has died.


  • This is a stick.


  • This is a log.


  • Logs are generally used to make lumber to build houses.

    原木一般用於製造木材,以達到以下目的 建造房屋。

  • And sticks are used for, well, just about everything including roasting marshmallows

    棍子是用來,好吧,只是為了。 烤棉花糖

  • on a fire, or maybe hot dogs.


  • So after a tree gets cut down the part of the tree that's left we call a tree stump.

    所以,當一棵樹被砍掉後,這部分的樹就會被砍掉。 剩下的樹我們稱之為樹樁。

  • So this is a tree stump from a tree that was cut down, probably with a chainsaw, and there's

    所以這是一棵樹的樹樁,它是 被砍掉了,可能是用電鋸砍掉的,還有就是

  • another one over here where we have a tree stump and someone did a carving on the top.

    另一個在這裡,我們有一棵樹 樹樁,有人在上面做了雕刻。

  • A cute little bear.


  • So this is a tree stump.


  • This is a wood carving.


  • So there's a variety of animals that you'll find in the forest.

    所以,有各種各樣的動物,你會 在森林裡找到。

  • You'll obviously find birds.


  • I don't know if you can hear these birds up in the these trees here.

    我不知道你能不能聽到這些鳥兒的聲音 在這裡的這些樹木。

  • They're being pretty loud.


  • But generally in this part of Ontario all we really see are maybe the odd squirrel,

    但一般來說,在安大略省的這個地區,所有的 我們真正看到的也許是奇怪的松鼠。

  • or maybe the odd chipmunk.


  • There's also a few raccoons, but generally we don't see bigger animals like bears.

    也有幾隻浣熊,但一般來說 我們沒有看到更大的動物,如熊。

  • Thank goodness.


  • But there is some deer.


  • From time to time we will see deer.


  • I'm not sure if you can hear it right now, but it's really nice in the Fall because the

    我不知道你現在能不能聽到。 但它真的很不錯的秋天,因為... ...

  • leaves rustle as the wind blows through them.


  • In English we say, "rustling" when two things kind of rub together in the wind.

    在英語中,我們說,"沙沙",當兩件事情 樣在風中摩擦。

  • I'll just stop talking for a minute and we can listen to the rustling of the leaves.

    我就不說了,我們... 可以聽得見樹葉的沙沙聲。

  • Hopefully you could hear it.


  • Well hey that was fun.


  • Thank you so much for coming to the forest with me today.

    謝謝你來森林裡 今天和我一起。

  • I hope this video helped you learn some English words and phrases that you would use to describe

    希望這段視頻能幫助你學習一些英語 你會用來描述的詞語和短語:

  • the forest.


  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • You can learn English with Bob the Canadian!


  • Don't forget to click the subscribe button below, and if you want give me a thumbs up,

    不要忘記點擊訂閱按鈕 下面,如果你想給我豎起大拇指。

  • and for sure share this video with anyone that you know that is learning English.

    並一定要分享這個視頻與任何人 你知道,是學習英語。

  • Bob the Canadian here.


  • Have a great week!


Hi Bob the Canadian here.


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