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  • Hi, it's Alfredo. I hope that in 2013, you have already had some success in improving

  • your English skills.

  • I have two things that I want to discuss in this video.

  • First, Would you like to join me for a live, English-learning experience? I am pleased

  • to announce the English Fluency Show. It is an opportunity for you to improve your English

  • skills while you interact with me and other English learners. Right now, you are watching

  • a recorded video of me, but the English Fluency Show will be live. Each episode will be about

  • 45 minutes long and will be completely free for you to watch.

  • The first episode of the English Fluency Show will be on Tuesday, May 28 at 12:00 pm GMT.

  • Click the Google Event below this video to add this event to your calendar and convert

  • the time details to your own time zone.

  • The first several episodes of the English Fluency Show will focus on listening. We will

  • consider the topic of health, and, specifically, the topics of nutrition and energy. During

  • the show, I will play video clips and give you a chance to test your listening skills

  • and improve your listening skills.

  • There is something you can do right now to prepare for the English Fluency Show. I recommend

  • that you sign up for an account on Twitter. You will use the hashtag #ontargetenglish

  • during the English Fluency Show to ask questions, to answer questions, and to interact with

  • one another. In fact, go ahead and tweet right now with the #ontargetenglish hashtag. It

  • might give you a chance to meet with other English learners who are interested in the

  • English Fluency Show.

  • Even if you do not have a Twitter account, you can still watch the English Fluency Show.

  • The second thing that I wanted to share with you in this video is an update about our blog.

  • This week, we published four articles that can help you to use English better:

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Losing Motivation to Learn English

  • Become Fluent in a Second Language -- Fast!

  • 5 Tips for Writing Emails That Get Responses

  • Online Education Creates New Opportunities for ESL Students and Teachers

  • Click the links below this video to access these articles. Take some time to learn from

  • these articles and other articles and videos on our blog.

  • And remember to tweet and include the #ontargetenglish hashtag so that you can interact with members

  • of the OnTargetEnglish community, as you prepare for the English Fluency Show.

  • And I'll meet with you on Tuesday, May 28 at 12:00 pm GMT for the very first episode

  • of the English Fluency Show.

Hi, it's Alfredo. I hope that in 2013, you have already had some success in improving


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B1 中級

英語流利秀介紹 (Introducing the English Fluency Show)

  • 279 50
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日