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at this time I ask that we be surrounded with divine light with one hundred
thousand angels with each of our teams of angel energy healing guides and
angels please come in
lift us and healing love and light assist us in quieting our minds and
tuning into the healing guidance and frequency which will most serve now
and now call upon the highest best most loving possible angel energy healing guy
to bring through healing meditation
please come in come act and channel through me now
dearest one i am Archangel Raphael present with you now surrounding you with light
here with your team of healing guides and angels indeed we surround you with
divine love with an orb of angel energy healing light tune into this orb of
light appearing around you with an iridescent glow
it surrounds your body mind spirit emotions
it surrounds your entire being tuned into the light around you focus on this
healing light
and now envision it expanding expanding around to embody or greater sell
expanding outward surrounding your home your country your earth everything
tune in to the feeling the sense and knowing of your connection to the one
energy flowing throughout everything feel and experience your oneness with
all breathe and relax
and now focused upon your heart
as we shine a spotlight of divine healing frequency upon your heart chakra
the portal allowing you to access the divine realms the energy center allowing
you to access infinite healing from the divine from the Angels
focus on your heart open your heart and enter in
at this time imagine an orb of angel energy healing is above your head
glowing like the Sun above you feel the energy the heat in the warm from this
orb of healing light connected to the divine and connected to all that is
allow yourself to remain focused within and yet looking up at the orb of angel
energy healing above you know that you are still surrounded with light
you are safe and you are protected you are filled with healing light and now at
this time
the orb of angel energy healing above you begins to lower down
imagine it now flowing down over your head
filling your mind with divine healing light healing for your eyes your ears
your head your face flowing down more bringing healing energy to your neck and
shoulders as this light passes down your physical being
feel yourself letting go of tension of density of any stress or strain allow
relaxation to take its place
allow healing to enter in
as the orb continues to move down bringing healing to your chest your arm
your upper abdomen your upper back
your core
your heads
you're like hand calves feet
light healing love is flowing to your fingers and toes and now grounding down
to the earth which is connected to all that it is
tune into your being as a whole now becoming aware that you are filled with
divine healing light which is radiating outward from your open heart filling
your entire being
let the light naturally circulate as you breathe in
imagine you're drawing in more healing light energy of the divine and as you
exhale feel it's cycling through your being
breathe in the light and as you exhale allow it to flow in any area in need of
healing feel the warmth of the healing light gather in this area
breathe in healing breathe out and feel it
cycling through your bi naturally releasing all that no longer serves and
your team of guides and angels swoop in to release any negativity and density
into the light
continue with this visualization that you are filled with healing light and
that is cycling through out your being replenishing your every cell purging
yourselves of all that no longer serves renewing refreshing revitalizing each
and every cell reawakening your body's natural ability to heal itself
reawakening your natural ability to heal yourself and to heal others healing made
possible by opening your heart
and allowing the divine healing light which is naturally present in every
moment to flow through allowing yourself to radiantly shine divine light your
heart opening allowing the healing power of love to cycle through your being
allowing the angel energy healing orb of light around you now to heal your mind
your thoughts your beliefs to bring your thoughts emotions and beliefs into
alignment with reagent well-being bringing healing to your physical body
replenishing and renewing your spirit for the highest and greatest guy
and so it is
open your heart tune in to the healing orb around you radiate shine enjoy this
healing light for as long as you like knowing that as you relax and simply
become present with this healing energy with your open heart healing
rejuvenation alignment with divine life naturally occurs
healing for your body mind and spirit
a final surge of healing light flows in from your team of angel energy healing
guides and angels for my Archangel Raphael healing
divine love and so it is