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  • And welcome to Step 7 of the 7 Steps to Fluency with the Go Natural English method.

  • Step 7 is to review, repeat, and grow. You want to review the vocabulary, and the

  • phrases, and everything that you're learning in English.

  • You want to repeat the other six steps that I mentioned before, and you want to continue

  • to grow with your English skills. Find different ways of expressing yourself.

  • Find synonyms; find related words or antonyms, the opposite of the words that you've just

  • learned. The beautiful thing about learning a language

  • is that you can continue to evolve with the language.

  • You can continue to develop your skills. It is an ongoing, living adventure and that

  • is so exciting. I hope that you enjoy continually developing

  • your skills with the English language. It is a real pleasure to be able to do that

  • throughout life, and I want to give you the tools and the guidance to become a lifelong

  • independent learner, so that English becomes your tool that you are constantly using and

  • improving on. I want English to become your tool for a wonderful,

  • successful, enjoyable, and meaningful life. So, thank you for being a part of the Go Natural

  • English community. I'm so happy to have shared the 7 Steps to

  • Fluency with you. Please come back and see me again at

  • and I hope to see you become part of the premium Go Natural English course.

  • Thanks so much for watching and I hope to see you again real soon.

  • Bye for now. Hey guys, one last thing before you go.

  • I'd like to share all seven of the Go Natural English steps to fluency with you in a free

  • mini course. You'll receive all the videos, all the audio,

  • and transcripts of everything if you come to, that's the

  • number 7 s-t-e-p-s. Alright, I hope to see you there so that I

  • can share this awesome English learning material with you to help you get fluent.

  • So, let's go I'll see you there.

And welcome to Step 7 of the 7 Steps to Fluency with the Go Natural English method.


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A2 初級 美國腔

流利英語聽力和口語的步驟七 (Step 7 for Fluent English Listening and Speaking)

  • 1712 162
    Ershun Zhou 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日