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  • So every time I criticize how poor people think,

  • people get really angry at me and tell me that I shouldn't hate poor people.

  • And I'm like, "Are you out of your mind?"

  • I don't hate poor people. I was poor for the majority of my life.

  • And when I say poor, I mean poorer than 99% of people watching

  • this. I don't want to hear this bullshit of how

  • I hate poor people. But what I do hate with my entire being

  • is the poor person mentality. I hate it and I always have.

  • And that is exactly why I'm not in that dark financial position anymore.

  • If you think like a poor person, you're always going to be poor.

  • You need to change your mindset. So here are some of the ideas

  • that really resonated with me from this book...

  • 4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

  • Do you ever walk into a store and spend a lot of time

  • making sure you get the best deals? That's how a poor person thinks...

  • I'm going to spend an extra hour in here so I can find a box of cereal that's cheaper

  • and save 30 cents on it. And that's what he's going to do

  • for the rest of his life.

  • What does a rich person think? Who cares?!

  • I'm not worried about this, I'm worried about cultivating my value,

  • so an hour of my time can be worth a $1,000 instead of $3.48.

  • 5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

  • This is how a poor person thinks, "Well, I would start this business,

  • but there's a lot of competition. It probably wouldn't work."

  • A rich person would acknowledge the competition, but at the same time focus on,

  • "Well, but is there any unique value I can bring to the market

  • that's currently not there?"

  • 6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people.

  • Poor people resent rich and successful people.

  • This is a huge one. I remember when I was little,

  • a nice car would drive by. And everyone would say something like,

  • "Uh, look at that douchebag." "Look at that douchebag."

  • "I wonder how many babies he had to kill to buy that car."

  • And I never really felt that way. I thought,

  • "I'm happy that guy has a nice car." I'm going to grow up, and if I want a nice

  • car myself, instead of bitching about it,

  • I'm going to pick up a book and learn how.

  • And this doesn't even have to do with money specifically.

  • Poor people have a broken life ideology in general,

  • and not having money is just one of the manifestations of that.

  • It's like when a skinny fat person walks into a gym

  • and sees someone who's jacked and in a great shape,

  • and his first reaction is, "Huh, look at that douchebag."

  • "I wonder what kinda steroids he's on..." And it's like, look dude,

  • not everyone who's in a better shape than you are is on steriods.

  • I know that's really hard to believe, but just try.

  • And even the guys who are on steroids, have a 100 times better work ethic than you

  • do.

  • 8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.

  • Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

  • This is a pretty crazy one. I remember I started selling used phones at

  • about 12, and I was actually making quite a bit of money.

  • And I think I was bragging to my dad once, and he looked at me and he was basically like,

  • "What are you so proud of? You're just selling stuff."

  • Like there's actually a demeaning word for someone who sells stuff in my native language.

  • And I just stood there thinking, "Hmm... This is weird."

  • So selling is something to look down on. Making money is something to be looked down

  • on. I mean of course it's not important,

  • but then I look at what you do all day, and your entire day revolves around making

  • money. You dedicate all your time to making something,

  • that I apperantely should be ashamed of making.

  • And I look around and everyone's still like that.

  • Oh money's not important, it's like almost taboo to talk about it.

  • Even my videos, they get the most negativity if it's about

  • money, yet this is the one thing that people sell

  • their entire lives for. It blows my mind.

  • It's like talking to a teenager about sex who constantly gets uncomfortable.

  • "Yes, honey, sex is a very important and enjoyable part of life,

  • you don't have to be ashamed of it."

  • 11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results.

  • Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

  • I love this one. I love hearing, "I DESERVE $15 an hour."

  • "I DESERVE $20 an hour." Yeah, but that's not how the real world works

  • at all. If I work on a business for a year straight

  • right now, and I work 16 hour days every single day,

  • and I finally deliver a product that isn't useful,

  • no one's going to give a shit. Let me ask you,

  • are you going to buy my product just because I put a year into it?

  • Of course not, that's not how the system works. No one cares how much time you put into anything,

  • the real question is, can you deliver real results and real value?

  • 14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.

  • You know, with the amount that the poor people complain

  • about their financial situation, you would think it would make sense

  • to pick up a book and learn about the very basics of money.

  • But no, almost every poor person I know has no idea about even the very basics of

  • managing money. They have no discipline with it,

  • they wait for that paycheck and have no idea what they're doing once they

  • get it. And that's it.

  • Instead of being jealous and constantly criticizing, picking up a book like The Richest Man in

  • Babylon would be a great start.

  • 15. Rich people have their money work hard for them.

  • Poor people work hard for their money.

  • Again, going back to that thing of, "I work hard, I deserve to be paid this much.

  • Look at that guy, he doesn't even work as hard as I do,

  • and he makes a 100 times more than I do." And I'm like, "That's the most normal thing."

  • That is how the universe works.

  • If you walked into the gym right now, and you saw a bodybuilder

  • who had just worked out for an hour doing exercises like squats and deadlifts.

  • And then you went on the elliptical and did it for 5 hours,

  • you can't complain about how you worked five times as hard as

  • that guy, and are not seeing results.

  • No one gives a shit. The universe doesn't give a shit about how

  • hard you worked. That guy's going to gain muscle and you're

  • not.

  • 17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

  • This is one of the biggest obstacles right here.

  • When I was poor, I said I don't know anything, I suck at this,

  • I'm going to pick up a book and learn.

  • But the problem is, most people who are poor also think they already

  • know everything. And that's why they'll always be poor.

  • I grew up in a post-soviet country, and this was basically everyone around me.

  • Some guy who read Tolstoy at some point and got two degrees and now he thinks he knows

  • everything. I mean, of course he wouldn't listen to some

  • lowly person who sells stuff.

  • Come on? Selling stuff? He read Tolstoy when he was a kid, guys.

  • He's not gonna go that low. Even though he does work as a manual laborer

  • during the entire day so he can feed himself. But learning about money and how it's made?

  • Come on. Please don't offend an intellectual like him

  • him like that.

  • This is like the biggest plague. He doesn't even know the most basic concept

  • of paying himself first,

  • but he thinks he's this big genius that's got the whole system figured out.

  • It's ridiculous.

  • So there you go, some of my favorite ideas from this book.

  • Again, please don't say something stupid in the comments below,

  • about how I hate poor people or whatever. But you're right,

  • I do hate HOW the majority of poor people think.

  • It's like a disease and I decided I was going to get rid of it,

  • and that's exactly why I've improved my financial situation a 1000 times.

  • 95% of the people I grew up with are going to stay poor for the rest of their

  • lives, and it's because they didn't make that shift.

  • I would recommend hating the poor person mentality with all your heart just as much as I do,

  • otherwise get ready to be a poor victim who struggles financially for the rest of

  • his life.

So every time I criticize how poor people think,


A2 初級 美國腔


  • 366 26
    Jean Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日



US /mek/

UK /meɪk/

  • v. 提供;使;成為;製造;賺、贏得;使得;發生、引起
  • n.

US /ɛnˈtaɪr/

UK /ɪn'taɪə(r)/

  • adj. 全體的 ; 完全的

US /ˈkɑnstəntlɪ/

UK /ˈkɒnstəntli/

  • adv. 不斷地

US /ˈpipəl/

UK /'pi:pl/

  • n. 人;眾人 ; 國民 ; 民族 ; 居民 ; 人們 ; 家人 ; 親屬 ; 部 ; 庶民 ; 使人住在... ; 殖民於 ; 人民 ; 民眾 ; 大眾 ; 氓 ; 萌 ; 人

US /'pɜ:rsn/

UK /'pɜ:sn/

  • n. 人 ; 傢伙 ; 身體 ; 容貌 ; 風采 ; 人物 ; 人稱 ; 位格 ; 東西 ; 人士 ; 身 ; 員

US /dɪˈzɚv/

UK /dɪ'zɜ:v/

  • v. 應得

US /wɚk/

UK /wɜ:k/

  • n. 成品;工作的成果;產品;作品;工作;職業;工作(場所);(工作等的)成果
  • v. 起作用;行得通;運轉;運作;運行;活動;起作用;有效用;(機器等)運轉;活動
  • adj. 工作相關的

US /ɡaɪ/

UK /ɡaɪ/

  • n. 火藥事件 ; 相貌奇怪的人 ; 出奔 ; 傢伙 ; 支索 ; 拉線 ; 作...的像 ; 嘲弄 ; 逃

US /hɑː(r)d/

UK /hɑ:d/

  • adj. 很難;鐵一般的事實;烈的;努力;艱困的;硬的;銳角;堅硬的
  • adv. 用力地

US /ɡɪv/

UK /ɡɪv/

  • n. 能量
  • v. 給 ; 贈送 ; 賣給 ; 傳達 ; 假定 ; 主;有、體驗


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