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  • Hi, there, and welcome to Higher English, your go-to channel for mastering idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations, and native-like expressions for business English.

    大家好,歡迎來到 Higher English,這裡是讓各位掌握商用英語俚語、片語動詞、搭配詞和近母語用語的最佳管道。

  • Whether you're a student, a working professional, or an entrepreneur looking to improve your English skills for business success, Higher English is here to help and guide you every step of the way with our business English essentials.

    無論你是學生、上班族還是創業家,只要你希望提升英語能力以取得商業成功,Higher English 都會透過我們的商務英語菁英課程為你提供幫助和指導。

  • I'm Craig, and today, we'll be exploring some effective goal-orientated collocations that will give your language skills a real boost.

    我是 Craig,我們今天將探討一些以目標為導向的實用搭配詞,讓你的語言能力得到真正的提升。

  • So, let's dive right in.


  • Our first collocation is "set ambitious goals".

    我們的第一組搭配詞是 set ambitious goals(設定有野心的目標)。

  • This phrase refers to the act of establishing challenging and inspiring objectives for yourself or your team.


  • As a project manager, Sarah always encourages her team to set ambitious goals to achieve excellence.

    身為專案經理,Sarah 總是鼓勵她的團隊樹立遠大目標以實現卓越。

  • Moving on to our next collocation, "achieve milestone success".

    繼續我們的下一組搭配詞:achieve milestone success(取得里程碑式的成功)。

  • This phrase highlights reaching significant achievements or landmarks in your business journey.


  • The launch of the new product marked a milestone success for the company, attracting a large customer base.


  • Now, let's focus on "meet target deadlines".

    現在,讓我們聚焦在:meet target deadlines(期限內完成目標)。

  • This collocation emphasizes the importance of completing tasks within the specified time frame.


  • Our team worked tirelessly to meet the target deadlines, ensuring the project was delivered ahead of schedule.


  • Next up is to "exceed expectations".

    接下來是:exceed expectations(超越期望)。

  • This phrase signifies going beyond what is anticipated or required.


  • The quality of service provided by the customer support team never fails to exceed expectations.


  • Let's explore "develop strategic alliances".

    讓我們一起探索:develop strategic alliances(發展戰略性聯盟)。

  • This collocation underlines the creation of carefully planned and advantageous partnerships.


  • The company aims to develop strategic alliances with the key players in the industry to expand its market presence.


  • Moving on, we have "implement effective strategies".

    接下來是:implement effective strategies(實施有效策略)。

  • This collocation emphasizes putting well-thought-out plans into action for success.


  • A successful business is built on the ability to implement effective strategies that adapt to changing circumstances.


  • Our next collocation is "attain financial stability".

    我們的下一組搭配詞是:attain financial stability(取得財務穩定)。

  • This phrase emphasizes the achievement of a secure and balanced financial position.


  • The company worked diligently to attain financial stability, reducing debt and increasing profitability.


  • If you found this lesson helpful, don't forget to like and subscribe for more.


  • In the meantime, take care and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.


  • Bye for now.


Hi, there, and welcome to Higher English, your go-to channel for mastering idioms, phrasal verbs, collocations, and native-like expressions for business English.

大家好,歡迎來到 Higher English,這裡是讓各位掌握商用英語俚語、片語動詞、搭配詞和近母語用語的最佳管道。

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