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  • At the end of Lesson 6, I showed some really cool geometrically perfect crop circles in the FLOWER OF LIFE form

  • Most people didn't like that or care, but instead, so instead, I offer you this:

  • This intense drawing was done by Leonardo Da Vinci, proving that he actually studied the FLOWER OF LIFE form

  • In fact, over 200 drawings of his were found,

  • all studying different angles and proportions, complete with descriptions of each one.

  • The editor of the book who published these lost drawings did not really know what they were,

  • So he just said "this is how he came up with these gear inventions".

  • Leonardo was able to invent such intrincate inventions and designs because he studied the divine proportion,

  • Also, Leonardo was a master Mason, and is almost clear that he most likely got his original knowledge of them.

  • Is the FLOWER OF LIFE, among other things, the secret information that Masons have been keeping secret for the last 1,000 years?

  • Spirit Science Lesson 7 - DIMENSIONS

  • Today would I was going to look at spirals and sequences found throughout all the universe, what is pretty important

  • But at the last minute I decided to change it, because I want to show something else.

  • Now, in the comments or in the credits, depending on where you are watching this, I posted links to a TED Talk video by Garrett Lisi

  • A particle physicist who tells us of an amazing discovery in the scientific field, I want to show and talk about his findings.

  • And we will look at dimensions after that.

  • OK so Garrett has been discovered by examining coral he found that each coral head has thousands of different polyps.

  • These polyps are constantly bodying and branching into genetically identical neighbors.

  • Through performing heat experiments on these polyps, they were able to find that every single polyp is part of a whole, a single unit or being

  • But each one is experiencing its own reality individually

  • From their findings with the coral, they were able to look at quantum mechanics, see, the mathematics of quantum mechanics

  • shows us exactly how our universe works and we see that everything in the reality is just continually branching into new possibilities

  • Just like the coral; as humans, we are individually experiencing only one of these possibilities, much like the individual polyps.

  • What physics tells us is that everything comes down to geometry, and the interactions between elementary particles.

  • Things can only happen when things are perfectly balanced,

  • So Garrett starts showing us some subatomic particles, and the things that make up electrons, and protons and neutrons.

  • We always considered this to be the smallest particle, but never think about what is creating them.

  • Garrett demonstrates to us how the particles that create other particles really work.

  • He shows that when you plot them in how thet move, this is how they look like.

  • At the tiniest scales of the universe and how it works, is very beautiful.

  • Now look at this, this is one of the ways these charges branch off each other, as you can see, it flows in a hexagonal pattern.

  • The same pattern that we found in the expanded flower of life.

  • Then if you rotate this pattern in 6 dimensional charge base, we see it forms yet another pattern.

  • Many of you will recognize this as the shape of the Star of David, but its true name is the star tetrahedron.

  • whichs maps perfectly over the FRUIT OF LIFE

  • This entire pattern created by the particles is mapped across over precise places on a 200-dimensional spherical shape scientists have called E8

  • of which also has a geometric shape.

  • by rotating that shape as well, you can see how there are nearly infinite possibilities as to how these elementary particles interact with each other.

  • The details of the reality begin to take form.

  • Now, as the shape is rotating in 8 dimensions you can see a myriad of different patterns here.

  • Look at this one in particular, this looks a lot like the Metatron's Cube, doesn't it?

  • At the heart of particle physics is pure, beautiful geometry.

  • right now you probably can begin to see where sacred geometry falls into this.

  • Where did these sahpes originate?, did it just come into being at random?, or just the first shape come from somewhere else?

  • In Lesson 6 we talked about the FLOWER OF LIFE, the original, perfect geometric symmetry that created the universe.

  • This shape, as we learned, is not only the root of all mathematical proportions, light and the Platonic solids,

  • but is also the source of every musical system in the universe, including systems both used and unknown to modern man.

  • It is also the source of energy patterns, well EVERYTHING, it all comes from the FLOWER OF LIFE.

  • I believe this is what is at the heart of what is forming every subatomic particle formation,

  • and it probably goes a few levels deeper than what Garrett is showing us.

  • Now we can start talking about dimensions, these wheels are some of the oldest symbols known.

  • The only places where they have been found is on ceilings of certain very old Egyptian tombs.

  • they are always found in sets of 4 or 8 and nobody knows what they are, even the most famous Egyptologists have no idea.

  • But this actually is proof that the ancient Egyptians not only understood the FLOWER OF LIFE, but they lived it.

  • Today I'm going to show you what thewe wheels meant, and in future lessons we will go over the details of this unraveling,

  • There is a lot to cover before we get there though. For the record, the unraveling looks like... this.

  • so on the walls with these wheels are drawings of 7 people with animal heads, they are called neters,

  • and each of them has an orange/red oval above his head. This is called the egg of metamorphosis.

  • The Neters are showing us a time when we go through a certain stage of resurrection, which is a rapid biological change into different life form.

  • not the average type of resurrection, I know. As you can see here, they are changing direction 90 degrees, and in doing so, they are changing dimensions.

  • see, the dimensional levels are separated by 90 degrees, musical notes are separated by 90 degrees,

  • The chakras, are also 90 degrees, it's a number that continually appears.

  • Probably at this point we should get a common understanding of what dimensions are

  • Like ... 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, 5th dimension ... what are we talking about here?

  • Most people think of dimension in terms of time and space, the X, Y and Z axis, with time becoming the fourth dimension.

  • This is not what we're talking about, what we are seeing as the various dimensional levels has more to do with music and harmonics than anything else.

  • A piano has eight white keys from C to C, which is the familiar octave,

  • and in between there are 5 black keys, together this creates what is called the chromatic scale.

  • which is 13 notes, well actually 12 , with the 13th being the first in the next octave, so from one C to next is really 13 steps, not 8.

  • This is also correlates with the 7, 8 and 13 chakra system I mentioned in Lesson 2, keeping that in mind I want to show a sine wave.

  • Sine waves correspond to light and the electromagnetic spectrum, and the vibration of sound. We are all very familiar with this.

  • In this entire reality we are in, every single things is based on sine waves.

  • There are no exceptions to this except for maybe SPIRIT and void.

  • Quantum physics and quantum mechanics looks at everything in the reality in one of two ways,

  • You can look at anything, like the computer where you are watching this video on, to be made of tiny particles like atoms.

  • Or you can forget the idea completely, and look at it as a vibration, a waveform, such as electromagnetic fields, or even sound.

  • If you look at it as atoms, the laws can be seem to fit that model, but if you look at it like wavesforms, the laws also seem to fit THAT model,

  • Both systems come out of the FLOWER OF LIFE, one being the one we just looked at, FRUIT OF LIFE to METATRON'S CUBE and beyond.

  • And the other being this beautiful mess of a picture, just looking at it hurts my head.

  • Everything in this world is a waveform, or can be seen as sound, all things, your bodies, planets ... absolutely everything are a waveform

  • If you choose this particular way of looking at reality, and then superimpose that view over the reality of the harmonics of music, we can begin to talk about dimensions.

  • The dimensional levels are nothing but different base rates of wavelengths.

  • The only difference between this dimension and the other is the length of its basic waveform.

  • It's just like a radio set, turn the dial,you pick up a wavelength

  • It is the same with dimensions, if you were to change the wavelength of your consciousness, and in doing so change all of your body patterns to a wavelength different from this universe.

  • you would literally disappear out of this world and reappear in the one you are tuned in.

  • It has been theorized that the base rate wavelength that we currently living in is 7.23 cm, there are a few reasons for this.

  • In a spiritual sense, the 7.23 wavelength is OM, the Hindu sound of the universe, maybe that is why OM is such a powerful tool in meditation.

  • Not only that, but if were to take 100 people and measure the distance between their eyes, the average lenght is 7.23.

  • The same with the distance from the tip of our chins to the tip of our noses, and the distance across our palms, and the distance between our chakras.

  • This 7.23 length is located throughout our bodies in various ways because we have emerged in this particular dimension.

  • There is another reason as well, Bell Laboratories found this wavelength when they were setting the microwave system around the United States.

  • They found static on their system because they chose a wavelength just slightly longer than 7.23 for their system

  • in order to get rid of static, the did something that we as a planet are still suffering from, the upped the power up 50 thousand times over what we normally need.

  • Which created a very powerful field, so that the 7.35 wavelength would not interfere, it's for those reasons that I believe 7.23 is the wavelength of our dimension.

  • As you go up into dimensional levels, the wavelength gets shorter and shorter with higher and higher energy.

  • As you go down in levels, the wavelength gets longer and longer, with lower and lower energy, more and more dense.

  • Just as with the piano, there is a space between the notes, so that when you hit a note, there is a very definite place where the next note is.

  • In this waveform universe we exist in, there is a very definite place where the next dimensional level exists, it is a specific wavelength relative to this one.

  • Most cultures in the cosmos have a basic understanding of this and understand how to change between dimensions.

  • However, because of certain events that happened on earth 13,000 years ago, we have all forgotten, but we are about to remember.

  • So if we show each note in the chromatic scale as a circle, we have 13 circles.

  • Each circle represents a white or black key, and the shaded circle in the end would be the 13th note that begins the next octave.

  • This circle here represents the third dimension, this is where we are, and this circle next to it would be the fourth.

  • In Lesson 3 we talked about channeling and this is typically where channeled beings are.

  • This is also where you explore when you are astral projecting or lucid dreaming

  • You'll notice now that the musical system goes upwards and downwards forever, octaves over octaves over octaves.

  • Theoretically this is how the universe goes too, an infinite spectrum of universes in both directions going upwards and downwards forever.

  • I mean, come on, we thought our universe was big, but everything in our universe as far as we can see, well.. that's just one dimension.

  • You may have heard people talk about 144 and how 144 relates to other spiritual subjects.

  • This is because there are 12 notes in an octave, and 12 overtones between each note, 12 x 12 = 144 dimensional levels.

  • To be specific, there are 12 major dimensions and 132 minor dimensions within each octave, though in truth this progression probably goes on forever.

  • The diagram we've been looking at represents one octave, the 13th note repeats and then there's another octave after that.

  • Looks like I'm about done for the day, I want to show you this, I was watching "ancient aliens" not long ago,

  • And one of the natives who has communication with beings of higher dimension told the man who was interviewing him:

  • they have always been here, even right here where we are sitting right now, but you just don't see them, they're in a different frequency.

  • And no one really got what he meant, so that's kind of a fresh perspective on that.

  • English Subtitles: Augusto Vera - @augustweet,

At the end of Lesson 6, I showed some really cool geometrically perfect crop circles in the FLOWER OF LIFE form


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精神科學7 ~ 層面 (Spirit Science 7 ~ Dimensions)

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    Hhart Budha 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日