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  • the early 19 sixties.

  • In fact, the 19 sixties itself is an air of incredible economic boom, far more so than the fifties in the seventies, and particularly for the for the generation that goes to school.

  • Beginning in the early 19 sixties, nobody ever worried about getting a job.

  • There were shortages everywhere of skilled labor and particularly intellectual labor.

  • The universities were booming.

  • You couldn't walk onto a university campus in the early 19 sixties and not see a building going up.

  • There was a sense of incredible expansion, and that enterprise was something you were part of.

  • So of course you could change the world.

the early 19 sixties.


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美國什麼時候最富有?六十年代! (When Was America At It's Wealthiest? The 1960s!)

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