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  • what would happen if you build a refuge for persecuted people in a

  • place where another people already lived and in the next few minutes

  • you'll learn why this moral are the root of the struggle between Israelis

  • and Palestinians

  • and what you can do to help achieve a just peace

  • for everyone in the region

  • first there are couple of things it's helpful to understand. one:

  • many jews fled harsh persecution in Antisemetics Europe

  • especially the Nazi Holocaust

  • Zionist encouraged massive immigration in Historic Palestine

  • at that time of the British Colony reduce an age-old connection and were

  • small jewish communities's had long existed among larger groups of

  • indigenous peoples (Arabs in Palestine)

  • but when the UN offered the Jewish immigrants the majority of the land for

  • new state called Israel

  • for the indigenous Palestinians who live there it was a massive destruction of

  • life

  • they've rejected the UN's partition plan

  • and several Arab States invaded the

  • new State of Israel

  • Israeli forces essentially raze over four hundred Palestinians

  • Villages and towns

  • by the end of the fighting, Israel controlled seventy eighty percent of

  • Historic Palestine with three quarters of a million palestinians who fled or

  • were expelled during fighting

  • tried to return to their homes with the new state now stood

  • they would permanently barred (banned) by the Israeli government. well over a hundred

  • thousand their relatives and neighbors who hasn't left became second-class

  • citizens in the new state

  • along with the new Jewish majority

  • today palestinian refugees and their descendants number in the millions most

  • in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jordan

  • many are spread throughout the world with million still living in refugee

  • camps seeking to return to their homeland

  • to sum up

  • one group of refugees kinda much needed home

  • but in the process a new group of refugees was created

  • here's the second thing to understand

  • Israel was founded as a Jewish state

  • but now ask yourself

  • what exactly does that mean

  • people had lots of ideas about what a Jewish state should look like

  • some called for equality for all citizens (include the Palestinean)

  • but what was created

  • in practice

  • was Institutional Discrimination against non Jews (Arabs, Muslim & Christians)

  • in other words

  • Israel ended up being built on a blue printed paper

  • the Israeli government wants the maximum lands and resources for Jews

  • but not the Palestinians living here

  • that's why inside Israel, Jews get special privileges including rights to

  • land and housing

  • better denied to the Palestinian citizens who make up twenty percent of

  • Israel's population

  • that's also part of why Israel is never defined its borders (NO OFFICIAL BORDER)

  • in fact they still hold onto land, the West Bank and Gaza

  • that they conquered in the war in 1967

  • since then Israel has built Jewish settlements throughout the

  • occupied West Bank, building jewish only cities and supplying them quick infrastructure

  • like roads and army camps, schools and even a college

  • military occupation are meant to be temporary

  • but after 40+ years this one looks permanent an entirely unjust

  • in the West Bank, Israeli Jewish settlers and Palestinians live on the same land

  • but must live under two completely separate and unequal systems of Israeli

  • law

  • the Jewish Settlers dominate the natural resources including water and

  • agricultural land

  • and they're backed by the Israeli army

  • to maintain the occupation, Israel demolished thousands of Palestinian home

  • and orchids

  • confiscated Palestinian Land

  • bomb and captive civilian in Gaza

  • and punished resistance

  • with raids, arrests

  • and assassinations

  • All to gain Maximum land

  • or making life so difficult for Palestinian

  • that they will either

  • leave or be too afraid

  • to resist

  • Palestinians have fought back

  • for decades they try to achieve national liberation through on struggle

  • some group still do

  • but for the majority now support popular protest instead

  • the deeply wrong for pattern of control repression and violence profoundly harms

  • Palestinians living under occupation and Israelis living as occupiers

  • this must be broken to reach a peaceful and secure future for both peoples

  • now that you understand the problem, what about the solution, what about peace

  • talks

  • so far over two decades of US-backed peace talks actually made things worst

  • by helping Israel continue the occupation, it's been years of talking

  • while Israel massively expanded the Jewish settlements

  • and literally redrew the map

  • peace talks are good if they're real! but not when they are bad to cover a land grant

  • So now what, the current world superpowers the USA has been a terrible friend

  • and it links Israel's destructive in self-destructive expansion on

  • Palestinian land by funding the Israeli military

  • the biggest recipient of US foreign aid in the world

  • but there's another superpower they can make the difference... YOU!

  • there's a movement with hundreds of thousands people just like you across

  • the world

  • including Palestinians and Israelis

  • protesting

  • educating

  • divesting

  • and boycotting

  • all to bring non violent

  • international pressure

  • on Israel

  • to stop

  • violating human rights of Palestinian

  • throughout history

  • our government failed to push for justice

  • people just like you, like us

  • have taken the lead and won

  • now its the Palestinean turn

  • for freedom

  • and justice

  • we can pressure Israel to END the occupation and

  • the discrimination

  • we want all want people, Jews and Palestinean

  • to have quality

  • human right

  • and democracy (well thats not necessary)

  • we can change history!!!!

what would happen if you build a refuge for persecuted people in a


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B1 中級

以色列和巴勒斯坦 (Israel and Palestine)

  • 676 42
    SophyYeh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日