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  • one name being bandied about for the Democrats is Massachusetts senator and librarian.

  • You're embarrassed to ask about puberty books.

  • Elizabeth Warren, Massachusetts Senator.

  • An alternate universe.

  • Cool.

  • Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren.

  • Scene here.

  • Thin here attempting five of Joe Biden's parakeets.

  • Tourist going in for a closer look at Michelangelo's David Friends.

  • Mom, who even comes to your graduation school principal on karaoke nights on music teacher telling the Tenors My I'm up here.

  • I'm up here drama teacher and our four of guys and dolls auditions.

  • Massachusetts Senator and ravenous baby cannibal Elizabeth Warren.

one name being bandied about for the Democrats is Massachusetts senator and librarian.


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B2 中高級

Late Show的Alter Egos。伊麗莎白-沃倫版 (Late Show's Alter Egos: Elizabeth Warren Edition)

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