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  • EA Sports fee for 20 sponsors Saturday.

  • Social.

  • Obviously, I'm one of five.

  • No.

  • One of six.

  • Sorry.

  • Sorry.

  • Talk about your love of football growing up.

  • Well, I used to sort of hang around with my uncles.

  • You know, there are a lot older than me and try and play one bounce and warn you of them on little waste.

  • Someone to go and play with people my own age.

  • I didn't sort of that.

  • That's at that young age.

  • See myself getting to where I've got to, you know, until I started getting into a team and stuff like that.

  • And that's when it's off for Right?

  • Okay, this is something I want to do for a career, and I got a passion for it.

  • I read that you used to play in the cages around co venture in the unique name one Wembley.

  • Is that Is that true?

  • What?

  • The cages like that?

  • Well, yeah, The cages come at a later date.

  • When there, when the area, you know, come off a little bit.

  • Building runner.

  • At first, it was a sucker like a gas boiler of war painted a painting, a wall, a gold on their sorry.

  • Just literally love lines of white paint and that was Wembley and everyone would play in this, like little court stones and everything around.

  • But it's basically one.

  • Do you want?

  • Everyone won't be one and you go through to the next round, and that's where we start off.

  • All the people around the area, all different ages was Gil's playing as well.

  • Everyone just sort of come together.

  • And so I just had a barefoot.

  • So obviously, I'm one of five.

  • No.

  • One of six.

  • Sorry, sorry.

  • I want to see Oh, definitely 1171 of six and you obviously single more.

  • So it's difficult for her to sort of get me back and forth the training.

  • So So when I got the opportunity to go in, I was going with one of the one of the guys who lived 20 minutes away.

  • It was very serious.

  • That's what you engage.

  • And for me, I just wanted to have fun enjoy, enjoy with my friends.

  • So, yeah, I took a time out, went back this in their league and played that for a little bit longer.

  • As I was growing up, they kept trying to come back and get me to go in and stay in.

  • It wasn't until I got older and they said one of the scouts would pick me up for training and injustice.

  • This was probably 15 or so important part in development course, definitely.

  • So he's basically said to me, You know, what was going on trial at different places?

  • I went on trial a Forest said I weren't good enough when on trial at West, Bram said I wasn't good enough one on trial, then at Coventry on the patrol game and scored a hat trick against Stoke.

  • I think it wa ce in this little friendly, they offered me a contract straightaway.

  • But I said, Listen only on one condition.

  • Basically, if I could get a lift back and forth to training you said that the brothers sisters, that you had a single mom.

  • How proud amount was that for them?

  • When you you you're playing for Coventry and you're getting your line moves and it looks like that is gonna be the part that you take a look.

  • Yeah, they were holding hands out the O.

  • Yes, obviously for them, you know, it's massive playing for your hometown You know, they all used to come watch my games and things like that.

  • And when I was breaking through at Coventry, I made my debut at the Rico Arena.

  • But I'll support them growing up as a kid.

  • So it was massive for me and obviously proud for Soviet everyone granddaughter things that that, you know, they always down a social club got on the sky on the big screen and everyone in that chair in the way.

  • The percentage of players that actually turned pro, even from academies.

  • It's so small you was thinking, What is my backup if it doesn't quite work?

  • No, I didn't have, You know, I'm not the brightest spot for me.

  • Ah, case of them.

  • Yeah, basically sort off for me.

  • I was Yeah.

  • You know, obviously I put all my eggs in one basket, really?

  • And was like, I ever make it or don't.

  • And then obviously, if I don't make it, and I think about what I'm gonna do afterwards, you know, and had force about being a p e teacher or things like that, But I always like I say, just put everything into football and fort, right?

  • This is my sole focus now Ever make it?

  • Then at least I'll give everything to this.

  • Obviously, it's a humbling experience.

  • But then you get sent her off steps off.

  • Not too bothered about their diet, you know, a bit more larger than usual thing.

  • You know, you're in a 50 50 then and lifted.

  • Basically, it's one of those things, I guess.

  • Like I say, it's gonna toughen you open and stripped for new mentally and physically book.

  • Also help me improve tactically.

  • You know, Bormann obviously showed interest and it was the next step for me.

  • Always believed I'd get to the permanent wanted to, but don't obviously back in or is it is it is another thing.

  • So I was in league one square, my goals and I fought right.

  • Okay.

  • I want to get, you know, improving Go higher.

  • So I felt like the championship with probably the next dedicated and establish myself Almost.

  • Plans were to get to probably two years it match mine.

  • So it was a good fit, you know, I felt like this was the place of me to improve.

  • And then him moving our first season, Yeah, obviously got goals, which was nice.

  • And then he got promoted.

  • It was about your first game for born within the Premier League.

  • And what that meant was that one of the things you dreamt up as a kid?

  • Yeah, definitely in a primitive.

  • Definitely got here running, right.

  • Okay.

  • You know, this is what you've dreamt about all the all this time, and now it's gonna try to make it make your statement in this league.

  • You know, you watch in great players week in, week out, forget everything that's going on outside of salt, the dressing room outside in Lee.

  • Just focus on game by game.

  • And you know, whoever you're playing against where it's just display gets the opposition, you know, not bad for our u career.

  • You've had a few injuries.

  • How would you say you've come back from them on fought back so well, it's where you are now.

  • Yeah, I feel like, obviously have come back from them.

  • Well, but that's from probably my mentality.

  • You know, first and foremost, obviously wantedto come back to the same, you know, level you was before so more ways.

  • Making sure that I can improve and, you know, also saw off.

  • Not wanting to go back to where I come from.

  • If you go, I mean, so that's always been my drives.

  • When you get back and you get an injury, people writing you off saying is he gonna come back the same career?

  • Obviously, when you have an a, C o goes downhill and I'm like, No, that's not happening to me, you know, making sure I'm going to keep going on on New York.

  • That was crazy because you know, I'm working hard and there was talk before I got injured about call ups and things like that.

  • And then it's not right.

  • You've had that sort off attention before, and now it's about putting it, you know, something concrete.

  • And then ultimately, to call up game.

  • I thought, I'm gonna just go enjoy the experience and embrace it, and I found out, you know, I think it's the Tuesday that I was gonna be playing, thinking Jesus plans off down there in Wembley to actually going to be playing at Wembley on.

  • I think it's on the telly as well, which is it was even more nice for the people that couldn't get down on Dhe.

  • And yeah, you know you start in the game.

  • You know, you've probably got at least 67 minutes.

  • Some thinking was I wanted this one chance playing chance calms goes and I'm like, No, but I think you're right.

  • Stay focused.

  • You know, you still got however, many years ago, I think, yeah, eventually got the goal.

  • And, you know, I'm just Finally I read that thing's gonna quite different for you because you're into football.

  • A kickboxing, a zit.

  • You chose football.

  • Why?

  • From the kickboxing tennis?

  • And I am so I dont as growing up, you know, just to sort of a self defense thing for on my area.

  • Got to saw off.

  • 14 15 started going on football trials.

  • They started m colliding, clashing with days of kickboxing and the days of the football.

  • So obviously I was playing on the Saturday as opposed to a Sunday Kickboxing was always on the Saturday So So you have to choose.

  • Basically only had three fights and I think it was and they were like Are you could really progressing kickboxing.

  • So it's a decision to make, Really What for?

  • Could could progress in the most of what's in the most money.

EA Sports fee for 20 sponsors Saturday.


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