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you know, it's not just medical face masks in short supply right now, you know, as Corona virus fears grow now.
Now all sorts of sanitizers are starting to be in short supply.
Consumer reporter John Batteries has a plea from local pharmacists.
What did they say in John?
Well, telling you, you know, First, it was face masks that disappeared after a run on stores by nervous consumers.
Now it's hand sanitizer and wipes, and pharmacists are asking people to please stop courting.
Tanisha Stuart was heading into Walgreens in Pleasant Ridge to grab a couple of supplies to keep her family safe.
Clorox wipes and lights off about it.
Good idea, but pharmacists are sounding an alarm because other people are buying too many supplies.
The phones keep ringing.
We're still having people call about face masks were having people come in asking for masks, and then we've actually started having people come in wanting any hand sanitizer, disinfecting lights that we have.
Pharmacist Troy Stinson of Blaney's pharmacy says they ran out of masks weeks ago, but now hand sanitizer is running low.
We couldn't find a single bottle of pure L left in this Walgreens store, in Oakley Farmer says.
Say, sure, it's a good idea for everybody.
Have a bottle of hand sanitizer in their home right now.
But they say if you walk into a store, you see just three or four bottles of it left.
Think of other people and don't buy it all up, completely unnecessary to buy them all those If you want to have one on hand, it's a good idea to have, but it's not necessary to buy all of them.
But that's what we're seeing.
It's, um, supermarket.
Sam's clubs and Cost goes Walmart spokesman tells us they are resupplying, saying we're working with suppliers to understand and mitigate any supply chain disruptions.
Providing customers with the products they need remains our focus, but it's a lot tougher when people are hoarding.
Sure is.
You know, a few bottles of hand sanitizer is a great idea.
Stashing enough for a small army in your home is selfish.