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  • I don't ever wanna welcome to another video.

  • And what is another episode off?

  • What's inside now?

  • In this series, we purchase cheap second hand pre built peces with sole intention of finding out what's inside them and then seeing how well the combination of components can play games today.

  • I picked up this tree per second hand pretty built at C E.

  • X here in the UK Andi, I plan to find out exactly what's inside this thing and then see how well it can handle itself in both CPU intensive tasks and modern Triple eight titles.

  • Now C e X.

  • Here in the UK as I'm sure most of you know by now is a secondhand electronics retailer, you could buy peace, Cedric, my laptop shaken by phones that their PCs are off the most interest to me because it's always a mystery as to the exact specs that you might get.

  • What's the basic specifications are listed on the site.

  • The minor details, such as the P S.

  • U model or actually, rather major details in some cases are pretty lackluster in terms of description.

  • So the exact model of the round, the exact model of the power supply onto the exact model of the hard drive or SS day that you're going to get remains a mystery until you take that side panel off.

  • So let's get into it and do just that.

  • Actually had a little bit of trouble with this initial step because, well, it seems like someone had welded it on.

  • But after a little bit of brute force, it was time to see what lay inside this mysterious chassis.

  • There are also no pictures of specific items on the C E Excite, either, which makes it all the more of a surprise when it turns up, you guys know that we don't only do this to solve a specific curiosity, but to also discover how well a set of specifications work together and review, if you will, the system as a whole as well as thes system builders choices.

  • So after struggling with East Side panel and finally managing to loosen it up, it was time to reveal the hidden treasures buried deep inside this dented black and red case.

  • The first noteworthy component is the power supply, a coarser T x 6 50 em.

  • It's 80 plus gold rated, and it's modular.

  • And to be honest, it's overkill for this PC.

  • But at least a more powerful GPU could be utilized.

  • Or at least it could have bean if we had the GPU cables.

  • If it was me, I'd have plugged them in, even if my GP you didn't need them so that I didn't lose them.

  • But obviously, that is not what happened here.

  • Buying a replacement cable or cables shouldn't cost too much, and I think you can get them from the course air website.

  • This is a quality unit, and one I'd still very much recommend brand new.

  • You can expect to pay at least £70.

  • Used units will be cheaper, but be sure they come with all the cables that you require.

  • Finds like this are why I like purchasing C e X P sees the exact PS you model is never listed, and sometimes it can be a very pleasant surprise.

  • Though the opposite is sometimes true.

  • I should also take a minute to talk about the case before getting carried away with the internal components.

  • More often than not, at least in my experience, a secondhand privy, it will be a little bit marked and scratched, maybe even dented like this one.

  • And this has been the case for May.

  • Pardon the pun on a lot of occasions, no matter where I've been buying.

  • Be aware of this if you plan on buying a pre owned PC as it may not be the most pretty looking externally, but most sites should have pictures and detailed info regarding condition back to the interior.

  • And there's nothing exciting going on in the way of liquid calling.

  • There's no RGB either.

  • What sort of a monster?

  • I'm liking the bright red finish at the back of the case, though it's not for everyone I know, but it does match the stock.

  • Am DCP you found rather well.

  • I'm sure a lot of you are expecting to see an AMG FX process, sir.

  • At this point, right?

  • Well, what we actually have here is an FM two plus socket bold now FM two plus supported AM these 2014 lineup of AP use, as well as a range of Athlon chips which were inexpensive and therefore ideal for user's on a tight budget.

  • Those who built on FM to based PC back in 2014 would likely have realized the restrictions off that socket by now.

  • Take the X 48 60 k, for example.

  • By coincidence, the very Athlon trip attached to this bold This one is in particular need of some new thermal paste.

  • Whilst it was a good budget conscious decision back in the day to buy one of these, it was also one of the best CP use on the socket.

  • These both sound like positive factors, but when it came to upgrading, there wasn't really any where to go.

  • Where is the opposite was true for anyone who bought the Intel alternative, the Jew 30 to 58.

  • It will be interesting to see how this 3.7 gigahertz ca very court core performs today.

  • These days I'd consider eight gigabytes of RAM, the minimum for any gaming PC with 16 gigs.

  • The sweet spot.

  • Thankfully, inside this build, we do have two sticks of memory, a promising start on.

  • Upon closer inspection, we have two matching sticks of 1600 megahertz DDR three.

  • Next up, it's the best part of the graphics card.

  • This tiny, unassuming component doesn't look like much, but it's actually a GTX 10 50 t.

  • I this £139 or dollar card waas, heralded by some reviewers as the new budget king back in 2016 almost, it still costs over 100 of most currencies to buy new.

  • There are plenty of them on the used market, thanks to its popularity.

  • After all, it's still the second favor amongst gamers who take part in steams monthly hardware.

  • Survey.

  • This you know, three D compact version requires No.

  • Six pin connector, thanks to its small size, could likely be squeezed into many tight for space.

  • Riggs to finalize.

  • On the spec front, we have a 500 gig hard drive andan, a Seuss DVD drive.

  • Great for anyone like me.

  • With a large disc based game collection, an SST would be a welcome improvement here.

  • An exhaust fan would also be a nice addition to keep things a little cooler.

  • Always be sure.

  • Tow.

  • Give a second hand PC a good clean as well to remove any loose dust as this can make things a little hot if it gets a bit clogged up so we know the specs.

  • But how welcome the game Is this a capable combination these days or were one component proved to be the limiting factor.

  • Cough cough X 40 60 k Well, why don't we fire up some games and CPU intensive tasks to find out?

  • So I started with video editing with Premiere Pro Sisi 2015 and there are no two ways about lifts using the CPU for editing this very video.

  • Waas a pretty horrible experience.

  • Now, even in 1/4 resolution playback, there will be stutters.

  • There will be audio problems, and none of this is present after exporting the video.

  • But trying to actually preview the video on dhe Cut and Crop, your various clips can be a bit of a pain in the anyway.

  • Let's move on to the sinner bench are 20.

  • Result As you're conceding, multicourse score here was worse than that of an overcooked effects.

  • 4300.

  • And as I'm sure you guys probably remember, that didn't do the best when it came to running modern games.

  • So for the gaming tests, I started off with Assassin's Creed Odyssey at 10 80 p lo and running the in game benchmark test, we were able to achieve 32 F B s on average.

  • Now you're probably noticed they're in the top left corner that the CPU is running at 100% usage, and this is a similar story throughout all off today's game play tests.

  • It simply cannot handle a lot off modern games that well, whereas we know that the 10 50 t I still can now whilst you could still probably get away with playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey on this set up Battlefield five is a different story again.

  • The 10 50 t i is thebe better component throughout, and it is still very much capable of running modern titles with reduced settings.

  • But the X 48 60 k here struggled, especially in Battlefield five, where we were seeing just 22 frames per second with pretty poor 1% on 10.1% lows as well.

  • According to the FRAPH CE benchmark program.

  • We were seeing 64 frames per second in Crisis three again a 10 80 p low.

  • Now this didn't really feel like we were hitting 64 frames per second on average.

  • That maybe because of the low 1% low there, 28 26 indicates no real stutter.

  • But it does mean that we so a few framed drops here and there, and they will certainly be noticeable as the action starts to heat up.

  • Far cry New Dawn felt like the smoothest of all of today's tested games, but again, in busy areas you will notice the frame rates start to drop.

  • I think I saw around 30 F.

  • B s at one point, which isn't bad, but going straight from 48 to 30 in an instant is certainly something that's quite noticeable when you're running around blasting away throughout this in game map.

  • So that's something to bear in mind.

  • With a 0.1% of 13 you'll certainly notice a few frame dips here and there.

  • And finally, I'd be inclined to call red dead redemption to unplayable a swell thanks to the low average frame rate.

  • There wasn't too much stutter, but overall it was quite a slow experience.

  • Red Dead redemption to isn't the most fast paced game in the world, but it's nice to be able to hit at least 30.

  • And unfortunately, 30 f p s was no achievable here, even with the lowest performance precept.

  • So I think we can all agree that this PC has one major floor or two and those are the CPU and that the motherboard, the X for a 60 K is still capable of handling some games, though when it comes to others, such as Battlefield five or Red Dead redemption to it will certainly struggle.

  • We know that the 10.

  • 50 t I can still deliver playable frame rates with reduced settings when paired with a more capable process, sir.

  • But in the case off this system, well, it is being held back by the X four.

  • So why did I buy this PC?

  • Well, I knew the base expects of this machine and considering it had a 10.

  • 50 t i inside for the price of £175 I had a feeling there was some profit to be made.

  • I wanted to wait and see what other specs would be included with this build.

  • And I think now that I've seen the power supply that's inside, I could probably make my money back and a little bit more, which is what I intended to do in the first place.

  • And I plan to turn that concept into another video.

  • I also wanted to answer the question.

  • Can the x 48 60 k still handle itself in early 2020?

  • And the answer to that is unfortunately, no.

  • If you want to build a budget focus PC that includes the 10 50 t I among the specs, well, I would strongly consider pairing it with a rise in three, for example, or an Intel core I three, perhaps the 9100 f.

  • The problem with the FM two plus soccer is that there really isn't anywhere else to go.

  • The X 48 60 k is one of the best chips available.

  • And so when it comes to upgrading, I'm sure the person who built this probably just thought, Well, I'm not going to get a new motherboard and CPU.

  • I'm just going to build a whole entire new PC, and they most likely upgraded their 10 50 t I as well.

  • They should have kept the power supply, though that can handle pretty much any single card out there.

  • Well, with all that said and done, I hope you've enjoyed this video.

  • I always enjoyed taking a look at these pre built machines, seeing what's inside, and I hope you guys do, too.

  • If you like this video, be sure to leave a light on it.

  • Leave it.

  • It's like if you didn't Sorry if you can hear the export.

  • 8 60 Kay's fan Those stock fans really are quite awful.

  • Subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already, and hopefully you can all join me in the next one.

I don't ever wanna welcome to another video.


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這臺175英鎊的二手定製遊戲電腦裡面有什麼? (What's Inside This £175 Pre-Owned Custom Gaming PC?)

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