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  • like you give this shit silly going Ramsey or something.

  • He would just be like you love it.

  • He loses shit.

  • Yeah.

  • It's love to say that he's a scream just like you and Brian Joji.

  • We're celebrating the idea Rising head in the Clouds Album and tour by cooking for friends at our end of summer.

  • Party house.

  • The thing is, though I don't think we really know how to cook way.

  • Welcome to the fees Mansion.

  • Welcome to the feast mansion.

  • Welcome to the Fees Mansion.

  • Welcome to the feast mansion.

  • What's up?

  • This is Josie is Brian Brian and you're watching the best fucking cooking show in the world in the world.

  • So today we're gonna be making instant noodles for the party.

  • And, uh, you're gonna have a lot of instant noodles on the tour.

  • The 80 degrees and rising tour.

  • Yes.

  • You have to be having a lot of noodles on that sewer for sure.

  • Who thinks who thinks the best ramen noodle man?

  • I think I am personally, like not to shit on you, but like you kind of did.

  • I mean, like, don't take it that way.

  • I kind of did dunk it and gone for now.

  • Very good.

  • Like we gonna have this problem.

  • Like, for the rest of the video I'll put I'll put up with it for this one, but whatever.

  • What time?

  • So we got the end of me and you have the ichiban.

  • I guess the key to this is we have to customize or noodle game as strongest possible into our own style.

  • What do you What are you gonna do with it?

  • I don't know.

  • You got that Indo me.

  • I'm getting pretty nervous about that.

  • But, uh, don't worry.

  • I got a special ingredient, but the book is that don't worry about it, but I'm kind of worried now.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • Yeah?

  • What is this land?

  • What is that?

  • It's John.

  • Dude, what is that?

  • Don't worry about what the fuck is that Broad's Timmy you, like?

  • Stop saying names.

  • That's freaking me out.

  • Wait, what do you think it is?

  • I have no idea how little you don't know.

  • Can I smell it?

  • Yeah, it smells like chicken, but it's definitely not chicken dogs chase.

  • Um um they people do eat them like normal people.

  • Pretty normal people.

  • I mean, Asians e i e.

  • I feel like the only white people that would eat this shit are like people fromthe woods not records rabbits.

  • Yeah.

  • Wait.

  • Raccoons, possums.

  • I know, I know.

  • Posse was not horrible.

  • You pulled out this fucking around it, so you know, you you're going pretty crazy, so I'm gonna let you go first.

  • Okay?

  • I'm really curious to see what you're doing with this thing.

  • I think the right way to start is we want it.

  • We want to put in the meat first.

  • What meat is it?

  • This is this is also a rabbit.

  • Yeah, we're making the broad basically, right.

  • I think that's no.

  • That was not that I think is the most fucked up cooking show.

  • If it is, we're gonna open it.

  • Just gonna casually hold that.

  • We gotta open the noodle.

  • Help me open this, Brian.

  • Yeah, Thank you.

  • So we want to wait a little bit, start mixing it.

  • Yeah, we were given some ladles and shit, so if you want, grab a hold of that.

  • Grab one of these two.

  • I'm very aware that we're not supposed to use ladles and ship for this.

  • I just can't find anything, so before anyone you're gonna put down.

  • What you gonna put the rabbit, then?

  • Well, I mean, like, there's nowhere to put it.

  • I'm just thinking big space right there and finish brothers.

  • Let me hang on.

  • I'll put it down because it's startinto.

  • Get disrespectful.

  • So Okay.

  • So you talking with this?

  • Okay, wait.

  • I mean, like, there's no seasoning it.

  • Okay, Now, hold on, young man.

  • Hold on.

  • I think we can still just use one.

  • I think it'll just do the job over all of them.

  • Yeah.

  • Bob Boone zippity doo dot Okay?

  • And it's actually, if you don't mind mixing it in while I grab some shit just straight up, just like Oh, yeah, Bag in there.

  • That's that's probably the movie.

  • You want to make sure the egg yolk doesn't break, not crush it.

  • Crush it up.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, shit.

  • This is a competition.

  • I mean, I'm fine with that.

  • No, it's not trash.

  • So step off this.

  • I forgot this was a competition.

  • I can't have you learned myself.

  • Say I just mix the egg and then are you, like, pretty confident this one is gonna be good.

  • That's the thing.

  • You're never gonna be able to tell if I actually know what I'm doing or not.

  • That's the game.

  • Oh, that was kind of beautiful, actually, like, didn't even want to mix it up, But I was not really around the spot.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Uh, fuck it was thrown another egg.

  • What is that?

  • Someone just said that I was called No Ruto, but, um, we're eating the reed Told me you're in it.

  • It sze made out of either fish, skin or fish powder them these air fish eggs.

  • Is that in the movie?

  • And I don't know, I'm not a fan of this personally.

  • Right, But, like, this is what people like.

  • That's it.

  • That's it.

  • What do you call it?

  • I call it Rama.

  • And that now you know, we're going to see if the student student was able to learn from the master who is the master.

  • I think I'm the master in this scenario.

  • All right, so you cook your dish called the ramen, and then I'm gonna find amusing me going, which is kind, like, a fried thing.

  • So what I'm gonna do right now is kind of like putting my own lost spin on it.

  • Okay, I don't know what I'm doing.

  • I'm kind of like deciding as I go.

  • What kind of peppers or the They're Thai birds.

  • Yeah.

  • So I just kind of cut it up like that.

  • Watching you cut it up is a lot more soothing.

  • I forgot that.

  • You actually cook.

  • There's some onions in here.

  • The chop of just, like a little bit more.

  • When you're cutting these up, you have lots of flavours.

  • Truths comes out.

  • Yeah.

  • I don't know what I'm talking about.

  • I just wanted to some professional, but I get it.

  • Yeah.

  • So I'm gonna do this.

  • I'm gonna put it in the oil.

  • So Okay.

  • Here.

  • He he already knows what he's doing.

  • It's like looking at that.

  • It's like foaming all of it.

  • Just like smell less yet.

  • Let's make sure it smells good on.

  • And, you know, I'm gonna put some some shrimp in.

  • You want rabbit for this?

  • No, I'm good.

  • I think I'm just gonna stay with shrimp for now.

  • Okay.

  • I'm gonna put this shrimp in there.

  • I just kind of like, wanna move it around, make it when you got that stir fry advantage.

  • Okay, so I'm gonna put the noodles in.

  • So Indo me, it started from Indonesia.

  • But it's kind of like popular, like everywhere.

  • I feel like you could give this SHIT'LL like Gordon Ramsay or something.

  • He would just be awake.

  • Love it.

  • He loses Shit.

  • Yeah, that's what I would love to say that he's a scream just like looking at it.

  • Like doing sexy, just like the's air.

  • The Indo Pak is that came with that.

  • This is what makes it like Indo me, you know, one of the three content.

  • So this is like it's like Cem Cem onion ship with oil.

  • And then this is a sweet soy sauce and this is chili sauce.

  • And I'm fucking telling you doing when you eat this, you're gonna shit your fucking party Nomination has a lot of people are coming to this party, and I don't want to disappoint them through, so I'm actually gonna put two eggs on it because people need protein.

  • You put anything else?

  • In my opinion, that's it.

  • I'm done right.

  • So I'm meeting my noodles and so did I.

  • We've conceived two great bodies of work, and now we're about to try both of it and decide which one is the official tour.

  • Nels, try try this part.

  • I feel like there's, like, the good part right here.

  • Right here again.

  • Very good.

  • Okay, I taste the peppers.

  • That's nice.

  • You see, it's a nice little kick.

  • Yeah.

  • Whoa, E.

  • I like it, But, um, join yourself doing is really good.

  • Thank you.

  • All right.

  • I won't try yours now with this is actually, like, so much better than that.

  • That's all right.

  • And it is so good.

  • We talk.

  • Why are you being sarcastic?

  • No, I'm actually be serious.

  • What do you put in this again?

  • You put one seasoning back, right?

  • The rest of it to the AG.

  • What?

  • And the right rabbit?

  • Because we put in early way.

  • Did Sean put his faith in us?

  • You know, we delivered.

  • I made the noodles.

  • You made yours.

  • Which one's gonna be the official warning?

  • Honestly, I'm going for that shit is really going on.

  • Sort of like two months.

  • I won't have that.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • I feel like this were just spill all over the place, though.

  • I'd want to go with that.

  • I mean, that's sure because we're going by a bus.

  • You're right.

  • And Also, you can save this stuff in the fridge.

  • That's true.

  • This will just, like, look like this way we might have to go the Yeah, in the van, dummy.

  • Damn.

  • All right, all right, that's settled.

  • So the enemy is the official tour noodles, August Await Nikki hire brothers.

  • Okay, You guys didn't come here, and you guys didn't get to decide.

  • But this is where you gonna be getting for the rest of sore?

  • Yeah.

  • So kidney stones, kidney stuff.

  • Crispy cream, crispy cream way happen.

  • No booth.

like you give this shit silly going Ramsey or something.


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A2 初級

Joji和Rich Brian的方便麵大作戰 - 宴席大廈 (Joji and Rich Brian Have an Instant Noodle Battle | Feast Mansion)

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