字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Ah, what could be cuter than animals? 有什麼能比動物可愛? Sleeping ones, right? 在睡覺的牠們,對吧? The position your pet sleeps in can speak volumes about its attitude towards you. 你的寵物睡覺的位置可以充分說明牠對您的態度。 And how do some wild animals sleep? 那麼野生動物怎麼睡覺? Well, that's a real art! 這就是睡覺真正的藝術! Let's take a look, but be quiet! 我們現在來看看,不過要安靜! You don't want to wake your fluffy friend! 你也不想吵醒你的毛朋友! 1. At your feet. 第一、你的腳邊。 If your pet sleeps down near your feet, this doesn't mean it's afraid to come closer and is waiting for your permission. 如果你的寵物睡在你的腳邊,並不代表牠不敢靠近你或是在等待你的允許。 Most likely, your fur baby is sleeping there because of a hopeless situation: you toss and turn all night, and your pet is forced to leave the bed so you don't roll over on him! 很可能是你的毛小孩陷入絕望的境況,你睡覺時輾轉反側迫使牠隨時要離開你的床,這樣你才不會翻身壓到牠! Sleeping at your feet is much safer, especially for cats and small dogs. 睡在你的腳邊會比較安全,尤其是對貓咪和小狗來說。 2. Full trust. 第二、完全信任。 If you sleep in the fetal position with bent legs, you might've noticed your pet snuggling up in that cozy spot between your knees. 如果你是彎著腿呈現嬰兒的睡姿,你應該會發現寵物依偎在你的膝蓋間那塊舒適的區域。 This suggests that the animal fully trusts you and believes that you, as the pack leader, are responsible for its well-being. 這意味著牠完全信任你,認為你是牠們的領袖,會為牠們的幸福負責。 By the way, kittens and puppies sleep similarly with their mothers! 順帶一提,小貓咪和小狗狗和牠們媽媽一起睡的時候也是差不多的睡姿! 3. The quiet place. 第三、安靜的地方。 Pets, like their owners, can't fall asleep when the neighbors are being noisy or there's a thunderstorm outside. 寵物就像牠們的主人一樣,在鄰居發出噪音或是外面打雷時都無法入睡。 But cats and dogs feel worse than you because their hearing is much more sensitive. 不過貓狗可能會感覺更差,因為牠們的聽力比人類還敏感。 To escape from the noise somehow, they tuck themselves right between your legs when you sleep on your back. 為了逃離噪音,當你仰睡的時候牠們會蜷縮在你的雙腿間。 Thus, your pet has found a warm, soundproof circle! 這樣你的寵物就可以待在溫暖有隔音的環境裡了! 4. The jealous pose. 第四、嫉妒的姿勢。 If you share a bed with a partner, your pet can squeeze in between you two. 如果你是和你的伴侶同床的話,你的毛小孩會擠在你們兩個之間。 This is the warmest and safest place for them—cuddled in between their two most favorite humans in the world! 因為這對牠們來說是最舒適、安全的地方,被在世界上牠最愛的兩個人類擁護著。 But watch out! 不過要注意! A pet will also do this if they want to separate you from your partner, also known as they're jealous that you love someone as much as them! 牠也有可能是想要分開你們兩個,因為牠們嫉妒你也同時喜歡別人。 5. The softest place. 第五、最軟的地方。 It happens that pets, especially cats, will arrogantly drive you right off your own pillow! 有時候你的寵物,特別是貓咪,很有可能會傲慢地把你趕離你自己的枕頭! And all because the bed may not seem soft and comfortable enough for them. 這是因為床對牠們來說不夠軟和舒適。 Even if you buy your pets a special soft pillow, they still may tend to sleep on yours because they want it, and they know you'll give it to them! 即使你買個特別軟的枕頭給毛小孩,牠們還是會想躺在你的枕頭,因為牠們就是想這麼做,而且牠們知道你會給牠躺。 Yeah! 沒錯! 6. The best protection. 第六、最佳的保護。 Some dogs like to sleep under the covers too, just like their human! 有些狗狗也喜歡像人類一樣睡在被窩裡! The slight pressure on our bodies from the blankets soothes the nervous system, much like a hug. 毯子讓我們的身體感受到的輕微壓力,可以安撫神經系統,就像擁抱一樣。 We feel more protected when we sleep under the covers. 我們睡在被窩裡會感到更有安全感。 Well, pets feel the same way, and they love being covered. 那麼,寵物也有同樣的感覺,牠們也喜歡被包裹著。 7. Pure love. 第七、純粹的愛。 The most pleasant and clearest way to show they love you is when your pet crawls across your body up to your face as you're sleeping. 當你在睡覺時,你的寵物爬過你的身體並爬到你的臉龐,就是向你們表達愛意的最愉快和明顯的方式。 It shows its affection and complete dependence on you. 這是表達愛意和完全依賴的意思。 They want to feel the beat of your heart and hear your breath! 牠們想要感受你的心跳和聆聽你的呼吸聲。 8. Hugs! 第八、擁抱。 If you sleep in an embrace with your pet, you probably noticed that it always faces you. 如果你是擁抱著你的毛小孩一起睡覺的話,你應該會察覺到牠總是面向著你。 Again, this is your pet's way of hearing your heartbeat. 也是同一個原因,想要聆聽著你的心跳聲。 They'll be able to sleep more soundly knowing everything is okay with you! 牠們知道你一切都安好才能睡得香! 9. Always ready! 第九、隨時準備就緒。 With this sleeping pose, your pet is stretched next to you at full height. 你的毛小孩全身伸直躺在你身旁。 Dogs like to sleep in this position, very rarely cats. 狗狗喜歡這種睡姿,貓咪很少會這樣。 The animals are located as close as possible to your hand so that you can easily pet them. 牠們會盡可能地躺在靠近你的手的位置,這樣你才會容易撫摸到牠們。 That, and dogs can easily jump to their feet from this position and protect their owner or carry out demands at a moment's notice! 這樣一來,狗狗就可以輕鬆地從這個位置跳起來隨時保護主人或執行命令! 10. The bed hog. 第十、霸佔你的床。 If you find yourself on the edge of the bed in the morning and your pet stretched out across the entire mattress, uh-huh, then it squeezed you to the very edge quietly and slowly during your sleep. 你一早睡醒發現自己躺在床的邊緣,而你的毛小孩橫躺在你整張床墊上,牠就是在你的睡眠過程中不知不覺中把你擠到床的最邊緣! Such pets are very spoiled and want to conquer all the sleep territory. 這樣的寵物被寵壞了,而且想要攻陷整片睡覺的區域。 They do this because they're not afraid of punishment. 這是因為牠們不害怕任何懲罰。 They know who's boss! 牠們知道誰才是老大! What about your furry companion, how does it sleep with you? 你們家的毛小孩是怎麼和你一起睡覺的呢? Let me know down in the comments! 歡迎在下面留言告訴我! And in case you have a more exotic pet, like a chimpanzee or dolphin, maybe you didn't know that… 如果你們養了什麼奇特的寵物,像是黑猩猩或是海豚的話,你未必會知道… Dolphins don't really sleep in the traditional sense. 嚴格來說,海豚並不會真正睡著。 Half of their brain rests, while the other half stays alert to monitor the situation around. 一半的大腦在休息,而另一半則要保持警覺以監視四周環境。 Besides, dolphins don't have gills because they're mammals, not fish, and they can't stay underwater for a real long time. 再者海豚沒有鰓,因為牠們是哺乳類動物而不是魚類,牠們不能長時間待在海底。 So, the alert side of their brain makes sure they come up for air when need be. 所以另一半清醒的大腦要確保牠們需要空氣的時候會上水面。 Many animals, such as zebras or giraffes, sleep while standing because they must be ready to flee from predators at any moment. 還有很多動物,像是斑馬和長頸鹿會站著睡,因為牠們要隨時準備逃避獵食者的追捕。 There are special muscle "locks" in their knees that fix the legs into a standing position, yet still allow the rest of the body to relax. 牠們的膝蓋有一塊肌肉像個「鎖」可以將腿固定在站立的姿勢,不過仍然可以讓身體維持放鬆。 But eventually, a giraffe will have to sleep on the ground for a good rest, and they look pretty funny doing it. 但是長頸鹿最終不得不在地上睡個好覺,這樣的睡姿看起來很有趣。 By the way, flamingos have it even rougher—these birds sleep while standing on one leg! 還有的是紅鸛睡姿更克難,牠們睡覺時會用一隻腳站立著。 Some birds, like the albatross, can sleep while flying! 有的像信天翁這樣的鳥類,牠們甚至可以邊飛翔邊睡覺! Their brains have a similar feature as dolphins – one half rests, the other works. 牠們大腦的特徵和海豚差不多 — 一半休息,一半運作。 This lets them make long flights without landing. 這可以讓牠們長時間飛行而不需要落地。 Some whales and orcas don't sleep at all for three to four weeks after birth. 有些鯨魚和虎鯨出生後三至四星期都不會睡覺。 Their mothers don't sleep either. 牠們的媽媽也不會睡覺。 The calves are weak at this time, so their body activates long wakefulness to avoid predators. 牠們此時的身體虛弱,因此牠們的身體需長時間保持清醒以避開捕食物。 Pet fish also sleep when night comes. 家中養殖的魚在晚上也是會睡覺的。 As soon as you turn off the lamp near the aquarium, the fish quickly doze off. 只要你關掉魚缸旁邊的燈,牠們便會快速入睡。 This suggests that they also use circadian rhythms. 這代表牠們也是遵循晝夜節律。 But there are some fish that live in complete darkness, and circadian rhythms don't act on them. 不過有些魚類居住在全黑的環境,晝夜節律就不適用在牠們身上。 Walruses sleep in short intervals in the water because they need to surface for air. 海象在水中只能短暫睡覺,因為牠們需要到水面呼吸。 This is inconvenient, so they came up with a smart solution—they pop their heads up out of the water and stick their tusks into the ice so they don't sink! 這對牠們來說很不方便,所以牠們想到一個聰明的解決方法:把頭部露出水面並把長牙插在冰上,身體就不會往下沉。 Apes sleep a lot like humans! 人猿的睡姿和人類很相似! Adult gorillas and chimpanzees make themselves a comfortable soft bed by stacking leaves and grass. 成年的大猩猩和黑猩猩會堆疊樹葉和草為自己作舒適的床。 They also remove any trash from the area, and then curl up in this nest in a fetal position, just like people! 牠們亦會清理附近的垃圾,然後會像人類一樣以胎兒姿勢蜷縮在巢穴中。 Smaller primates just freeze in a comfortable position on a branch and sleep in short intervals. 而較小的靈長類動物會在樹枝上維持舒適的姿勢,然後小睡一會兒。 Could be like people too, maybe a sleepy student in class or a tired office worker who nodded off right at their desk! 有點像人類般,像是昏昏欲睡的學生或是睡眠不足的上班族在打瞌睡。 Penguins, gather in a large tight circle and snuggle together in especially cold weather. 企鵝會緊貼形成一圈,特別是天氣冷的時候更是會互相依偎。 Meaning, they also sleep while standing. 就是說牠們也是站著睡覺。 This shows a highly developed instinct for self-preservation. 這代表是一種高度發展本能的自我保護機制。 Sea otters float on their backs while sleeping. 海獺睡覺的時候會以仰式浮在水面上。 But the coolest thing is that they hold each other by the paws so that nobody in the group gets lost or taken away by the current! 然而最特別的是牠們會手牽手,才不會有同伴脫隊或被水流沖散。 Gotta admit, it looks pretty comfy—like a natural waterbed! 老實說,看起來的確還蠻舒服,就像是一張天然的水床。 Another member of the "half-my-brain-sleeps-at-a-time" club are ducks. 還有同樣是「一半清醒,一半睡著」行列的動物就是鴨子。 But they sleep in groups, and only the "watchman" snoozes with one eye open to look out for any predators. 不過牠們是成群結隊地睡覺,只有「看守人」睜開一隻眼睛打盹去觀察附近有沒有捕獵者出沒。 All the others can sleep normally. 其他的鴨子可以正常地睡覺。 But do the watchmen change every night like shift-workers? 但是負責看守的會像輪班工人般每晚更替嗎? It's still unknown to scientists! 這對科學家來說仍然是個瞇! Well, now I need a nap—how about you? 差不多了,我現在需要打個盹。你們呢? Hey, if you learned something new today, then give the video a like and share it with a friend! 如果你們今天學習到新知識的話,幫忙按讚並分享給你們的朋友! And here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy. 這邊還有其他我們認為你們會喜歡的影片。 Just click to the left or right, and stay on the Bright Side of life! 可以點擊左邊或右邊的影片,要記得我們都要保持活出光明的人生!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 BRIGHTSIDE 睡覺 寵物 小孩 海豚 水面 【動物】毛小孩愛跟你睡嗎?睡覺的位置透露牠對你的態度!(Pet Sleep Positions Show Their Relationship with You) 19789 534 Fibby 發佈於 2020 年 04 月 05 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字