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if there's one test that I think most stressed about a cz speaking, But hi, everyone, my name is for done.
And in today's lesson, we're going to be talking about AII lt s speaking test.
Yes, You heard it, right?
Speaking part is one such part where people fumble a lot.
People get nervous a lot, and people start to feel quite quite under confident the moment they enter the room off the Examiner in today's lesson, we're gonna be talking about first.
This is spot one off speaking test.
In this lesson, we're gonna be talking about first how to how to understand the structure and what speaking test is all about.
And in the second part, we're gonna be talking about the tips and tricks off the speaking test.
Let's get started with this one.
The first thing that I have for you is the duration off the speaking test.
The speaking test basically lasts for 11 to 14 minutes in total.
From the moment you enter into the examiners room to the moment you come out of the room, it takes about 11 to 14 minutes minutes.
But what we also need to remember is we don't have to worry about this time duration.
It will take whatever time it has to.
It is just for the examiners to note that it shouldn't kind of elevate from AR 15 minutes in total.
So just for our basic understanding, the total duration off the speaking test is 11 to 14 minutes.
Let's come to the next.
But the next part is number of parts.
There are a total off three butts on the I.
Lt s example.
Part one part two, but three in a little while we will understand what it's part 12 and three are all about.
But the basic information is there are how many butts?
Three parts and dorky.
Let us now start talking about these three parts basically what each of these three parts are about in detail.
The first pot is called the introduction part.
What is it called?
It's called the introduction part.
I will just write it for you here in the introduction, but you come into the room and the examiners starts to start to question you about your personal life.
Don't think about the number of time one gets divorced and personal questions not those kinds of questions.
Basic personal questions where you're from, What do you do?
What are your hobbies?
What are your future plans?
These other various different kinds of questions that appear on part one off the introduction Part one, which is the introduction off the speaking test.
In this, the Examiner basically asked repetitive questions.
These questions are about what your name is.
I just write it for you here.
These questions are most of the times same.
They they are about your name.
They are about your family.
They are about the job or study that you do or what you study.
There are also about your hobbies.
And finally, this question can also be about about your future aspirations.
So these are most of the times repetitive, and you must prepare the answers, all these questions already before entering the room, not scripted.
But at least you should know what you're gonna be talking about If the person asks you questions on these basic fight pointers in the introduction part one.
Let's move on to part two.
But two has a lot of names, but let me simplify it to you.
It is basically called the topic card drowned.
What is it called Topic card or Q cut?
So there's a card visa card.
There's a piece of paper The Examiner gives that piece of paper to you.
When that examiner gives that piece of paper, it has one question on it, and it has a couple off cues as well.
Q's means certain points that you have to talk about.
You have to keep in mind that those topic that topic card is basically what that entire speaking test is speaking.
But two is about is about basically in that part.
You have to speak on that topic for a minimum duration off two minutes.
We need to understand something very important here.
Why does the examiner or isles want us to speak for two minutes?
It has a very important purpose.
Imagine if you are if if if.
If in your mother tongue you wants to.
You want to take somebody's test?
Do you?
Do you think that the person speaks better language of the person speaks less off that language?
Or would you have better judgment off persons fluency?
If the person speaks more off course, you will give more marks to the person you have, you will think that the person knows language more if the person speaks more and that is what this of this part off speaking test will test.
The test wants you as a candidate candidate to speak as much as possible to make use of as many vocabulary as you have.
Azaz as many words that you have to make us off clear pronunciation on most importantly, forgetting all the rules just being fluent because it is not just about grammar, it is also about fluency.
Are you able to communicate your ideas?
This is what bought to basically checks on the AII lt s test.
Please make sure that you speak for a minimum off two minutes before in the i e.
Lt s speaking part to ah, Lot of people say I do not have the watch.
So how do I get to know if two minutes are over?
Don't worry about it.
Continue speaking.
There is gonna be a stopwatch if the watch is visible.
Where anyway it's gonna be visible.
But if it's not visible, the Examiner.
And if you've spoken enough, the Examiner with stop you automatically on If the examiners stops you automatically.
That is a good sign.
That means you have spoken enough to the standards off the Examiner.
I'II lt s and they want to continue the conversation, The interview by asking you a couple of more questions.
One very important thing that we need to remember is it is not a U.
P S C or any competitive exam.
It is an exam that tests not your general knowledge, but your knowledge off English language, especially speaking.
It is nothing about your content, knowledge or knowledge off a particular subject.
It is about Can you speak English?
And if you can speak English fluently without any fears and confidence, you automatically get a better band on the exams and make sure that you keep in mind that rules are not everything above rule, rules come fluency.
So make sure that you keep that in mind.
Support to is about topic card.
You get a topic for that.
For this, you have to speak for a minimum duration off two minutes.
Another thing very important thing that you have to keep in mind is you get preparation time in topic card round the preparation time.
Parappa Tine is one minute.
Please make sure that you utilize this one minute basically to prepare better for the AII lt s speaking part to a lot of people, right?
Start writing a script, but look at a look at it this way.
Can you write a complete script in just one minute for something that you have to speak on for two minutes?
Nobody can unless you're a city or a report from any other film.
So make sure that you utilize this time and right, just the key words that you want to speak about.
Talk about.
So make sure that you'd that you'd do that correctly.
Let's move on to part three.
But three is called the discussion round.
What is it called?
It is called the discussion around.
In part three, the Examiner asks you 12 or three questions that that are related to part one.
For example, if in part one, the topic was traffic jam.
So the person the Examiner will ask you questions that are related to part two that are related to the topic that are related to traffic jam.
So you do not have to worry about basically what will come in that because at least you know the context in the context is traffic jam.
The person will ask you questions related to traffic jam Only another very important thing that we can keep in mind here is again.
My content knowledge is not checked.
If you do not know the answer, just say I do not know the answer.
Uh, Balder.
There is language exponents and components that are used in that.
So we'll have a lesson on that as well for you to understand how it wants the questions like that.
But important pointer here is in bought three discussion round.
You have to speak again as much as possible.
It's not gone did knowledge, but it's about speaking.
Whatever you know about it.
Basically, having a 1 to 1 conversation, for example, is this lesson scripted that I'm teaching.
It is not scripted.
I'm just talking about the basic ideas, my understanding off a particular subject, and that is what you have to do as well.
You have to talk about your basic understanding off that particular subject.
Whatever you know on those questions are quite personalized as well.
It's not about it's not about what are the traffic rules in in the UK It's not about that.
It is about what is your opinion off the traffic jams that are that are growing on roads theme states so that these are personalize questions.
All you have to do is speak from your experience.
Let's recapitulate what we did in this lesson.
The duration off speaking test is 14 11 to 14 minutes.
Number of parts are three, but one is about introduction.
You will be asked questions on these pointers.
Most of the times people are asked questions on these pointers, you can prepare your answers accordingly.
In bar to it is called topic card, you will be given a topic.
You will have one minute to prepare and you will have two minutes to speak on that topic.
And finally in Bar three, it is called the discussion round.
In this discussion round, you will have you will have a 1 to 1 discussion with the Examiner.
You will get into a conversation and you will ask and answer questions.
This was all about I e.
Lt s speaking part 12 and three in the next lesson, we're gonna be talking about certain very important it's that I have for you which will help you get better at your AII lt s speaking part 12 and three test.
Thank you very much for being with me in this video.
And I hope you enjoyed the lesson.
In case you have any questions, please commend down below in the in the common section and I will cater to that.
God bless.
And may all your dreams come true.