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Are you a negative Nelly or Nick? You'll be much more successful if you seek
to make lemonade out of those lemons. I'm Denise O'Berry and you're watching the
"Little Big Show." Your place for bit size tips that can have
a big impact on your bottom line. Do you focus on the positive or accentuate
the negative? If you have a tendency to always pursue what's
broken, what caused a problem, or use but, could have, should have, as a regular part
of your conversation, it's time for a change. Focus on the positive.
When something doesn't go quite the way you planned it, before you start digging into
what went wrong, identify what went right first.
Here are a few actions you can take to make your world a little bit brighter.
First, eliminate "but" and "should" completely from your vocabulary.
Post positive and motivational quotes around your business environment, so that when you
see them, it will light you up and think in a different way.
And encourage your team to find out what's going right in the day's activities.
Keep a good stuff list. Post it somewhere, where you'll see it on
a regular basis. Start a kudos wall.
Put it where everyone will see it and let anyone post anything about anyone in your
business. And last, have a we did well meeting.
Call a meeting just to talk about what's going right in your business.
Start now. You'll be amazed how quickly your attitude
and the attitude of your team will make your workplace a much better place to be.
Now it's your turn. Can you add a tip to the list of things I
identified for focussing on the positive? Please leave your thoughts in the comments
below. And if you liked this video, make sure to
hit that like button and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
And if you know one person who could use the tip that I offered in this video, send them
a link to it right now. And don't forget to pick up a copy of my "Success
Strategies Guide: 10 Keys to Success for Small Business Owners."
You can get it for free at DenniseOBerry.com. I share tips and tricks in it that I don't
share anywhere else. Thank you so much for watching.
I'll see you next week.