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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 Makes me so happy \par
Today is another one take one day we're gonna do this for few more days as we continue our
vlogging in the closet series \par And today just in time out of the blue this
came for me from the mail and this is actually really cool \par
It's a book the power of positive thinking by Keller L. Coleman\par
I had the first reading moments and turn bad reading moments to productive environment
\par Just when I need it right\par
I don't wanna get cheese on it but it says \par
To Renae Christine you rock I love the videos you make God Bless you and your family \par
I love that handwriting I was like \par This is really a good book I haven't looked
through all of it yet but it really is good like the content is absorbing it from a child's
perspectives and how is positive thinking powerful putting the power of positive thinking
into action \par I'm a big fan of this secret You guys probably
know it if you don't you should look it up I love this secret about attracting good things
into your life I don't seem to d that until now but I'm glad that I did it now \par
Thank you This is a really good book \par I'll gonna have a link down below so you guys
can check it out It's very impactful and actually has action steps instead of just saying think
positive has actions on it\par My kids are screaming out so I have to go
and I'm not gonna do my peace out yo here because my eyes are red from crying\par
Alright Luv you all\par }