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  • If you find yourself in need of hand sanitizer in, it is out of stock in your local store.

  • You can make your own within minutes with just a few simple ingredients.

  • Here's what you'll need rubbing alcohol or a minimum of 91% isopropyl alcohol.

  • Allah Vera Gel Mixing.

  • Bowl a spoon in an empty container, such as a three ounce container from our travel toiletries kit.

  • You could also add essential oil to give your homemade hand sanitizer of fragrance, but that's optional.

  • Once you have all the necessary supplies, add 2/3 cup of rubbing alcohol in 1/3 cup of Allah Vera to the mixing bowl.

  • Stir or with until it is well blended.

  • Next, you can add gate to 10 drops of an optional essential oil if you desires.

  • Once you have the hand sanitizer mixed, you can pour it into a travel container and label it hand sanitizer.

If you find yourself in need of hand sanitizer in, it is out of stock in your local store.


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B1 中級

DIY洗手液 (DIY Hand Sanitizer)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日