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  • [Synthesized, fast paced music]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [metallic clashing]

  • [trumpet fanfare]

  • [heroic orchestral music]

  • [Music stops]

  • [ceremonial orchestral music]

  • [music fades out]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [heroic orchestral music]

  • [music fades out]

  • [Speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] Hello, everyone.

  • I'm Yoshiaki Koizumi from Nintendo.

  • And this Nintendo Direct for E3 2019

  • will showcase a variety of games.

  • Many of them coming soon.

  • But, before we dig into the next game,

  • there is someone I'd like to introduce first.

  • [ominous chuckle]

  • What?

  • What are you doing here?

  • [Bowser growls forcefully]

  • [Bowser speaks unintelligibly]

  • - Wait, wait, wait, wait.

  • Wait a minute.

  • There's been a bit of a mix-up.

  • You're not the right Bowser.

  • Sorry,

  • but I'm the right Bowser for this presentation.

  • [Bowser grumbles]

  • - [Translator] Not this way.

  • - No, no, this way.

  • - [Translator] Bye, bye.

  • - Maybe next time.

  • [Bowser roars]

  • - [Translator] Are you related?

  • - No, but we get that a lot.

  • - [Translator] Well, let's get back to it.

  • Please take it away.

  • - Hi, everyone.

  • I'm Doug Bowser from Nintendo of America.

  • And I'm thrilled to join you for today's Nintendo Direct.

  • This is our chance to show the world

  • we have games for every type of player on Nintendo Switch.

  • Whether you love action, RPGs,

  • or you're just looking for something new,

  • we've got you covered.

  • - [Translator] Okay,

  • so, let's get a look at one of those games

  • by taking a tour...

  • of Luigi's Mansion 3.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [thunder clap] [mysterious playful music]

  • - Hello?

  • [nervously] Mario?

  • [Luigi yells]

  • - [Narrator] Luigi's invited to a gorgeous hotel

  • with Mario, Peach, and the others.

  • [condescendingly] Oh, lucky him.

  • Luigi's Mansion 3.

  • This hotel is much more than meets the eye.

  • For, not long after Luigi arrives,

  • things take a dark turn.

  • We begin our tour by taking in some sights and sounds.

  • You may never leave.

  • Er...

  • WANT to leave.

  • The other guests certainly don't plan to move on.

  • They're ghosts, after all.

  • And they're rather aggressive.

  • Simply scare them with the strobulb.

  • Then suck them up.

  • Luigi's new Poltergust G-00

  • has the powerful suction capabilities required

  • and other new features, as well.

  • [zany music]

  • First, the Slam.

  • While trapping a ghost, slam it on the ground

  • to inflict some damage.

  • It helps to get other ghosts in on the action.

  • Next, the Suction Shot.

  • Fire the plunger to attach it to something.

  • Then pull the string and...

  • you can destroy furniture and more.

  • It's effective against certain ghost types, too.

  • [whistle]

  • Sometimes, ghosts may feel inclined to gang up on you.

  • In such situations, a Burst should do.

  • The powerful air pressure released will blow away ghosts.

  • And it's perfect for when you need a little air.

  • [strange, deliberate music]

  • Ah, we simply can't overlook the latest invention

  • from Professor E. Gadd.

  • Namely Gooigi.

  • Change between Luigi and Gooigi to use both their skills.

  • Gooigi can do everything from slipping through metal fences

  • to walking on spikes.

  • Indeed, there are obstacles too great

  • for Luigi to handle on his own.

  • And, if you pass a Joy-Con controller to a friend,

  • he makes for a great co-op partner.

  • But proceed with caution.

  • Gooigi and water definitely don't mix.

  • [Faster, spooky music]

  • Now, please direct your attention to...

  • The ScareScraper.

  • Spooky, sure.

  • Yet it also houses up to eight players

  • for local or online co-op gameplay.

  • Defeat all ghosts before time runs out.

  • Seek and find our dear, misplaced Toads.

  • And face any challenges the tower throws at you together.

  • [elevator ding]

  • [spooky, slow waltz]

  • - [Male Narrator] What a place to wake up in.

  • A haunted hotel with floor after floor of oddities.

  • Many traps and mischievous ghosts lurk within.

  • What will befall our missing Mario and friends?

  • And his dear brother Luigi?

  • Their fate rests in your hands.

  • Luigi's Mansion 3.

  • - So, that was Luigi's Mansion 3.

  • The latest game in a series that I personally love.

  • And we can look forward to seeing

  • some of the new gameplay elements

  • that await in this strange hotel

  • as we dive deeper into this title

  • on Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2019.

  • We'll be streaming content,

  • some you've never seen before, right from the show floor.

  • Including live gameplay of Super Mario Maker 2.

  • And, on day three, our Treehouse staff will

  • get their hands on some promising indie games

  • that are new to Nintendo Switch.

  • While you watch today's Nintendo Direct,

  • keep an eye out for this icon to learn

  • what other games will appear

  • on Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 2019.

  • You won't want to miss it.

  • Or this.

  • Have a look.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [slow, suspenseful music with harp sounds]

  • - Aughra slept too long.

  • Far too long.

  • Hmph!

  • Sing me your story.

  • What has become of...

  • [yells in surprise]

  • Thra, no.

  • What have they done?

  • Avarice unchecked for an age.

  • Evil takes root.

  • Darkness spreads.

  • [crashing sound, then fast, stirring music]

  • But, from this dark, light.

  • Brighter than the three suns.

  • They spark to life.

  • Heroes of Thra, strong and brave.

  • Strength and bravery alone will not save Thra.

  • No!

  • Unlock your true potential.

  • Unite as one.

  • Only together can you defeat what is to come.

  • Heroes of Thra,

  • Hmph!

  • they're going to need all the help they can get

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [waves gently rolling] [footseps on sand]

  • [woodwind instruments begin to play, then crescendo]

  • [wistful keyboard music]

  • [lively string music]

  • [music stops]

  • [whimsical instrumental music]

  • [solo violin ballad]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [melancholy orchestral music]

  • [musical crescendo, then heroic orchestral music]

  • - [Female Narrator] Action RPG "Trials of Mana"

  • is getting a global release on Nintendo Switch.

  • Set destiny in motion with the power of mana.

  • Trials of Mana.

  • [music fades]

  • [melancholy electronic music]

  • [music fades]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [wind blowing through leaves] [crows cawing]

  • [acoustic guitar plays, then builds]

  • - [Geralt] I'm looking for a woman with ashen hair.

  • Seen her?

  • - [Eredin] Witcher, I was hoping you'd come.

  • [energetic singing and guitar music]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [wistful solo piano music]

  • - [woman] Let's all agree to meet back at the monastery

  • exactly five years from today.

  • - [man] Like a class reunion?

  • - You will come, won't you?

  • Years ago, we fought here as classmates.

  • - As big class reunions go,

  • this one's gotta be the worst in history.

  • What should we do, teach?

  • - Kill every last one of them.

  • [music builds to dramatic orchestral sounds]

  • - Still, we have no choice

  • but to eliminate those who cling to

  • unreasonable ideas of justice.

  • - [man] Someone must put a stop to this cycle

  • of the strong trampling the weak.

  • - Soon, Feldstar consumes even the darkness itself.

  • - Yet we have the strength to scale the walls between us.

  • To reach out our hands in friendship

  • so we can open our true hearts to one another.

  • That's how we win.

  • - My teacher.

  • - Both sides of time are revealed to me.

  • What shall you do?

  • [man yelling]

  • - [woman] How lovely it would be

  • for this moment to last forever.

  • [speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] Nintendo Switch is the only gaming console

  • you can play not only on your TV at home,

  • but anywhere you go.

  • In fact, with a system like this,

  • it might be fun to play Resident Evil

  • at a location like this.

  • [eerie, ambient music] [footsteps in grass]

  • - [woman] This is perfect, right?

  • - [man] Yeah.

  • [door creaks open]

  • [a grandfather clock chimes]

  • No lights?

  • - No lights.

  • Hey, over there.

  • [thunder crashes]

  • - Okay, let's do this.

  • - Okay.

  • - [Sinister Male Voiceover] Resident Evil.

  • - Can you open it?

  • - I'll try.

  • See what's through there.

  • - Ah.

  • - Oooh.

  • [gunshot]

  • - Fail.

  • [gutteral growl]

  • - Did it just eat him? [male yells]

  • It's gonna come back. - Okay, okay.

  • - Okay, okay, okay, okay.

  • [gunshots] [zombie moans]

  • - Oh! Ooh!

  • - [both] Oh!

  • - Did I get it?

  • - [gasp]

  • - [male] I got it.

  • [percussive ambient music intensifies]

  • Oh, I knew it.

  • [Dog angrily growls]

  • - [both] Oh!

  • - Woah!

  • [music builds]

  • [high impact crash] [music stops]

  • [door opening]

  • - Ah!

  • [high impact slam]

  • [frantic action music]

  • - [sinister male voiceover] Resident Evil.

  • [speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] Playing a Resident Evil game

  • in a place like that might not be my way to play.

  • But...

  • I bet you could find your way to play.

  • Don't you think?

  • For now, please take a look.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [snoring]

  • - Was today the 4th of July?

  • If not, is the empire striking back or what?

  • Looks like things are gonna get weird today.

  • Henshin!

  • [energetic power-rock music]

  • Get some!

  • As you can see, things got all funky real quick.

  • There's probably some planet eating-type dude

  • waiting for me up ahead.

  • All yoked and powerful and trying to take over the world or something.

  • [retro electronic music begins]

  • But don't you worry.

  • A hero descends.

  • What?

  • There are no heroes in this world?

  • Oh, but there totally are.

  • My name is Travis Touchdown.

  • I'm the last hero around.

  • Here to save the world.

  • I'm also just a passing assassin.

  • Now, let's do this.

  • Start the game.

  • [music slows]

  • [waves gently crashing on shore]

  • - [Woman] Welcome back, Travis.

  • To zee garden of madness.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [synth intro builds to intense orchestral music]

  • - [woman] This is Kaiser.

  • He led an elite team of contras during the war.

  • Hungry beast!

  • HB is actually a cyborg.

  • I love him so much.

  • This is Miss Harakiri and her alien gut bucket.

  • They survived by merging together during the Alien Wars.

  • The Gentleman, the sweetest bug you'll ever meet.

  • - [Gentleman] You soiled my armor.

  • [music dramatically slows]

  • [crash sound, then intense orchestral music]

  • [music stops]

  • [lively orchestral music]

  • [fast, driving chiptunes music]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [ominous orchestral-electronic music]

  • Impossible to predict tomorrow

  • Don't know what's right and what's wrong

  • - I have arrived.

  • - Don't give up,

  • - Begin the mission.

  • - It's your call, rookie.

  • - The battle's already started?

  • - If you get in our way, we will eliminate you.

  • - A new awakening draws nigh.

  • [guitar solo]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [trumpet fanfare]

  • [orchestral music begins, then intensifies]

  • [dragon roar]

  • [speaking Japanese] - Konichiwa!

  • - [Translator] Hello, I'm Shinya Takahashi from Nintendo.

  • Earlier this month, we held a Pokémon Direct

  • for the latest games in the series.

  • Pokémon Sword...

  • and Pokémon Shield.

  • The developers from Game Freak

  • showcased the new Galar Region.

  • The location of your new adventure.

  • And some new Pokémon you'll encounter there.

  • It will be awhile until these games launch...

  • So, please stay tuned.

  • By the way, in these games,

  • you can use certain functions

  • of the Poké Ball Plus accessory.

  • Allowing you to take a Pokémon from one of these games

  • out for a stroll through the real world with you.

  • [Grookey sound]

  • You may not be able to use the device as a game controller.

  • But, if you spend some quality time

  • with a favorite Pokémon of yours,

  • then something good might happen.

  • In the Nintendo booth at this year's E3,

  • fans can play Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield

  • for the first time anywhere in the world.

  • [crowd cheering]

  • In this gameplay demo, you can challenge

  • one of the gyms in the Galar Region.

  • The one and only water gym

  • where the water type gym leader, Nessa,

  • will be there waiting for you.

  • If you're attending this year's show,

  • I encourage you to experience

  • a battle between Dynamax Pokémon,

  • which is an advanced strategy from this region.

  • Also, immediately after this Nintendo Direct,

  • stay tuned for live gameplay

  • of Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield

  • on Nintendo Treehouse Live.

  • And now I'd like to shift gears.

  • Please have a look at this.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [driving, dramatic orchestral music]

  • - I've been waiting for you.

  • As you know, Earth is currently under

  • extradimensional attack.

  • Chimeras like the ones you've just seen for the first time.

  • At this rate all of humankind

  • will be pulled into the chimeras' dimension.

  • We're facing down the end of the world.

  • Through blood, sweat, and years of research,

  • we finally made it.

  • The ultimate counter-chimeric weapon.

  • By neurologically syncing

  • captured chimeras with human operators,

  • we establish control and make powerful allies.

  • I am referring, of course, to the Legions.

  • - [Woman] I'll give you some parting advice.

  • Your power, it's not the blessing you think it is.

  • - [Woman] When a Legionis and a Legion

  • are perfectly synchronized,

  • it's like they're two parts of one body.

  • - [Woman] No use.

  • The override release isn't going through.

  • - That's impossible.

  • - [Woman] And, when half of that body is about to die,

  • the Legion survival instincts kick in to save it.

  • - [Woman] No way.

  • There's no way.

  • What good could this possibly be?

  • - [Man] It's a long shot. But it's the only shot we have.

  • It's all up to you, my friend.

  • - [Woman] A blessing from the Legion.

  • Or maybe I should say a curse.

  • - [Man And Woman Saying As One] We can't turn back now.

  • I've got to know the whole truth.

  • He's still alive out there.

  • I know he is.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [strutting swing jazz music]

  • An' if you're looking for salvation, ♪

  • Well, you know you ain't gonna find it

  • In the empire of sin. ♪

  • Look out. ♪

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • - [Woman] Death by our hands

  • is not an honor they have earned.

  • [growling synth followed by pulsing orchestral music]

  • They deserve something much worse.

  • - [Magneto] Even with this stone at my command,

  • this may not be a battle we can win.

  • - [Spider-Man] Whatever's happening, we can beat it.

  • Keep fighting.

  • [orchestral music intesifies with driving percussion]

  • - [Elsa Bloodstone] Jump in any time now, darlings.

  • - [Elektra] They will pay for what they've done in blood.

  • - [Ebony Maw] All hope is fleeting in the face of Thanos.

  • [pulsing electronic music]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [hard rock music with melodic guitar]

  • [scream]

  • [enemy impacts matching the song's beat]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [Japanese taiko drums play, then intensify]

  • [crowd cheering]

  • [driving rock music with electronic sounds]

  • [crowd cheering]

  • [music briefly changes to chiptunes]

  • [speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] So, what do you think so far?

  • Now for some follow-up information

  • on a game that fans have been waiting for.

  • Please, take a look.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [airline engines running]

  • - [Flight Attendant] Your attention, please.

  • The Nook Inc. Getaway Package Charter Flight

  • will soon be arriving at the deserted island.

  • [propellor blades pass nearby]

  • [ocean waves on the beach]

  • [playful island music with horn and ukelele]

  • [speaking Animalese]

  • [music slowly fades out]

  • [Waves crash on the shore]

  • [speaking Animalese]

  • [speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] Originally, we announced this title

  • as a 2019 release.

  • However, we need to change its release date

  • to March 20th of 2020...

  • to ensure that the game is the best it can be,

  • we must ask you to wait a little longer than we thought.

  • We hope you'll look forward

  • to the latest installment of Animal Crossing.

  • On Nintendo Treehouse Live,

  • the game's producer, Mister Nogami,

  • and the director, Miss Kyogoku,

  • will come on for a live demonstration

  • of some early moments in the game.

  • So, please stick around until it starts.

  • By the way, there are many different types of games

  • coming to Nintendo Switch from Nintendo and our partners.

  • So, we've prepared a highlight reel

  • to show you what's in store for 2019 and beyond.

  • Let's have a look.

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [upbeat pop rock with melodic electric guitar]

  • [Nintendo Switch Snap]

  • [ambient synth chords timed to scene changes]

  • [yawning]

  • [bird squawks] [single banjo note plays]

  • [retro game music]

  • [lively bluegrass music with orchestral sounds]

  • [crowd cheering]

  • [music fades out]

  • [speaking Japanese]

  • - [Translator] That obviously wasn't Duck Hunt's silhouette was it?

  • Please stay tuned for more information

  • about DLC in the future.

  • As for Nintendo Switch, we have more games in development

  • beyond what we've shown you today.

  • I'm looking forward to the day we can introduce them to you.

  • [whispers] Speaking of...

  • before we end this Direct,

  • I actually have one more thing to show you.

  • Thank you very much for watching.

  • Until next time.

  • [ambient music with pulsing sound]

  • [unintelligible, atonal singing]

  • [rat cries in surprise]

  • [music intensifies, piano plays rapidly]

  • [ground rumbling]

  • [ambient sounds with heartbeat]

  • [heartbeat fades]

[Synthesized, fast paced music]


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任天堂直擊2019年E3 (Nintendo Direct for E3 2019)

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