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  • while the Corona virus fears, of course, have led as well to empty shelves in many stores, people across the GT A have rushed to stockpile on items like hand sanitizers and household cleaners.

  • But here's a big question.

  • How effective are these atoms when protecting against the Corona virus?

  • Journalist from our online team have taken these questions to the experts, and our lifestyle reporter, Megan Coley joins us now with MME.

  • Or Good Morning, Megan, thank you so much for joining us.

  • So let's start there.

  • Ah, how effective are these hand sanitizers?

  • How effective are they in protecting against the virus?

  • So they are very effective.

  • It's a great option if you know you're on a busy commute on public transit, or you're in another space where there are a lot of people and potentially a lot of germs.

  • Ah, but ultimately, public health officials are pushing that.

  • Hand washing is best with soap and water, and it's good just to do that all the time anyway, no matter what, but, you know, talk about these hand sanitizers.

  • People are making their own.

  • That's right.

  • So there are some do it yourself recipes sort of circulating online amid fears rising fears.

  • Um, the World Health Organization does have a recommendation and official recommendation for how to do so, but it's really intended more for populations around the world that don't have access Thio medical grade hand sanitizer.

  • So it's not really recommended for, uh, you know, people in the GT A if they can go and buy hand sanitizer from the store, All right, So what are officials as well talking about, you know, saying about household cleaners?

  • People make their own when it comes to those as well.

  • How effective are there?

  • They say.

  • So household cleaners air great again.

  • The point we really want to drive home here is practicing good hygiene.

  • You should be doing this all the time.

  • Um, but now more than ever, it's great to keep spaces where a lot of people from a lot of different places might be touching.

  • So I'm talking about, you know, desks at a receptionist in a doctor's office.

  • Things like that.

  • The key here with household cleaners is really making sure you're using the right cleaner for the right surface, so you wouldn't use, say, a toilet bowl cleaner on a kitchen counter for example?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, it should go without saying for a lot of people.

  • But here's another question.

  • And we've seen a lot of people stockpiling on masks.

  • And you see a lot of stores now offering these.

  • What are officials saying about the efficacy when it comes to those?

  • So again, you brought up a great point earlier.

  • Um, these are really intended for people with lower immune systems, weaker immune systems or people who are sick.

  • Uh, the problem now is that we're running out, and it can be taken away from people who actually need these products.

  • So again, practicing good hygiene is your number one defense against Corona virus.

  • Um, washing your hands as often as possible, using hand sanitizer in between and trying to stay away from people who are coughing What?

  • How would you characterize?

  • I guess the level of fear among honey that's not even the right word.

  • But the sentiment for health officials.

  • Are they trying to downplay the hysteria?

  • When you pose these questions, it's a great question.

  • So what we're hearing from public health officials in Canada right now is that the risk of infection is still very low for individuals, especially if you're a healthy, generally healthy person.

  • So yeah, we are, you know, wanting Thio make people aware of the risk.

  • But again, it is still very low.

  • And I think the general sentiment is just not to panic and keep practicing that good hygiene that you should be practicing year round.

  • But especially during this time anyway, just because of the normal flu.

  • Megan, thank you so much.

  • Megan Colley from our online team, we really appreciate your insight.

  • So for you at home, you can learn more about these products and protecting against Cove in 19 by visiting our website global news dot c a.

while the Corona virus fears, of course, have led as well to empty shelves in many stores, people across the GT A have rushed to stockpile on items like hand sanitizers and household cleaners.


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