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  • we are freaking out we booked London like I think a week ago and we're like

  • oh we should do a meet-up because I got a few d-ends asking for Amira we got

  • over a thousand RSVPs which is super amazing and so humbling but also the

  • area and I realized that we will not be able to accommodate a thousand people

  • like at all so we decided to have a page where we actually charge for the tickets

  • and we're giving all of that money to charity I found that a great cause we

  • got now about 300 people and again don't have a venue I'm just trying to stay

  • calm and we're trying to call everything and everybody that we know nori I'm

  • gonna I'm gonna run away

  • provided I'm Krista how are you binary and so fine yes it's on taking it very

  • seriously and this is a lesson to be learned Chris does a twin I did you

  • don't win brother your Instagram profile in case anything bad

  • this is no girl who killed no just like in case like with this girl and Gary

  • blue think it's like a fan yeah it's gonna go into like a thousand I hope

  • there like a wake imagine they're not even on the same flight is this it's the

  • right day right yeah hope they're not gonna be late

  • yeah to the left that was like the meant to be oh wow the sun's rising go in that

  • side and spin around give your arms up and be like

  • that's scary morning my kids are safe good evening Australia you guys made it

  • I don't have a battery why no I have okay let's stop complaining and let's

  • start eating can you open in there Krista wouldn't do it there we go I'd

  • say London oh there we go take notes Krista what food over here

  • yeah and there's also a lounge like right over there good board in half an

  • hour yeah

  • I gotta beavers sit down here's that the food court

  • who said the chef sounds good

  • I'm on caucus so bad

  • it's so bright look on his screen oh I look on his screen and I see a big guy

  • acts like a minibike

  • we have a really good view

  • random baby Allstate is that offensive why is it it offends little your bad

  • English accent it's not bad I sound just like them don't think I'm one of them I

  • don't know where they're know what yeah I want to say something

  • Gary died his beard and I want to bet $100 that is gonna get infection and I'm

  • allergic allergic and I but I carefully just put it so many people crying he

  • keeps trying and it always always gets infected when did you do it are you

  • shining I just don't want to let her die I'm trying to improve myself this is

  • like you don't really want me I just say like embrace who you are and where you

  • sit in your life

  • just because you don't color your hair doesn't mean the rest of us are so

  • naturally blessed with coloring I'm gonna go great I'll go I'm just setting

  • all of these now in case the silver silvers and okay where's their yellow

  • suitcase I'm so scared too gonna look like that one all taped up I hope you

  • tape it no but one time this happened to me where my suitcase exploded and then I

  • show up to like the belt and it's they threw it in a clear garbage bag in it

  • I'm just sending you guys know that our Airbnb is like a four-story walk-up this

  • is true she's not lying I had to like that for you you have to use that

  • Scottish

  • and my family's from here as well no but you're Irish but you don't have enough

  • no I'm British but you don't have an accent no I know my grandparents are all

  • from the UK and then my dad sides from Scotland yeah

  • your favorite color this is Emma's been

  • break we're almost an hour away from where we need to be you know what's

  • peace you know it's funny yeah I see like strange things in Toronto I

  • attribute it to the individual I'll say oh that's a strange person but when I'm

  • in a foreign place and I see something strange I just blame the whole country

  • as hell oh yeah we were gonna rush out here and pretend to be your fans like

  • but it didn't work out also do you think I wouldn't recognize you know what we

  • should do if there's like one of these techy stores we should get the plugs

  • well yeah that's a really good idea don't say horse they say first so when

  • you're talking to somebody and you see Lincoln I have like a police horse you

  • come up to the officer and say that's a nice RC that

  • she literally tasked me she's like throat only like five hours and then the

  • Jonas put this got back together within that time she's like you don't even

  • understand what did I miss I was the biggest fan in the world like

  • what movie were you in of theirs Camp Rock - and Jonas Brothers 3d you didn't

  • tell me that yeah and how many how many times did you

  • meet them six seven eight yeah and I get my

  • uniting there's the song coming out you're doing a listening for that

  • they're all married just got to go chase him around the world again that'd be

  • like wish that we're back like 25 now like oh my god wait what do you mean how

  • the licorice bars are better here we were all like 13 Wow I'll never know

  • when I knew so New York it was the same like I had to move all my bags up all

  • the flights of stairs and I was so I know nothing about her it's not

  • interested Jonas she's married to Kevin Jonas

  • nobody's it they're all married I don't know I know this at all I think you were

  • maybe a little super fun - we didn't know one stop

  • I'm hot yo calm that's Katy Perry

  • terminal 2 minicab picked up worst criminals are we in terminal 2

  • yes yes it's privily to now now we'll need the mini Caffrey

  • the British let's go clean it no you're joking around

  • what is it called it's their minute our fearless leader

  • go up all work together I refuse to think when it comes to like things like

  • this yeah I can attest to that they go from the other side to just push himself

  • there's no buttons Hospital thank you doing that yes

  • oh my god they drive on the other side yes

  • yes there is an elevator I was gonna fill my suffering yes top-1 follow our

  • voices this is just lucky Oh

  • yes but they're glass oh my god this is scary

  • oh wait no I think the bedrooms are here oh there's like so many mirrors I'm so

  • this is so cool this is the bedroom level okay do you guys you guys like

  • debate over who gets the sleep so Q can I watch you on this one you assign us I

  • don't stop it oh my god this is really we're the new people in town look at

  • from here you see this huge open said there's more Keys there's two more sets

  • of keys so awesome you guys you have sex Kristen you have a set guys this is like

  • freaking me out nobody walk around at night or just turn all the lights on

  • thank you I don't like Heights so a lot of guys lift the handle and then know we

  • have these doors on my house but yeah cuz I'm British but he's just like on

  • the town I honestly feel like every restaurant is closed so I'm not sure

  • where we're going so they're closing welcome to Leung

  • that's the spirit there it is

  • no fish okay thank you these are all like little cafes I felt like a nice

  • restaurant will be open feel like Gary's like is like he's wearing a Nike

  • tracksuit I feel like he's ruining our vibe I feel like that's an and again I'm

  • an econ I think the British pub have ever seen the book and we're not into it

  • we'll definitely come back we have no food

  • wait till the daytime your dog I'm gonna freak out what you're like this is so

  • fun nothing rain this is the cutest thing I've ever seen you want to spin in

  • the street

  • without joint

  • follow the

  • marrying

  • is it cool now we just got here and we were like five minutes ago we're walking

  • down the street

  • pretty good I'm working on my I can't say the word cue cards it seems like

  • such a weird word you know cue cards mitts nice the canon g7x battery charger

  • okay thank you so much okay have a good write-up speak to you I mean so the

  • total this is the package that means offering us went into the two security

  • scanners basic lighting package and the presentations Bernie will you use a

  • presentation screen without it no I don't believe me throwing it now you

  • make me feel as this is going to be a tech talk and I don't want it to be a

  • tech talk let's get the two ones Mike the way a visual similarities the

  • security game is with the ones the in Exodus start David because it's going to

  • take time to get through to other people in and like scanning the ball I want

  • people to the back side okay I'm ready

  • I'm already nervous why I need to like I need to watch there's this stat talk

  • about this guy who's talking about how to make your nervousness and to look

  • excitement which for like fuck you art instead of giving you anxiety

  • I am so Who am I looking at can you all be like close together

  • because I want to make sure that audience hi guys so much for being here

  • this is real isn't she gonna be one babe if we're gonna continue I'll never do

  • this I am so happy you guys are here today and this is my first ever meet up

  • and I feel super honored to share this journey with all of you here today so

  • like seven countries about the amount of arms I'm doing wait I totally I know

  • mm-hmm I know I know okay so okay okay so I had a pretty happy childhood which

  • up until then so I don't remember what's next so here's so here's the question I

  • have yeah it's it may happen that when you're on stage and you're you're

  • talking you may forget what's next yeah so we need to figure out how to kind of

  • get out of that situation

  • yeah yeah okay okay I'm gonna do this a few more times and then the cue cards

  • I'm gonna add a few more things that will trigger where I was going I want

  • you to stay calm oh you're on stage yeah this you're not doing with a formal

  • keynote yeah this is casual yeah you lose your place you can sell the

  • audience to take guys I lost my place

  • with Raya she's like a public speaker right but she shares her journey but

  • she's a very much of a career yeah so the way we structured it was through

  • her professional eye what did you guys feel was missing oh I don't know I

  • really do because you talked about yourself but then know what you have to

  • say yeah yeah I agree the Q&A I do because I'm kind of it'll take care of

  • itself absolute you don't have to come they're like solve everybody's problem

  • immediately but what do they want away with you know what their security people

  • love you and your audience loves you not because you're giving them something

  • unis structure thing you're not they don't care about your structure that's

  • not why they love you you need to get up there do your structure thing but at

  • some point throw away or two cards and talk from the heart what do you want to

  • say these people you don't need to be comics on the finance structure yeah

  • just be you be that silly goofy awesome girl that's it you you you

  • like you you already have it you won't believe you have it just just get up

  • there just sing what's in your heart also a feeling that they no matter what

  • you say I love you and they can see you're confused right now because they

  • see her eyes are starting to swallow okay babe I'm not saying for this

  • distress you I'm saying okay I just want you to let go like I've done enough of

  • these things and where I've spoken I've had all this structure and I'm telling

  • you like you have such a unique gift in your ability to connect human me

  • specifically with this demographic with young women who are kind of you know

  • coming into themselves coming of age under structure I'm not saying you

  • shouldn't do it I think it's great that you're gonna do it from your heart I

  • just feel like okay can you tell me if there were any parts there's something

  • that wasn't like no you had you were brilliant if you think we're right now

  • being a bunch of display yes men it's not the case I can tell you it's not the

  • case because I feel good right now and I know that they're live night no I I you

  • know I've known mo for a while now right now but what I'm saying is is that I

  • trust I trust them right now that they're telling us the truth Lee I don't

  • think they're doing it just to please you I don't think they would do that my

  • favorite parts are when you're not time and sugars and I was like oh

  • that's really real and then I had to hear that help me tell

  • me what she liked it became such a lake but it's not monster in my head it's not

  • it's only in your head it's a monster all the people I know but all of these

  • girls are coming because they love you where these are your people you're going

  • with rescuer people what are you worried about you have nothing to worry about

  • you have to understand that silly is when you talk to bed in a silly you see

  • how to do there's a monster in his closet and you know it's not the case by

  • the way I check the closet just in case because you never know but this like

  • that once there's not real this monster you're dreaming up it's not real

  • you own this this is you talking about yourself you know chilla let the

  • bloopers - it's all good everything is good you gonna do

  • completely sugar the relax everything is awesome we're London within this view

  • look this is it does taste like you I'm

  • Chris I think we talked about the so Chris is gonna come up just and it's up

  • to you whatever you want and then you introduce okay you guys

  • have your guys I love how everyone went to the apartment because I forgot my

  • phone and they forgot other staff did they want like Christopher garner

  • sunglasses what is this frizziness right now Shh give yourself we're in London

  • but I'm just here living my best life putting concealer on yeah you do need a

  • coat you need a cold just do it I'm told

  • hashtag perfect husband god noise having to answer yeah Jake here's your mom yeah

  • I heard that it wasn't so good did you puke at night yes yes I can't hold on a

  • sniff he must know like a father jakey do you still love papa hi baby hi

  • my love you guys are you guys okay okay all right you helped to make sure that

  • everyone's okay all right I gave him what to do you know he's good

  • shopping or eating what is that so Sarkis goes on but it bar restaurant and

  • pop-up performance well this is a circus and I'm running away right now

  • I've already done it circus is here

  • so cute what love are you going for 4G eventi no no it's G to shop for the

  • event things well yeah because I was 31 I go you're so wonderful

  • we're all so wonderful I'm just excited the beach this is so cute

  • No Oh Gary no but seriously just walking by

  • yourself I'm not stalking you or anybody

  • just walking this morning oh we're just gonna go look for other outfits and then

  • we're gonna grab lunch

  • we are you know what I'm doing that go in the phone yeah let's do it

  • oh wait can I do it on your social as well would you mind grabbing me

  • oh my god cute thank you all right onward I don't know that story

  • it's like an age in them but like better yeah

  • people do terribly kind of like people are diving out of the way

  • yeah there's yellow everywhere oh no I like this yellow dress rocket so

  • cute but it's not like we're not there yet it looks like a dirty wife right

  • it's all seconds dirty not like it's like a taupe

  • you can stay that way and I think there would be some okay watch for traffic

  • trying to find place your lunch well the girls don't walk into a pulpit

  • Thanks what's this rs.100

  • people driving really fast down

  • possible that just means none loose no boots were hard so I hopefully we won't

  • get any anybody upset I thought you wanted to know cuz Gary started singing

  • I'm addicted cheerio what is that even - there we go

  • tie it in that's phone oh please how it's all connected

  • Emma it's the universe's funny ways you're scaring me right now I know what

  • is it from that hot sauce I think there's like a lot of hot sauce on that

  • and you make me feel I think yeah I think also like the jet lag is coming in

  • oh yeah

  • Thank You nobility Oh Nelson house inside I don't know I don't know we

  • decided to name them now there's something there that's this is for sure

  • Bianca honestly yeah I did maybe a little bit more masculine I know

  • they don't have real radio here no they do no they just just do net it

  • actually adds to the vibe BBC Radio 1 it's really good I was filming went do

  • when she saw me at the corner of my eye I was like my own well actually I'm

  • scared for a second I wasn't paying attention because I was filming and I'm

  • like she grabbed me it's this like where you buy groceries

  • yes

  • absurd keep market

  • I'm ready

  • gary said there's a good day in the markets didn't

  • so nice okay so we got something we got

  • yeah okay so yeah the Mike died yeah no they're good they're all in the charters

  • I'm prepared okay guys I got my nicest hand sock on for our dinner tonight see

  • that I chose this one especially for the shade of the white I have a black just a

  • leather jacket yes I brought five coats and Krystal called me crazy

  • just maybe you'll like hopefully this will suit you I mean just a little kind

  • of smallish anything any Goods pockets are so small cut nothing in them okay

  • they're so special I mean you're looking at

  • what you eat the wine bottle yeah goodness madam I hate this so scary

  • hey bye ooh Cristo I wanna play Domino's maybe what we do tonight Chris is gonna

  • party the Jonas Brothers all night we're actually gonna listen to the Jonas

  • Brothers now how did you turn the thing literally yes I am literally made you

  • know I'm gonna show you so embarrassing show me show up here you show me then

  • I'll find me okay oh okay no I made like a video to this video

  • girl song once in my room and I was like a lone dance thank you no no it's not

  • been long enough like I think I was like kind of old I was like maybe like 14

  • like shouldn't have happened

  • today is the day I woke up with a sore throat so that's fun okay does this find

  • insanity guarantee did you think this is gonna look this way

  • no like show everybody we're this I'm not coming out to a song right

  • maybe we're to get a little too far here No

we are freaking out we booked London like I think a week ago and we're like


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避免災難和見面焦慮|倫敦Vlog Part 1 (Avoiding Disaster And Meetup Anxiety | London Vlog Part 1)

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