I mean, I know I didn't win, but I'm soproudofmyself.
Like I'veneverbeensoproudofmyself.
A calmlittleleague.
I hadthosethings.
Wedon't reallyknowuntilyougetdown.
Whatis a goodthing?
I didn't wait, but I thinkitwouldprobablyreallyWow.
Shecamebackupbeat, happybuzzingbythelooksthatusingoneofherwords, Andi, I assumedautomaticallythatshewon a task, butshehadn't, Youknow, stuffatlast I am, I I'm happy.
Youdon't cry.
No, it's gonnagetintherightdirection.
Shegotthreestarsdidn't win.
Itdoesn't matter.
The 3rd 1 wasthis, like, fermentedagony.
I oweall I all.
I justkindofthink I'vekindofwatchedtheirkindofwanttoenjoyoverstayedmytime, and I kindofdon't wanttoputup a galovertomorrow.