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It's just completely normal that doing video with Crystal Crown on my head.
Hi, guys.
So I'm I'm back.
I got a lot of requests from people, sort of asking me about my love of crystals and to explain a little bit why I love them.
You know, people buy bags shoes.
I tend to both.
I might have liked to intercourse.
Is this health?
As you can tell, using crystals or working with crystals is a very personal thing that you kind of work out for yourself.
There's certain basic things you could do, such as wearing one like this is a Coon Zeit crystal that Jackie ish.
One of my favorite jewelry designers has that I bought from her, and this one in particular is just really nice and comforting.
So I wear it, always sort of on my body, working with me, and a lot of other people use them while in meditation.
I put a lot by my bed for when I'm sleeping and dreams and people like to have him in their pockets.
It's completely up to you, but I will say you kind of will know, You know, they picked this curse a lot and they like it and instantly say they want to hold it in their pocket.
They want to hold in their hand, make a necklace out of it.
But you kind of just know, and there's really no right, no wrong way to do it.
I always say everyone should have a rose quartz.
This'd is like, This is obviously, you know, one you can put your pocket in your purse, or sometimes if you're just laying down like kind of keep it on your heart trucker.
But it's good for opening your heart, healing your heart like it just is very soothing, A big thing I like to do.
And I say this old time as I do these baths at night, where I pour tons of sea sold in.
I put some oils in there, and then I put crystals in there, and one of that always have is this rose quartz crystal in the bath because it just raises the whole vibration of the bath.
It makes you feel lots of loving thoughts about yourself, so this is a really good It's like the Stone of Grace.
I love this story, and one I love this I found this one that was really special, but I like it.
It's in the shape of a heart attack, and it looks like it's ascending upwards and it's really pretty and hasn't school flecks in it.
But this is a really cool stone because it's very magical, and I work with this one a lot.
It's also really good communication.
So I used to have a small a small version of this that I would carry in my pocket for meetings and auditions and things like that.
Smoky quartz.
This is a real I don't know.
You can see this is really pretty, but there's lots of little markings inside.
It's sort of a darker color courts, but this is an excellent stone for protection, for grounding, uh, in detoxification.
So a lot of times I put this by the side of my bed or across from my bed just for energetic protection.
Flying can really take it out of me, so I load my pockets up with smoky quartz.
Trust me, I get I go through the security and people do the wanding and they're like, What's in your pockets?
What are always up my plan.
I'm like it's crystals.
They're like, Okay, l a girl just walk on by, but I promise you, maybe it's in my mind, but I feel a big difference when I do that.
So little hippy tripe salad night is another one that I love.
I have this and a lot of different places in my house.
Selling is the only crystal that doesn't need to be cleansed.
So a lot of these crystals you you need to cleanse their energy from time to time cause they're taking on some there detoxifying you.
So I put him out under the full moon.
Or you could put him in a big bowl of salt and the salt will cleanse these crystals.
But the's don't need to, and they charge everything else.
Saleh nights.
Just like overall Awesome.
What else?
Well, I also this was given to me by one of my best friends.
I'm pretty sure as is titanium or a quartz crystals air with the things that's really nice to get a gift of it, because it's just yeah, it's a it's a fantastic gift to get someone, but this was given to me by somebody who's a reiki master and so she charged it with her breaking energy.
And, um, it's magical.
It's also like a very high vibration.
Stone connects you to your communication.
I trapped.
This thing's heavy on.
I travel with people.
So and I bring this to my hotel rooms, I couldn't find my bed.
I just really love this one.
Have a very strong attachment to that one.
So one of my favorites And then I have these two little ones that I found kind of recently.
This is Labrador, right?
It, I would say, is my favorite crystal sort of.
It's the most protective stone.
It's of all the stones in the Mineral Kingdom is what they say.
But I love it and you can't see but half like looks like little rainbow is inside and it's small.
So I take this with me and I put it just with me in my pocket.
Now, this is a noble, really beautiful.
But I found this Opal too, and this one is one of my favorites as well.
I'm gonna make a ring out of this or I'm gonna probably call.
Jackie would never make a necklace or a ring out of this, but it's so beautiful, I think opals all right.
Possibly even more beautiful than diamonds today.
So those are my favorites.
I have so many, though.
I mean, and by the way, let me explain this ground thing.
This is titanium.
So this is the same, but obviously different color, but titanium or courts as well.
This is actually just really cute.
Evie and I've taken many pictures in this.
But should you really wear a crystal crown, this will open here.
Ground shocker.
I find crystals to be one of the best ways I have found to stay connected to the Earth and to our universe and just nature in general.
And they're beautiful.
And I think they're gorgeous in the house and I work with him, and I know it's a big difference if there's any skeptics out there as well.
You sort of think this is all crazy.
I understand.
But I would wonder if you just, you know, had one piece of rose quartz, and he sort of carried it with you while you traveled or used it.
I mean, it could be kind of a bit of a totem to a lot of people, just like to have something that they travel with that makes them feel comforted.
I'd be curious.
Have you noticed a difference?
That's it.
Enjoy on becoming with more.