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  • I don't ever want.

  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to another video.

  • Now I hope you're all having a festive, fun filled day.

  • You may be thinking what I'm uploading today of all days.

  • Well, the turkey slowly burning in the oven.

  • The roast vegetables are almost nuked on DDE.

  • I've got a few hours before the relatives turn up.

  • So I thought I'd finish off what is one of the most requested videos over the last couple of months.

  • And that is a look at the G t 10 thirty's performance in 2019.

  • So let's get into it.

  • I hope you enjoy this video.

  • Hopefully, there's a lot of you watching today because we all know there's nothing on TV.

  • This particular GT 10 30 I'm using today is tthe e m s I to Gigi DDR 50 c.

  • Low profile addition.

  • It has a small fan but is very silent in operation, which is always a bonus.

  • Sometimes the little fans on low profile cards like this can be rather noisy, which is never appreciated.

  • It stays pretty quiet during intense gaming, too spec wise.

  • We've got 12 66 megahertz call clock here with a boost clock off 15 19 megahertz.

  • The memory is cooked at 15 02 megahertz as faras GT 10 30 Variants go and there are a lot This one seems pretty good.

  • Mso in my experience are the producer of some great products and that counts for their lower end stuff like this as well.

  • To be honest, as long as you choose a Jew.

  • DDR five duty 10 30 please.

  • For the love of everything on these gigantic planet, choose a Jew DDR five version.

  • Then you should get a similar experience toe what you're about to see from these results.

  • But bear in mind that the CPU and RAM amount that you have may change that.

  • So without further ado, let's see what it can do now with the games I targeted, 30 F p s is 60 f.

  • P s with the 10.

  • 30 would require a serious drop in resolution below that of 7 20 p and most of today's gains.

  • The 10 30 was never designed for high frames per second gaming.

  • Rather, it was a great choice for those with a small form factor rig in need of a graphical upgrade and OptiPlex, for example, would have been an ideal candidate, something that did myself a couple of years ago.

  • The fact it required no external power connector also insured it Woz, and is compatible with a lot off unbranded and O.

  • E.

  • M.

  • P s use that are used in some Big Grand Prix builds.

  • Just like in 2017.

  • If you have a full sized tower or a decent power supply and have less than £100 or the equivalent in your currency to spend, then it's always worth considering the used market.

  • First, there really are some great deals out there on better performing cards, just a thought.

  • But let's see how the 10 30 holds up because, as I said at the start, this has been a much requested video for the last few months.

  • Battlefield five needs no adjustment to Resolution 10.

  • 80 p was fine for a least 30 F.

  • B s here.

  • I'm working with the settings that the control panel recommended to May on for any times.

  • This recommendation was a bit out of manually adjusted things a little bit to try and hit our target.

  • This is the uphill single player level with the low settings we saw at least 30 frames per second on over 40 frames per second in some areas.

  • It was a pretty smooth experience.

  • You may be wondering why I'm using a rise in 7 1800 X instead of the usual 3600.

  • Well, I bought it for another video, and I'm just testing out at the moment on putting together a cheap as possible first.

  • Gen Rise and build.

  • I apologize for any background noise.

  • I think someone's in the kitchen cutting up sprouts.

  • Yeah, hopefully they're not.

  • Because those things man, back to the do DDR 5 10 30 however, and as we move on to dirt, really to everything is, as usual, fine.

  • There is nothing to report, negative performance wise.

  • All is well, just once I'd like to be able to say this game rent terribly Well, maybe no, but the constant playable result gets a bit.

  • Say me seriously, though, that really two runs well on nearly anything GPU wise.

  • Here's a quick look.

  • A far cry new dawn, a 10 80 p.

  • The 10 30 couldn't quite maintain a 30 FBs average, But any results like this that also came close.

  • I thought I'd show you briefly anyway, 900 p is a much better option here is you'll get around 36 F.

  • P s, though the percentile figures do indicate a few stutters here and there.

  • The same is true for actual gameplay, where you'll notice a couple of dips during more action packed and intensive sings a lot of which do occur in this game.

  • So just bear that in mind.

  • If you are a 10 30 user or a potential buyer again, here's a preview of another not quite playable a 10 80 p game Kingdom come deliverance.

  • I'm messing around the meal level here.

  • I thought I'd mix it up a bit from the opening town I usually show you on before getting stuck in the water by some sort of glitch and having to reload what waas at least 20 minutes off gang play?

  • Because the game just messed me up.

  • I was noticing around 27 frames per second on average, just like far cry Kingdom come Deliverance benefits from a drop in resolution to 900 p.

  • A lot of stutter is also eliminated this way, but there will be a couple of instances of lag, which is unavoidable, really on a lot of GP used.

  • To be honest, this is just a pretty demanding gain.

  • Despite its various performance updates, though, it does run a lot better these days than it used to.

  • So there's that.

  • No, all Metro exodus did average 30 F p.

  • S a 10 80 p.

  • The frame drops, in my opinion, made it somewhat unplayable as you will hit the low 20 sometimes more often than not when the action heats up.

  • Of course, each level will differ in frame rate to.

  • But here on this desert map, 900 p was once again the way to go.

  • The low 0.1% figure was caused by a few enemies spawning in front of me at once, which caused a nearly unnoticeable freeze to the eye anyway.

  • But it was picked up by frappes, and it's worth mentioning because this won't be a completely problem free experience when using this card for rage to We skipped any 10 80 p or 900 p game play here as the game didn't even run close to 30 f.

  • P s on average.

  • In either scenario, 7 20 paedo produce decent enough results.

  • 40 F p.

  • S was the average in.

  • There was no roofs data here either, which is perfect.

  • This game may be hard to run on some hardware, but the percent old figures tend to be okay a lot of the time, at least in my experience with various cards.

  • And that's helpful considering there's often a lot going on on screen.

  • Just like what you're seeing here is, I blasted my way into this settlement.

  • Red Dead redemption, too, is also playability.

  • 7 20 p with the lowest preset resolution.

  • Scaling was turned off a cz well, so this words 12 80 by 7 20 without compromises, unless you consider our 7 20 p a compromise in itself.

  • Honestly, it doesn't look too bad, and there won't really be any drops below 30 as seen by the performance figures, at least not from what I saw.

  • Bear in mind, though, that busy towns such as Valentine or the City of San Dinny may destroy my last statement, and maybe your frame rates.

  • You may be wondering why I'm recording this footage is if it were 2009 and I was a call of duty compilation creator Well, my recording software, for whatever reason, does not agree with this title nor the outer worlds, which comes next.

  • This is despite all the footage being recorded externally on another machine with a capture box.

  • Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

  • But hopefully the clarity here is okay with the iPhone eight I'm recording with.

  • So while we're on the subject of the outer worlds again at 10 80 pee like a couple of other games today, will fall slightly short.

  • Some areas will give you a 30 F PS plus average.

  • For example.

  • I'm running around age water here, an area I presume to be pretty bad in performance.

  • But as soon as I stepped outside, that frame rate did decrease quite significantly.

  • Other areas will knock you down to the mid twenties, which isn't really playable by most people's standards.

  • To remedy this again, 1600 by 900 p is the best solution for this game.

  • While it still looks good thanks to the unique art style, everything will, of course be a little less sharp.

  • So that's what the 10 30 conduce with modern Triple eight games.

  • Are you impressed, or are you disappointed Well, please be sure to let me know.

  • Down below in the Comets, Thank you very much for watching.

  • I hope you have a very good day today.

  • No matter what you're doing.

  • Maybe some of you are going to be lucky enough to be unwrapping that computer component you've wanted for some time.

  • Maybe some of you are getting a new graphics card process, sir.

  • Maybe a RAM upgrade, something like that.

  • Whatever it might be.

  • Be sure to let me know in the comments as well.

  • I'd love to hear about your festive upgrades to your machines.

  • All that's left to say is, if you enjoyed this video, please leave a lock on it down below.

  • If you didn't enjoy it, well, be sure to leave a dislike on it down below in the next one will probably be taking a look at one of Dell's cheapest pre built machines simply because I've been fascinating about what they're putting inside those things.

  • At the moment, I haven't checked out a big brand pre built in awhile, so I thought we'd take a look at that.

  • But hopefully you conjoined me, then thank you and goodbye.

I don't ever want.


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現在的GOOD GT 1030有多好? (How good is the GOOD GT 1030 these days?)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日