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Camping adventure?
I'm so excited that we are going for a little glamping session unless big the record straight.
This is not actual camping.
It's glamping.
Like the tent is already set up because with older respect, as much as I want this wilderness experience I still like want to enjoy it.
And building a pen is not enjoyable to me.
Also, I won't be able to deal with Gary's breakdown because he's no good with stuff like that at all.
Why did the safe huge thank you to Joe Fresh our sponsor for collaborating with us and sponsoring this?
You ready?
You're looking lamp ready?
Well, like something really magical just happened.
And the magical thing that happened is that we convince Jake and Ben to go with gear in the car.
So we have a two hour drive.
Just Nori, Maxine and myself.
This is our vacation time.
Hey, maybe we'll stop for some coffee.
I like that time.
What song do you want?
It's called Ate my fog We Mex There was no Ain't my fault Remix on couple music That's straight.
Are three have mix?
Is it is it?
And please put it.
No, I'm not gonna play it cause you just played it 30 times on the driveway.
So I'm I mean, I'm literally not gonna listen to it right now.
Not here.
If there's one way we can stop, why would you want to start?
I'll get a passion t to me.
Yeah, but no.
No, I didn't do anything.
Just half eyes.
That's his word.
That's too.
And then we'll go to Starbucks.
You having to search for Hey, Siri, where's the closest Starbucks you?
Hey, Siri Coble, Aerial events way We have to stop by the Starbucks because Jake needs a passion T.
Gary, you understand that?
You're right.
Yeah, but so you tell them what they don't tell you, Okay?
But I want Starbucks too.
Another story.
But do you want because Jake one star todo Really?
Why does everything have to be such a conversation?
I'm just letting you know.
Thank you.
Yeah, I guess boys were very careful.
You sit up, please.
Right This strong.
Almost raw.
You okay?
Can you give me mine?
Honey, look both hands on both ends in the morning.
We can come and pick up the eggs So waiting Ranger.
That's what she called the Ranger.
And she will take us Thio.
Yeah, they allow parents can only for kids.
Well, this is a camp for grown ups.
We walked.
Yeah, that's your Ted right there with you.
But it's not.
The answer is no warning.
No nothing.
It's not dangerous.
Show you.
Your room is so excited.
Yeah, we're camping.
This is the most Bujji camping you've ever seen.
Yes, Dad.
So what is it?
Because this is glamping.
Yeah, Like let's go.
And what?
How about all the man?
How is that possible?
What are we gonna do?
Thank you.
I think it will signal to enjoy nature.
Enjoy Chatter.
Um hey.
Hey, hey.
Okay, we are on our way.
Not on their way.
Actually, we're just waiting.
We're gonna go out for dinner.
When we wanted to stop by grocery store to get some stuff, but we didn't have a chance.
So thank God we are in an area where there are, like, little restaurants, local ones.
So we're gonna go get food there.
Oh, my God.
So many Children.
I can't even think anyone you know, save it for No, wait.
Our first night camping.
I literally never done this before.
Yeah, but we're gonna figure it out.
I think you might have something here.
Oh, wow.
I am literally shocked that I was able to do it.
It's going good job way.
All like a breeze to get Yes.
Why are you letting him think that that's normal?
It's not.
Baby is I'm just joking.
Pup is making a funny joke, actually.
A stupid joke that's not ever nice, huh?
That's not a stupid job.
You can't do that.
You can't do what, baby?
How is gonna go?
Well, how do you grow?
Okay, so when the fire has a birthday, it's gonna go.
Hey, this is a very special moment.
Oh, this is the first time as a family that we've ever done this.
No, we're not exactly camping people, but I think we're good.
We're good.
You goes here, and it's the nice.
That's amazing.
So many waters right here.
What is going on with its gonna go check on nor Eight and Maxie?
I think this is the first time in probably 8 to 9 years that I went to sleep would make upon.
I had very little, but still I want to sleep with my make up on.
I decided to take Jake and Ben with us to our to the room, so we stayed with them because it wasn't feeling really well.
Sedan still recovering from a stomach bug.
So Nori stayed with Maxie.
This place is gorgeous and sexual perfect.
Time of year to come.
It's chilly in the morning, the Chilean nines.
But you bring, like, really soft, cozy clothes.
And like I said, this jacket is so tiny and it's so easy to pack and grab.
Everywhere you go.
I think it has a pocket to put it in a pocket like a little baggy.
This is like, this is perfect for this.
Kind of Okay.
Got my package.
You slept well at night.
We're gonna go see Jake and Banyon.
Papa, huh?
You have a light.
Good morning, son.
How did you sleep?
You can have it for breakfast.
No one.
Would you go get breakfast?
How about that?
Why do we keep putting breakfast off?
Can we go eat breakfast already?
Why don't you want this mushroom already saw toilet I can't use.
Can we go eat breakfast, please?
I need a toilet with running water.
High maintenance time for little Charlotte.
So cool and towards the states or for gratitude.
Okay, so we are going for breakfast.
We didn't think this one through, so we didn't grow.
So when grocery shopping before we arrived to the camp.
And we can't eat at the tent.
So we're gonna go to restaurant first to have food.
I know this is really not classic camping experience, but with three kids, this is the type of things you need to plan way, way, way ahead.
Once we're gonna have breakfast and elevator, literal our blood sugar levels because we know about to faint.
Then we're gonna go grocery shopping and get everything we need.
Um, I think she's a guy's.
So we think that Benny got the same stomach bug that Larry had a few days ago.
So now, in the middle of the camping trip, I am taking this young man to the closest doctor's office to make sure that he is okay.
Benny Okay.
We think he's okay, but he had an upset tummy.
So Now we're off.
There it is.
32nd walk.
This is it.
You see what will be your choices?
And then I see how well so far with yeah, but five grands that five grand.
I feel bad to do Anything done without Benny and Gary.
I know.
So we're okay.
We're going now.
Thio the beach.
Love your seats in the back.
The doctor said that Benny's got, like, a little stomach virus and find you checked his throat.
She just said, Like, he's gonna might be tired, but just keep giving him, like, hydrating him and give him some sugar.
So he's probably really happy about the sugar thing.
I don't think we've had, like, a solid vacation family vacation without someone down with something.
How did it go?
Are you better?
Oh, my God.
It's gonna be really Hi, Jake.
The toilets here have running water kind.
Together's dragon.
Fly out.
Come out moxie.
Come out here.
See where we're going to do.
This guy is not listening.
I'm gonna cause it.
You won't be able to get out drunk.
Okay, Maxie, let's go for a walk E till Maxie, What do you think?
Is this life for us?
Should we just sell everything and move to the woods to nature, huh?
Use their hands to build a home and find food?
What do you think?
I don't think so either, my friend.
Can you imagine if we would have gone camping like real camping, Maxie?
That would have been very bad for this family.
Look, this this is actually pretty epic.
I made it myself.
I rub two sticks together.
The live fire, right, Maximus?
All I remember from my like service was that I have to build a teepee.
The teepee is the key that you know.
Oh, I wonder if my stomach bug will be done by the time I come home from a camping trip.
Oh, yeah.
I b e o I'm sick.
Here again.
My God, with you, I'm doing the age old tradition of cooking.
Cooking hot dogs higher.
I went ahead and I personally forged this with my own hands.
This stick only to close to the fire.
Wanted to grill it.
A perfect temperature so way.
Yes, well, they don't make them like this no more.
No, unfortunately, food land has closed their government section to do like a proper know we knew nothing.
How would we know?
Pip, stop what you're doing.
The camera.
No, I don't think it off.
Going for another camera and show the camera what you did.
Now, Now take off the protective caps, huh?
From the sticks.
Who are they protecting?
Obviously not.
You don't do it with your teeth way literally have hot dogs, a pack of hot dogs And oh, there's a prank is a is a prank video, Frank Video.
The real foods coming right?
You got me the verdict expire, Not expired.
But I just want you know what?
Well, that side's really crispy for you.
So put the chocolate on the graham cracker, and now you eat it.
Very so good.
Right edge.
It's on the table.
Could somebody get me a big bloke?
Well, like a folk.
You never heard of it before?
He said hello.
What am I raising?
I don't understand.
I know.
Yeah, Me?
You like this?
Camping food?
No deposit.
Now we know you're gonna have breakfast now, so let's go get our breakfast.
I'm gonna go get our eggs from the chicken eggs from the chickens.
What, You want to come with me?
Okay, let's go here.
Oh, you like John?
Should I?
This is how my life would look like if I decided to move to the country.
I mean, creating hunting here might be a little limited every morning.
It's my day.
It's time to take eggs.
And it's Tuesday and it's done too.
Get eggs.
And it's a what?
Okay, I think we get the point dollars.
The whole thing.
Bless you.
This is so cool.
They're just late.
You want to see a chicken?
Look at this fresh press meeting.
And we got tomatoes with tomatoes.
Well, they don't have more eggs.
Chickens are kind of stressed out this morning so I can relate.
Hi, fi.
Benny was so good.
You helped us so much.
And Maxie Jim, look how balanced that top one that's good.
Said he wants to just shut his phone, often come out here and, like, just make fires all the time.
Every time something different, he gets like, a thing that he's like obsessed with.
And then it's money thing.
It's my new thing.
I'm gonna do it.
It was this time where he wanted to do boxing than it was a time where he wanted to do martial arts.
Then there was a time where it was like I'm gonna start biking anybody's like bike and the whole gear he went once, just like, you know, flavor of the week I got.
You get the graves.
I don't think it's I think it's still sour.
I tried like it's the sour.
It's cold, baby.
Thank you so much for coming camping with us.
I hope you didn't have a nervous breakdown.
This has been an amazing, exciting month.
And if you guys wanna watch me meeting my girl crashes.