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Hi, everyone.
It's Mel here.
And welcome back to Bell's blood life, the YouTube channel, all about blindness.
Today I'm going to do a video to us off the accessible Kevin A 303 on the Golden Princess 303 which is this cabin that we're doing the trial today is right in there.
Be stays on lift here at the far end of the ship.
So if you turn directly right and walk into the corridor, you actually walk into the door off a 303 Now, when you put your card in the slot, if you've been successful in unlocking the door, three things will happen a lot more flush and there will be a little click and then you open the door.
So because the wheelchair coming, it's a larger door.
So immediately when you walk into the Kevin, there's a blank space of wool.
They were.
I just put my cane.
Um, you've got on your right.
You have the dole for the bathroom, and on your left, you have a bit of blank space and then you have the wardrobe.
Now, for a blind person being in this cabin, you do have to be mindful off down here on the floor, there is a little leap to get up the ramp into the bathroom.
So as a blind person in this coven, just be mindful of that lip and don't trip on it.
So this is the accessible bathroom.
It's gotta ramp up into it for wheelchair users.
And it has a flat floor on the interior with, um great.
So I suppose you should call them, which are where the water guards down when you have a shallow so directly in front is the shell could now this size approximately half closed the whole time.
Um, you can open it but are noticeably out.
Cabin steward has bean half closing it.
And then on your right here is the sink, which, um, being wilczek heaven.
There is actually a big vacant space underneath the sink for the well.
Che uses legs to go on the name.
And then if you won't processing around the curtain, if you're in a wheelchair, you would have to open the curtain a bit more.
You have got the toilet which has got grab rails both behind and beside.
For the wheelchair users to be able to get themselves in and out of the wheelchair.
And then you've got the shower, which I'm in now, which has got a pull down still, which just pulls down from the wall for the we'll share user to seat and shower, and it's also got a non slip mat that you should put down when you have a shower.
Now the only accessibility issue that we have found is these true bottles on the wall here.
Which of the shampoo, conditioner and soaps of the shampoo conditioner is one on the soap is a another.
Sorry we have found a Lizzie has found that sitting on the stool, it's very hard to grab the soap or shampoo.
Yeah, lover's bottles.
Then, as we step out of the bathroom, like I said, once again for a blind person, have to be mindful off the lip on the floor where the ramp is for the bathroom and then past the bathroom.
And the wardrobe is where the two beds are.
So this first bed here is hard up against the bathroom wall, and it's probably the best one for someone who has mobility issues tohave and then between the two beds There's plenty of room for a wheelchair or walking frame to go through.
And then the second bed closest to the window there is I opposite the two beds.
There is a disc with an enormous television now an accessibility problem for a blind person.
Is this so here, above the television, which is it about my eye level?
So you have to be very mindful of that when you're doing things on this writing desk.
Yah, on the other thing.
Um, that could be a hazard for a wheelchair user.
Is the location off this small coffee table here and its proximity to the corner off the second bid.
So then up beside the second bid, we have got another bits are table this one between the two beds on this one here and then we have got the better.
The dole to get out into the deck is actually quite hot to pull open.
So you have to, um, he is a little bit of muscle.
Now you can have a ramp for this ridge here, up onto the veranda, but we haven't chosen to have that this cruise, so you do have to step up and ova the ridge to get out onto the veranda, and then the decking is fairly wide.
So that would be plenty of room for a wheelchair to be out here as well as a traveling companion.
Old Kara.
And then, of course, you've still got two chairs on a table out here.
A swell now for the blind people.
What you can see from this dick is if you look straight ahead, you will obviously have the Martian or the port or wherever you are.
This is on the starboard side of the ship towards the Florida say the front right side of the ship.
So if your import, it might have a porch land on this side of the ship.
If you look straight down, you can see some balconies below this one.
We are on deck 12.
So a fairly high up.
And then if you look sort of out and forwards, you can actually see the bridge, which is where the captain's is.
The ship from on DDE.
Sometimes a sighted companion may be able to see people up on the bridge.
So that is it for this.
Two hour off the accessible Kevin, a 303 on the Golden Princess.
I hope you have enjoyed this to us.
And if you've got any comments or questions, please write them down below.
And I will see you in my next video.
Thanks for watching.