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(upbeat music)
- Hello, this is Jack from tofluency.com
and today we're going to have a conversation
in English about food.
- One of my favorite topics.
- Yeah, one of Kate's favorite topics.
So the idea behind these conversations is
to give you exposure to real English,
but then also to teach you some phrases at the same time.
So we'll teach a little bit of the vocabulary
and phrases that we use in the video.
But to really learn them, go to the description,
and then go over to the website
where I'm going to leave a list
of key phrases from this lesson.
So you'll be able to go through it, read it,
see the examples, get an explanation, et cetera.
So today you're going to learn a lot about food.
I'm going to approach this
by talking about traditional meals,
and food in general, from the UK,
the Unites States, and Spain.
Because I'm from the UK.
- I'm from the US.
- We live in America and we have lived in Spain.
Now let's make this very relevant--
- Okay. - To what we're doing,
because tonight we're going
to have some friends over for dinner.
And you had some questions for me.
- Yes, so,
as is pretty common,
at least where we live,
people have different dietary restrictions.
- Yeah.
- So for example, there's certain things that they eat
or certain things that they don't eat.
The friends that we're having over for dinner tonight,
one of them only eats chicken and seafood.
- Well, a better way to say that is,
so, just in my head, she only eats chicken.
(softly laughs)
But that's it, and seafood.
- Okay, let me rephrase that,
let me see if this is what you're thinking about.
She doesn't eat red meat.
- Yeah.
- Or pork.
- Right, is pork red meat?
- I think that pork is technically white meat.
- All right.
Well, so, yeah, so that's a restriction
and that's a really good example,
where somebody doesn't eat red meat.
Now what are some of the common restrictions
here in Nashville?
- Sure, so a lot of people are gluten-free.
So they don't eat wheat or wheat products
that have gluten in it.
- Like breads, and obvious, no bread, no pasta.
- Yup.
- No...
A lot of pastries.
- And some people have a condition called Celiac's
that prevents them,
they have really severe reactions to gluten.
And other people, it's more of a preference.
Some people are dairy-free,
so they don't eat dairy products.
People can also be vegan,
so they don't eat any animal products,
and just a variety of different things.
So basically, we are trying to think--
- This is our task. - This is our debate.
So we're trying to see,
so our friend eats chicken for sure,
so I was trynna think of a chicken-based dish
that would be a little bit more exciting.
So, trynna think, would we want chicken
that was stuffed with spinach and cheese?
Or chicken in a rich sauce?
Or just like roasted with vegetables
and like a glaze on top?
So that's what we're trynna decide between.
- There's a lot of new vocabulary there.
(softly laughs)
Like to stuff chicken-- - Uh-huh, yeah.
- Which means put something
inside it - Inside it.
- So another example of that is stuffed pepper.
- [Kate] Yeah.
- Where you get a pepper,
and normally cheese or rice, maybe?
- Cheese, rice, breadcrumbs,
so you could also do that with mushrooms.
- And then a glaze, how would you describe that?
- A glaze is like kind of a rich, thick sauce.
- Yeah, and you brush it on.
- Like so. - Brush on a glaze.
- Brush on, yeah.
- So yeah, we're trying to,
and you said a dish as well.
So a dish is part of a meal, isn't it?
- Yeah. - Or the main dish.
There are so many words and phrases
when it comes to cooking and food.
- Yes.
- And we'd learned that while living in Spain.
There's so much to learn in this.
So hopefully, this lesson is going to help you with that.
- Yeah.
- So, okay, so we are cooking a meal tonight.
There's a main dish, and then side dishes too.
- Yes.
- So what are we going to do for sides?
- For side dishes, so it depends
on which main dish we choose.
- Right.
- So if we have, for example,
a chicken that's roasted with vegetables,
that can kind of be part of our side dishes.
If not, we're probably gonna wanna do vegetables, salad.
- Potatoes.
- Potatoes, for example.
- And maybe mashed potatoes.
- Mashed potatoes are delicious.
- Yeah.
- But they're more delicious when they're the least healthy.
- Or--
- More butter is more delicious.
- Yeah, aw, yeah. - With mashed potatoes,
and many things.
- We're not gonna talk too much
about what's healthy and what's not.
- No.
- We're just going to have a good talk
about traditional meals.
- Yes.
- Let's start with breakfast.
- Okay.
- What is something that people have
for breakfast in the UK?
Do you remember, or do you know this?
- So, what immediately comes to mind
is the famous full English breakfast.
- Yeah.
- Right? - Yeah.
- That would be the traditional,
and so you would have beans.
- Yep.
- Toast,
a specific kind of bacon.
- Yep.
- Roasted tomatoes,
and eggs?
- Yeah.
- Is that everything?
- More or less, yeah.
You could also have things like...
What's it called again?
- Roasted mushrooms. - Black pudding,
which is like blood sausage.
- Oh.
- I love them.
Or mushrooms, yeah.
What is a light version of that
that I used to have most mornings?
- Beans and toast.
- Beans on toast.
- Beans on toast.
- Now, there's a debate about beans on toast,
and what we're talking about here is toast
with butter on, normally, and then baked beans.
- Yes.
- And in America, you don't really do that style.
- Not really.
- Normally, you put pork in there.
But they're a little bit different,
so just baked beans in a tomato sauce.
Now there's a debate here.
- Go on.
- When you make beans on toast,
and the preposition is on toast--
- Okay, on toast.
- But, you put your toast here on your plate
and then people either put the beans
right on top, or on the side.
- Oh.
- Which would you do?
- Side, 100%. - Yeah, me too.
- Yeah, I mean sometimes I like it
when different flavors kind of come together,
and intermingle, but to me,
the integrity of the toast, the toast not being soggy.
- Soggy, that's a good word.
- Yeah, you don't want it to be soggy,
you want it to be crunchy and dry,
is important. - And soggy means wet
in this example, yeah. - Yeah, wet and mushy.
- Mushy, yeah, it loses its texture.
Yeah, so I, beans on one side of the plate,
toast on the other, try not to touch.
- Yeah.
- And then take your toast,
usually with your fingers, your hands,
put the right amount of beans on for that bite
and then take that bite. - For that bite, yeah.
I do like choosing the perfect bite,
no matter what I'm eating, the perfect amount of things.
- Yeah.
Other things British people have in the morning are cereal,
toast, just toast.
Go on.
- Marmite.
- Marmite, Marmite.
Let's move on, I hate it.
- You do?
- Well, yeah, so they brand it
as either you love it or hate it.
So they actually know this,
and then they make commercials based on this.
So they'll take a situation and say
you either love it or hate it, like Marmite.
- Like Marmite, okay. _ You like it, don't you?
- I like it in, I wouldn't even say in moderation.
I would say I like it a tiny bit of it.
- Yeah.
- Almost not enough to really taste it.
Sometimes I feel that way about really strong cheese, too.
- Oh, I love strong cheese.
- Yeah, I do too,
in moderation. - In moderation.
- I don't like to have a big bite of it.
I like to have a little bit of it with other things.
- Yeah, I understand that.
Yeah, that's a little bit like a strong sauce
or a spicy sauce at the same time.
- Like hot sauce.
- Hot sauce, or horseradish.
(upbeat music)
What is a typical American breakfast?
- So, we have many of the same breakfast foods.
Beans are not very popular as a breakfast food at all.
- No. - I'm not sure
if anybody has it. - At barbecue restaurants--
- Yeah.
- That's a very popular side dish.
- Uh-huh. - But not--
- But not a breakfast food. - No.
- So we tend to have...
It's hard to think about exactly
what's the most traditional.
- It is.
- But we often have baked foods.
So pancakes, waffles, muffins.
- You have dessert for breakfast.
That's what I wanna say.
You have dessert for breakfast.
- Okay. - All this maple syrup.
- Yes, uh-huh. - All over it,
like blueberry muffins.
- Yes.
- Or pancake with lots of maple syrup.
We have pancakes one day a year.
- On Pancake Day?
- On Pancake Day.
That's when we have pancakes.
But yeah, it amazes me.
- Yeah.
- You'll have donuts for breakfast.
When I'm saying you, this is like a general--
- Americans, yeah. - Yeah.
It astonishes me.
- Yeah, donuts, to me, are kind of the ideal breakfast food.
- They're the worst.
- So good.
- I've never liked donuts.
- Really?
- Yeah, I remember when I was younger,
I used to have one and enjoy it.
But for me, I just don't like donuts.
- So there's two different kind of styles of donuts.
- Right.
- Okay, so you have your donut,
and it, to me, it's either gonna be
kind of flakey and cakey, and frosted,
so it kind of melts in your mouth,
or it's going to be what I think of as the more traditional,
kind of cider donuts, so they're a little bit thicker,
and more fried kind of tasting, and chewy.
- Right, yeah.
- I have a preference, a clear favorite,
I like the traditional,
thick cider donuts,
especially with fresh-pressed apple cider,
more than the glazed kind.
You don't like donuts at all,
but if you had to choose, which would you prefer?
- Probably the cider ones.
- Good choice. - I have no idea
what they taste like.
- Really?
- Well, no.
- Okay, I'm gonna take you to a cider orchard
and you're gonna try it--
- Oh, I've had those.
- Yeah!
- When we went to the cider orchard.
- Yeah.
- This is where they grow apples,
and just a little thing about cider.
So if you say cider in the UK, it means alcoholic.
- Yes.
- But you say hard cider.
- Yeah, we would say hard cider and it's not,
I don't think it's as popular--
- No.
- As the fresh cider. - It's getting more popular.
So, but for me, my perfect breakfast is bacon and eggs.
What for you, chocolate?
- You know when-- - And coffee?
- Yeah.
I do like chocolate and coffee.
That's usually like I need a little bit of fuel
to get me going, a little bit of caffeination.
But I like either fresh fruit,
or I like pancakes,
specifically buttermilk pancakes with some syrup
and maybe bacon. - You say buttermilk,
I don't really know what a buttermilk is.
- Buttermilk is? - Yeah.
- Okay, so buttermilk is, it's milk that's kind of like
a little bit, it's more like-- - Creamier.
- It's creamier, it's a little bit more sour.
It's almost like yogurt or sour cream.
It's kind of like halfway to yogurt or sour cream.
It's a little thicker.
- I think it's a important thing to say as well
that when my mum comes to visit,
she can't understand menus here.
- Yeah.
- She doesn't know what things are.
So if you feel overwhelmed by this language,
know that you're not alone.
- No.
- And that a native English speaker can come to America
and just get really confused,
and I was, at first, as well. - Yeah.
- I was at first.
- One thing to say
about the United States
and about our cuisine, our language,
a lot of different things is that
we are, in many ways, a melting pot.
- Explain that.
- So people come from different countries
and different cultures, and people come,
and they become American.
And at the same time,
they bring a little bit of their culture,
and it all kind of blends together.
- Yeah.
- So in a town,
in a small city or a large town,
you'll probably be able to get Japanese sushi,
you'll be able to get Mexican food,
you'll be able to get Indian food, Chinese food.
And all of those different cuisines,
different styles of cooking come with their own vocabulary.
- Yeah, yeah.
That makes sense.
And then just certain things are different,
like fries, chips, I made a lesson on this.
- Yes.
- I'll leave it in the description.
I feel where things overlap the most are at lunchtime.
- Sandwiches? - Sandwiches.
- Sandwiches.
- We don't really eat sandwiches.
- Really?
- When was the last time you had a sandwich?
- Oh, like we eat them together?
- For lunch.
- Yeah, we haven't had sandwiches in a while.
- Yeah, 'cause we don't really eat bread,
so that's probably the reason why.
- Yeah, bread is kind of essential to make a sandwich, yeah.
- But at school, I used to always have a sandwich.
My favorites were,
we can talk about favorite types of sandwiches.
- Ooh, yeah.
- Lancashire cheese and salad cream.
- Yes, we have neither Lancashire cheese,
nor would we think of putting salad cream.
Salad cream is a British thing,
it's like a sweet mayonnaise.
- Yeah.
- We don't have it.
- No, but you can find it.
So that's like a, yeah, Lancashire cheese
and sour cream. - You can't really find it.
- Earth Fare have it. - You have to go out of your
way to find it a little bit. - Earth Fare have it.
- True.
- Lancashire cheese and salad cream, or tuna,
or tuna and salad cream sandwiches.
Those were the two main ones I had,
but most people have like sliced turkey,
or sliced ham, sliced chicken.
- Yeah, we say deli meat.
- Deli meat.
See, there's so many differences.
We wouldn't say deli meat.
- No.
- And then,
the best sandwich I think is a BLT.
- Yes, BLTs are good. - Bacon, lettuce, tomato,
with avocado or without for you?
- Oh, always avocado.
- Yeah, with. - Yeah.
- The cream, the creaminess of it in addition
to everything else. - Yeah, delicious.
- Yeah, it's the best sandwich.
Other lunch items that people usually have
is a salad, very simple.
- Yup.
- Lots of variations of salads,
but we won't go into every one.
- Nope.
- Anything else?
Sandwiches, salads, soup?
- So, I think that we might have touched on this before,
but the most typical lunch sandwich for children--
- Oh, yeah.
- In the United States really surprised you
when you first heard about it,
you were shocked, you didn't understand it.
- Well, I also remember, we were in a car,
and you said PB&J, and I said, "What's that?"
And you couldn't believe it.
- I know.
- And you were with a friend.
- Yeah.
- Won't say names, but you know, with a friend,
and she just couldn't believe it either.
And you gave me clues and I finally got it.
- Yeah.
- So, PB&J.
It's a little quiz time, do you know what that means?
It's peanut butter and jelly.
The average American eats 1500, 1500,
PB&J sandwiches by the time they're 18.
The average American.
- Just leave that there. - And so there are certain
Americans who don't eat those which means
that some Americans probably eat 5000 of them.
- That's usually how averages work.
- Is that possible?
3000 would be 10 years.
- Wow, that seems high.
- 3600, I know, that's my point.
- Where are you getting the statistics?
- Wikipedia, I will fact-check this.
Which means I will make sure this is true,
but I'm sure I read it.
So I'll leave a pinned comment with a link to the source,
but it's astonishing if true.
- If true, to me it just, that is what kids eat.
- Did you ever have school dinner, or school lunches?
- Yes.
- Were they any good?
- No, not great.
They tend to be really full of carbs,
like pasta.
Usually, there's just something
a little bit unappetizing about them.
- People just used to get pizza and fries.
- Yup.
- Or hotdogs, that was it, really.
- Yeah, that sounds about right.
- I used to, I did it a little bit when I first,
Carl and I used to do it at the end of primary school,
or 10, 11, and then I did it the start of high school,
which is 11, 12, and I remember they had salad bars
and stuff like that, and I can't remember what I got.
But mainly, my parents packed me sandwiches.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
So, used to have sandwiches.
I just wanna ask you a quick question
before we talk about dinners-- - Go on.
- And restaurants, if you could only eat one meal
for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Oh, man, I kind of thought
that this question might be coming.
And, can I cheat?
Can I say Indian buffet?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's my favorite--
- Yeah, that's--
- Thing, ever.
- I won't cheat, and I'll say...
Probably a chili.
- A chili?
- Yeah, I could just eat chili all day, everyday.
- Do you like it spicy or not so spicy?
So, chili with beans or without beans?
- Without beans.
- Without beans, but with ground beef,
tomato sauce-- - Yeah, yep.
- Chili seasoning-- - Mushrooms, probably.
- Mushrooms, okay. - Chili seasoning,
like a tomato sauce, tomato paste,
and then, maybe like Worcestershire sauce.
I made a video on that.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, that's what I'd make,
but an Indian buffet, we love a good Indian buffet.
- Yeah. - Even an average one.
- Yeah, I love curry, I love spicy curry.
I love a variety of curry,
and it's a lot of Indian restaurants,
during the lunch hour,
they'll have an open buffet
where you can just get a variety of different things
and then come back, and I like it because you get to go
and figure out which are your favorites,
and then you get to go back and have more.
- You're a two-plater.
- Mm-hm.
- I'm a three-plater.
- Yeah.
I occasionally am I three-plater, too,
or you know-- - That's usually dessert.
- Yeah.
(upbeat music)
- Dinner, I'm gonna start by saying a traditional dinner
in England is the Sunday roast.
- Yes.
- And I grew up having a Sunday roast every Sunday.
People like to bash,
or say that the UK food is terrible.
I think it is so good.
- Yeah.
- It is excellent.
The home cooking, the shepherd's pies, the hot pots.
A lot of traditional dinners
in the UK will be a meat and two veg,
and that's pretty standard for every day of the week,
but then on Sunday, things get extra special
because you get roasted potatoes,
a roasted beef, or lamb or turkey,
usually carrots or parsnips, a Yorkshire pudding, and gravy.
It's just such a good meal.
- Yeah.
- Such a good meal, so that is very traditional on a Sunday.
And normally, it's anytime between 12 and 6 you have it,
but you don't really stick to the traditional times.
So you might have it at four o'clock instead.
And another thing is dinner in the UK is usually around six.
- That seems pretty comparable.
I would say that,
so everyone talks about Thanksgiving dinner,
and what I realized,
the more time that we spent
around family and friends from the UK is
that you kind of have like a small version
of Thanksgiving dinner every week.
- Yeah.
- That's the Sunday roast.
- It's the king of dinners.
- Yeah.
- It's the best.
- We appreciate it too, but it happens once a year,
and it's a huge production,
everyone gets really stressed about it,
and we make a big fuss about it.
But you just do it every week.
- Yeah, stressed about-- - Pretty much.
- Make a big fuss about. - About it.
- Which means you put a lot of energy
and you're making sure it's perfect, right?
- Yeah.
- To make a fuss about that.
That can also mean something else as well,
to make a fuss, like to complain.
- Oh, yeah, that's more of a British expression.
- Oh, is it?
I don't know what's British and American anymore.
- I know, we're kind of mixed up, actually.
- Yeah, yeah, and then I think there are other things
that the UK and America do, lasagna.
So, people make a lasagna at home, make pizza.
- Yup.
- If you wanna go that direction.
What else? - Hamburgers, hotdogs.
- Yep.
Stir fries,
chilis, beef stews.
Those types of things.
- Yup.
- In another lesson we talked about
how the robot vacuum changed our lives.
But also, the instant pot.
- Yes, we have a pressure cooker
that cooks everything faster.
- Yeah, a lot faster.
- Yeah, it's really good for recipes
that would take four hours or eight hours to finish cooking,
You can cook them in an hour. - It's like an hour.
And it tastes so much better.
I just think the taste of it is excellent.
- Yeah, 'cause it puts everything under pressure and so,
as you know, if you are cooking at sea level
or if you're cooking at altitude,
the pressure affects your cooking time.
So, the pressure cooker just increases the pressure,
so it takes less time to cook things.
But we've really enjoyed it,
and it kind of has a cult following.
- It does.
- So people who like the instant pot are very,
like it a lot and try to convince other people to like it.
So we've become those people.
- Yeah, our neighbor just bought one.
- Yeah.
- But they see how amazing it is.
- Yeah.
- It is very good.
- It's very good. - That and the air fryer.
I love the air fryer.
- Yeah.
- Although, things are taking up too much space on top.
Anyway, so yeah, we talked about breakfast,
we talked about lunch, mainly, traditional dinners.
I just wanna talk a little bit about snacks--
- Mm! - And tea and coffee.
The coffee in Spain is unbelievable.
It's the best, isn't it?
- Yeah.
- I wanna make that style of coffee
as soon as possible.
- Okay.
- Because we drink coffee, we enjoy it,
why not make it really good?
Tell us the best way to make coffee.
What machine you need and how to make it.
'Cause it'll be interesting to see people from Brazil,
Spain, Italy, Turkey.
- Yeah.
- Russia, is it known for its coffee?
- We'll find out. - Columbia.
Columbia, if you're from Columbia, let us know.
- I think so.
- Sorry if I've missed any country, Vietnam,
I know coffee's big there.
So yeah, we wanna know how to make really good coffee.
Because I grew up drinking instant coffee.
You take out the jar, pour it in hot water, and there it is.
- My parents had a coffee machine,
but we always bought the least expensive kind of coffee.
- So it wasn't-- - So it wasn't anything fancy.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I'm just, yeah, I really wanna drink good coffee.
(upbeat music)
- Snacks.
- What are popular snacks in the US?
What would you have?
- So, there's healthy snacks,
and then there's unhealthy snacks.
- So healthy, you'd say like fruit?
- Fruit, mm-hm.
- I mean, we can get into the debate of whether a,
what are they called?
Granola bars, those little, bars, basically.
- Yeah.
- If they're good or not.
And then something that's very popular here--
- Go on.
- That we don't have in the UK, Goldfish.
- Yeah.
- Which are these little mini wheat,
cheddar cheese crackers, right?
- Yeah, lot of cheese, wheat, bread kind of snacks.
Potato chips.
- Yeah.
- Sometimes peanuts could be a snack.
- The UK has the best crisps, potato chips.
- You have really good flavors.
- I actually made a video,
and I ranked the different crisps.
- What did you say was number one?
- It was everything salt and vinegar.
I think it was salt and vinegar squares.
I never released it, I just thought,
I'm not gonna release this video.
- It's a niche audience.
People looking for snacks in the UK.
- People were making these tier-ranking videos
and I thought, I wanna do one of those.
- Yeah.
- But, yeah, it's on my computer somewhere.
- Who knows?
Maybe it's the moment to shine.
- Maybe I'll put it on Facebook or something.
- We have salt and vinegar flavor,
but I don't think it's as popular.
- It's getting better though.
She seems seems so proud.
- Like, yes, we're doing better.
We have more maybe barbecue flavor things than you do.
So barbecue flavor's a popular flavor.
Also, we both have sour cream and onion.
- Well, we mainly have cheese and onion.
- Or cheese and onion, I guess that's a little different.
Cheese, sour cream, and one flavor
that I thought was really strange,
I would never have guessed this would be a flavor
for a potato chip. - In the UK?
- Mm-hm, prawn.
- Prawn cocktail.
- Prawn cocktail. - Oh, that's a good one.
That's a good one.
- So it tastes like shrimp.
There's like a shrimpy flavor to it.
- I guess so.
- Yeah, like a prawn flavor.
- I always just thought it was more
like the prawn cocktail sauce.
- Hm, maybe we have very different
prawn cocktail flavor. - We'll look into this.
- Yes, but the idea that-- - They're very good,
it's like sweetened. - That it would be,
yeah, it was very unusual for me.
- That was on the top tier.
- It was on the top tier?
- Yeah, Seabrook Prawn Cocktail.
- We need to have a snack sampling.
- We can do that in another lesson.
So, that's enough for snacks.
- Spain!
- Spain food, is terrible.
I'm joking.
- He's joking.
- I'm joking, it's very good, isn't it?
- So good.
- Part of it is just the way that people eat in Spain
where for breakfast, it's very light.
And this isn't the same for everyone,
but this is my idea.
Breakfast is very light where it's a pastry and a coffee.
- Maybe, yeah, or a little tiny biscuit.
- Yeah, bis-kweet, sorry.
But yeah, tiny biscuit,
and then a coffee.
And then they don't eat till two.
- Yeah.
- And then they have a huge lunch.
- Huge lunch.
- Or at least that's popular. - So delicious.
- We used to share menu of the days.
- Yeah, it was too much for us.
- Yeah, do you remember that one time in Cantabria
when we went camping, and we were sitting outside
and they brought us a bean dish, with sausage in it?
- Yeah.
- And that was a starter, it was like this big.
- It was huge.
- We didn't know if it was like we take a little bit
and put it on our plate, but no, that was it.
We got that huge bean dish.
- It was, yeah, it was delicious.
So rich and so filling.
- And then popular lunchtime dishes,
I guess, are fish, and octopus.
What else did they have?
They had lasagna, I remember eating lasagna.
- Yeah, yeah, I don't remember that as much.
Where we were in kind of--
- Basque Country.
- Not in the Basque Country,
but in Valencia-- - Valencia.
- They have paella, and different styles of paella,
and fideua.
- Oh, is that the noodles?
- The noodle one, mm-hm, both delicious.
- And then, it seemed like dinner was a lighter thing.
- Yeah, it would have to be after that huge menu.
- And then obviously, there are tapas.
We used to love going to those tapas restaurants.
And then in Bilbao, it was more like little pinchos.
- Pinchos, so usually a slice of bread
with some kind of creation on top,
something usually fried or in a sauce.
- Sorry, lots of ham.
- Lots of ham.
- Lots of ham. - Lots of ham.
- But when we went back to Spain,
the thing I was excited about the most was the coffee.
- Yeah, such good coffee, yeah, so rich,
but also really smooth.
- Yeah, cafe con leche.
That's all we had, really.
- Yeah.
- Did you put sugar in it?
- Yes.
- Do you put sugar in your coffee?
I think it's the worst thing to do.
- Or the best.
- Or the best.
Yeah, but just the food there was just
phenomenal. - Phenomenal.
- It was so good.
- And it became popular while we were there,
but the Mediterranean diet, in general,
is supposed to be really healthy, really varied--
- I've got a theory. - Different things.
- It's all about Omega-3's, and not 6's.
- And those come from-- - That's just Mediterranean.
- Seafood, and-- - Yeah, olives.
- Olives, mm-hm. - Yeah.
And we know it is,
the Mediterranean diet is a good way of eating.
- Why don't we make paella?
- When?
- Today, 'cause we were trying to decide what dish to make.
- Yeah, well, you made it a lot in Spain.
You made it very well.
- Yeah, and one of my students, when I was teaching English,
gave me an electric paella maker.
It was like a pan that you plugged in
and it just cooked it perfectly.
So it would get a little bit hot
and then kind of simmer things,
and then it would cool down for a while,
and then go back on.
I didn't quite get the hang of it, but we tried a lot.
- Well, that is an option.
I'll post on Instagram.
- Yeah.
- What we make.
- We'll see.
- Yeah, and Kate's question.
- Ooh, um...
Hm, this is a little tricky.
But-- - Sorry.
- I mean, there's so many options.
- I do wanna know about coffee.
- Yeah, you wanna know about coffee.
- How to make the best coffee.
- I would like to know
what is a dish that we should try?
- Yeah.
We might have tried it.
- We might have tried it.
- We've tried quite a lot.
- We have tried quite a lot.
- Yeah. - We're adventurous eaters.
- Yeah.
- You more than me. (softly chuckles)
- Oh, yeah, I could, yeah.
- Jack will try anything.
- Mm-hm, definitely.
- You ate puffin?
- Tasted a little bit like squirrel.
- All right, now you're--
- And I'm joking. - Just pulling my leg,
you're just joking. - Pulling my leg, joking.
Yeah, so oh, go over to my website.
You can learn some of the phrases
that we have used in this lesson.
Again, this is quite an advanced topic
and they'll be a lot of things here, I'm sure,
where you thought, I have no idea what that means.
- Yes.
- But what I recommend you do,
go to the website and then watch this video again
once you've learned the new vocabulary.
So then that's just a great way
to repeat what you have learned,
and yeah, let's go shopping
and decide what we're gonna make.
Thank you for watching.
- Thanks. - Like and share the video,
go to the description, and leave your comments.
What should we try and how do we make coffee?
All right, goodbye for now.
(upbeat music)