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  • I love doing research, but some of the best tips I've gotten

  • have been from other moms.

  • Now momming is my favorite topic and I

  • want to share what I know.


  • My therapist was one of my first calls

  • after I came home and had my baby because I was like,

  • I'm so woke to postpartum as a thing.

  • She was like, are you having thoughts of suicide?

  • No.

  • Are you having thoughts of when he

  • cries, you don't want to get up and feed him?

  • And I'm like, no.

  • I'm already prone to anxiety and depression.

  • I left myself notes on my mirror.

  • This is temporary.

  • You are experiencing postpartum.

  • I was like, be prepared.

  • Take the steps that's going to get you

  • the best solution, that's going to make you the healthiest.

  • Yes.

  • I personally believe that all of our self-esteem

  • comes from responsibility and accomplishing

  • your responsibility.

  • So I get a lot of self-esteem from being

  • a good responsible mom, and then still take

  • time for a necessary separateness.

  • I am going to need a lot of help with that.

  • I will help you.

  • Please.

  • Because I don't have time for guilt.

  • I'm not interested in it.

  • It's a useless emotion.

  • You can acknowledge--

  • Who is this person?

  • Guilt is wasted energy, so is shame, so is regret.

  • It's all wasted energy, and that's

  • energy you could be putting into having

  • a good time with your kids.

  • Is everybody hearing this?

  • Guys, I'm wrapping it up nicely for you.

  • Weirdly enough, because it is so different--

  • that's why it's fun to talk about--

  • I came home and I felt high as a kite for three months.

  • I would sit and nurse the baby, and be in the living room

  • and just be like--

  • [GIGGLING] Just giggle to myself.

  • It was so weird.

  • How great is that, though?

  • It was wonderful.

  • But I did not expect that experience.

  • I was incredibly grateful for it.

  • But a lot of women don't have it.

  • I had this.

  • It was like, oh my god.

  • I was crazy.

  • Each week, he's almost five weeks now,

  • and I'm just starting again.

  • We just went out on a date on Saturday night

  • and I had my first hard liquor that I've had in 10 months.

  • I had three sips and I was like, this

  • is the greatest night of my entire life.

  • I have my son here who's so beautiful,

  • and my husband was so beautiful, and this delicious

  • Japanese whiskey that's so beautiful.

  • And it was great.

  • And I could start to see into my future as a mom who boozes.

  • No, I'm kidding.

  • I could just see into my future as,

  • oh, I'm going to find myself and I'm going to find my way.

  • It takes a minute.

  • Do you want to feel how big my jaw

  • muscle is from talking so much?

  • This is not a [INAUDIBLE].

  • [LAUGHING] What?

  • Kristin, are you kidding me?



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#Momsplaining with Kristen Bell BONUS Clip:Katie Lowes的產後護理 (#Momsplaining with Kristen Bell BONUS Clip: Postpartum with Katie Lowes)

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