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  • Peace Corps is a life-defining leadership experience. Volunteers live, learn and work

  • with a community overseas for 27 months, providing grassroots assistance.

  • Peace Corps is special because volunteers get to work firsthand with community members.

  • We build personal relationships, we are in the homes, we are in the community centers,

  • we are in the organizations, we are just amongst the people making decisions with them, interacting

  • with them on a daily basis. After the two years of serving the Peace Corps,

  • I feel like I have brought something to the table. Looking back and seeing what I have

  • given, I can honestly say that I have received 10 times as much back.

  • Explore how the Peace Corps can fit into your future, be a Volunteer. Watch the full PSA

  • at a screen near you. Visit

Peace Corps is a life-defining leadership experience. Volunteers live, learn and work


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成為志願者 - 和平隊 (Be a Volunteer - Peace Corps)

  • 127 12
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日