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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to my channel today.

  • We have breaking news.

  • It sounds like e 3 2020 has been canceled.

  • This is a both a bigger deal than you would think in a much smaller deal than you would think.

  • So everyone you know often do you see got canceled south by Southwest got canceled.

  • Both conventions I was supposed to be at.

  • I even had a convention on Orlando.

  • Get cancelled.

  • I was supposed to be doing so much travel in March and it's all gone.

  • Think I'm mostly happy about it?

  • Actually, there were speculations that e three would be cancelled, basically because of the virus.

  • The potential pandemic that is coming out way it is considered to be unsafe to have large quantities of people within the same space.

  • And, um, e three.

  • Though it calls itself the largest video game convention in the world and is actually not games comments, you know, does have a number of attendees.

  • May not have.

  • Xbox may not have PlayStation may not have Activision.

  • They already pulled out Andy.

  • A still lodge convention draws a lot of traffic to downtown L A.

  • So people have been wondering about this for a while, but people who are actually in contact with the essay journalists who do not include myself.

  • Trust me.

  • If the contacts that I had at the essay was still talking to me, I would have asked since I was pretty brutally unkind to them after they docks to my fun number and email address, both of which have been changed.

  • I feel so sorry for whoever like has inherited that phone number.

  • What a nightmare.

  • Ah, they will not talk to me about anything.

  • Um, which I guess, is what happens in these situations.

  • But always, Technica specifically, um, has posted e three as we know it is over multiple sources familiar with the Entertainment Software Association essays plans have confirmed to Oz Technica that the organization, which is responsible for the annual Electronic Entertainment Expo, will soon cancel the three day expert.

  • From what I'm hearing from friends in the industry, it's going to be cancelled tomorrow morning.

  • So for a lot of you, by the time you watch this video, we might have already working up to a tweet.

  • Oh, our ah press release from the essay saying it's going to be canceled.

  • I have also heard that that is not true.

  • It's just that they are considering cancellation and actively talking about it.

  • But there is no impending announcement.

  • I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

  • But technically the first ones to let whistle blow this, which is a really real bowl of, ah, bowler of a move that is develop a digital.

  • The publisher, they said, Cancel your E three flights and hotels.

  • You'll, um, they started this.

  • I think everyone kind of had whispers that this was going to happen and then develop a bill like, Went of over.

  • We're going for it If you haven't heard of developer, um, just go watch one of their E three press conferences and you'll get a very good understanding of who devoted digital ours, a company that wonderful but back to you as technical.

  • Ah, it says.

  • One source, who spoke two hours on background said they'd heard the news of the 3 20 twenties cancellation directly from essay members in that official public statement on the matter was supposed to be today, Tuesday, March 10 and slipped.

  • Representatives to the USA did not immediately respond to our technical questions about state of the three going forward or whether the events seismic shift may instead mean a delay, a move to a completely different venue or holy virtualized Livestream event.

  • A delay would make a lot more sense.

  • To me, canceling every seems like a very strange choice because he is.

  • Here's the thing that you know is going to sound obvious to some of you.

  • But I feel like is not generally in the public conscience is that E three is not the press conferences.

  • The Microsoft Press Conference.

  • The Nintendo directs the PlayStation press conferences.

  • In the past, you be softie a square enix, sometimes PC get those are not actually a part of the three when you work e three.

  • It starts usually Friday now and it was Saturday For a while, I was covering that as a journalist for almost a decade that those those press conferences are not owned or paid for by the Yes, a.

  • All of those companies who booked venues to do those things could absolutely still do them.

  • The E s.

  • A pot e three is actually just the show floor days at the convention center in downtown L.

  • A, which I think is Chu State of Friday, Wednesday.

  • Friday.

  • One of those days is 1/2 day as well.

  • Like it's not.

  • It's not the full week.

  • So this isn't the press conference is being cancelled because the E S A can't cancel anyone else's press conference.

  • They have them in their own venues.

  • They run on their own schedules.

  • They function of their own times.

  • You know that they're completely independent.

  • I feel like those companies probably will cancel any life in posting press conferences because they also want to avoid the public safety concerns of having everyone in the room together.

  • While there's a potential pandemic, it's not a good look for anyone.

  • But, yes, back to the article.

  • Okay, exactly why the event will be canceled.

  • It's not clear at this time again.

  • I'm sure that it's because off the Corona wires late last month, the essay addressed concerns about the spread of current virus and its impact on major 2020 expose around the world by insisting that it continued to plan for a safe and successful E three while otherwise monitoring and evaluating its potential impact on events held in Los Angeles, which seems like the responsible thing to do honestly following that announcement.

  • E three contract ID Creative directors The much of dice and events company I Am eight bit resigned from its post off 25 weeks on the job.

  • That news followed a February announcement.

  • The longtime teeth E E three collaborator, Jeff Kelly, would not be participating in this year's Expo.

  • What I heard about Julie, which I did not hear from Jeff himself.

  • So I want to absolutely present.

  • This is like just something I heard that's it.

  • But what he did for you three was around the call it singing YouTube Live is a separate thing that Jeff does.

  • I've been on the new tree black.

  • They think the last four years in a row that's you should live a T three and that is again alongside the press conference is a separate thing.

  • Jeff was the host of the E three Coliseum, and I have hosted panels at the Coliseum.

  • I did three last year and the rooms never full anyway.

  • Um, so, you know, that was a very cool opportunity to see someone do Dev interviews in the same way that I g n water gamespot wood on the show floor as part of the official E three programming where the schedule would tell you, Go watch This panel is part of this convention.

  • It's in the same area.

  • You could do that in person.

  • Not a lot of people did that.

  • What I've heard is that E.

  • Three, upon shifting a lot of that strategy this year, just based on sales in general and also a lot of the publishers pulling out of the three because I guess it's not that beneficial to them anymore.

  • You could just do things remotely, and tenders proven that time and time again is that to drive more traffic to the Coliseum, which again was not a high trafficking thing.

  • From what I perceive having worked there, they wanted to have Jeff or whatever other hosts interview a lot.

  • Most stream is you.

  • Tubas influences, Um, sometimes even like sports players like celebrities rather than actual Debs.

  • That's not what Keeley does for a living.

  • Um, if I were him and I was told that by the essay, I would probably also don't want to do that.

  • That's not really the spirit of the three.

  • Naturally, that is them trying to get the mass market to approach the show.

  • When I get why they're trying to do that, I actually don't think it's, you know, distasteful of them to be approaching it that way.

  • But if that is why Keeley pulled out, I get it.

  • But yeah, as this mentions E a officially ditched, the three and 2016 operate a play, a standalone event timed alongside E three on an annual basis.

  • Ever since you could do that at any time of you, anytime you could do a P S X I, you could do any of the Xbox events that they have globally any time of year.

  • We know that for the big publishes, E three and no longer existing doesn't really matter.

  • Aside from the loss of press, because you have to remember the three was a trade show.

  • Initially, my first year, it was a trade show.

  • It was not open to the public.

  • It was for media, for Debs together games in front of media, for them to plan the marketing cycle to get previews, to have interviews.

  • A lot of that stuff was in ball goat.

  • It was basically just like a press cycle for media to talk about the video games that they saw at E three.

  • The press conferences are a little more complicated because e three press conferences in some cases they're actually for stockholders.

  • They expect those press conferences every year.

  • This is definitely going to affect the stock market.

  • Not having any press conferences this year for the companies that have a history of having them could result in there.

  • Shareholders, uh, you know, being like, Well, you don't have that hype this year.

  • We wait for this every June.

  • You don't have the excitement.

  • We can't rely on the hype of your games because we're not seeing it in action because there's no e three.

  • So that could legitimately affect stocks, which affect company practices.

  • Of course, if your stocks go down, you probably announce another mobile game.

  • Try to get that money back.

  • But yes, the big publishers, or not majorly affected people who all majorly affected funhouse funhouse is the biggest week of the year z three i g n biggest week of the year z three by a dramatic margin.

  • Both of those companies make a lot of money.

  • In that week, all the media outlets are going to suffer by not having the traffic that comes with the millions of people visiting gaming Web sites during the three same applies to you achieve its he usually comes video games.

  • Fun House is kind of an example that there is this week that everyone spends months and months planning for that is now just gone.

  • So this is going to affect these businesses in, I think, pretty significant ways, especially if long term, this leads the bigger publishers to being like, we didn't have to do it there in person.

  • We can hold our own press conferences wherever we want, and we're going to do that.

  • The one thing I think they will lose out on by not holding that press conference is in the same week is thehe mount of fans who aren't necessarily even interested in any exports.

  • Products are even interested in any Nintendo products or you be self products who watched all of those press conferences for the spectacle that is E three for the competition for the hype surrounding the whole event.

  • I think once they splinter off, it's less beneficial to everyone.

  • But in terms of actual video games, I think the people who hurt the most.

  • Uh um, got a the marketing team's who've been planning everything they've been doing around preview builds or, you know, releases at E three who have to just completely reconfigure the entire annual budget.

  • That's gonna be a nightmare.

  • And also the Indies who debut their games on stage.

  • I think for them that's a really big deal.

  • E three is a chance for a tiny game from a studio you've never heard off to again be in front of millions of people.

  • And without that hyper V three, there's almost no way for a indie darling to just show up and steal everyone's hearts again.

  • Look, I personally, um, bummed about this because like, yeah, I'm not happy with the U.

  • S.

  • A.

  • For leaking my details.

  • It did try to start a class action lawsuit against them, but it was a lot more complicated than you would think, but we tried, but I love E three.

  • It's one of my favorite weeks of the year.

  • I love it.

  • I'm so exhausted, um, running on pure adrenaline that whole time, doing the live shows and being on the show floor and getting to play games there for the first time and talk to Debs, who was so excited to show things off another really special parties, like meeting a lot of independent journalists who were trying to break into the industry.

  • E three's one of the only times of year that they can meet the people that they need to get in contact with.

  • Same applies to Debs, who go to G D.

  • C.

  • Who weren't able to go this year.

  • You know, these conventions provide huge assets to those people, and I have no doubt that GC will be coming back next year.

  • It's the three.

  • That's the big question mark, but the in persons there probably isn't going to go away.

  • It's just the significance of the cultural significance of it that will be gone.

  • But, you know, when I was like 12 years old, I was waking up at 4 a.m. in the morning to watch the press conferences live in Australia.

  • Not having any of those would be a huge MoMA.

  • I always said, because a lot of the industry, a lot of my friends are really criminal.

  • Jenny about E three, a lot of other journalists or other people who work in publishing on whatever else very much like.

  • Oh, e three.

  • I'm so sick of it.

  • I always said that the minute that I stopped loving E three and stop being really excited for the three is when I need to leave the industry.

  • Because why would you want to be an industry in an industry that doesn't excite you if you have the option not to be right, if you could do something else but I never stopped losing magic for me, Never.

  • I love it again.

  • Do you want to reiterate?

  • Because I imagine people will jump to conclusions here.

  • I guess we'll find out.

  • This doesn't mean any of the press conferences it canceled because they aren't technically a part of the three.

  • Anyway.

  • It was always just something that made sense to you around the trade show side of things, because journalists were in town to be in the room to do it.

  • But that is obviously not a focus for the many more than, well, fan focus now, anyway, I would guess they will be cancelled not because he three was canceled, but because they don't want to put people in a room during this period of time, and my guests for E three is that it will be delayed.

  • But yeah, When most people watch this video again in the morning, that news will probably already be out.

  • Well, maybe this is some of the later time this week.

  • I guess we'll see good luck out there.

  • Wash your hands by everyone.

Hello, everyone.


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