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  • Welcome to Teaching you English in two minutes or less.

  • In this lesson, we are going to learn words and sentences that you can use when you talk about your morning routine.

  • Hey, good morning. How are you doing?

  • Good morning Joseph! It’s only 7, why are you up so early?

  • Well, I was wondering if you would like to join me for a morning jog?

  • Morning jog? That’s great idea. I’ve always wanted to improve my fitness.

  • Yeah, I know. I figured we could both jog together and it’d be more fun.

  • Absolutely! When are you going?

  • Right now! Get to the city park in 15 minutes and wear your jogging shoes.

  • Sure! See you there.

  • What are you making for breakfast?

  • How about a bowl of cereal?

  • Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

  • I am sorry, but I am too busy to cook today, and you need to lose weight.

  • A bowl of cereals will be good for you.

  • Hmm... Okay, but please put in some milk and fruits.

  • Sure. It’s going to be really healthy.

  • Yeah, but I love it when you cook an omelette.

  • I will make an omelette for you tomorrow dear.

  • Hey Joseph! Are you going to the office today?

  • Of course I am. I never skip work.

  • Could you drop me to the city center? I have an appointment there this morning.

  • Of course I can. It’s right on the way.

  • Excellent. I will be ready in a minute.

  • Okay Maira, but please make sure youre ready fast. I don’t want to be late for work.

  • Don’t worry Joseph.

  • Hey Joseph. Tell me how you spend your mornings.

  • Well, I wake up around 7, brush my teeth and then I read the newspaper and drink coffee.

  • Hmm... Do you work out?

  • No. I usually don’t exercise, but I think I should.

  • Yes. What time do you get ready for work?

  • I usually get ready around 8 AM. Then me and Maira have breakfast. We leave for work around 8.30.

  • Wow! You must have busy mornings.

  • Yes. Well, it’s our daily routine. I am okay with it.

  • Are you going to the office today?

  • What are you making for breakfast?

  • Tell me how you spend your mornings.

  • Morning jog? That’s great idea. I’ve always wanted to improve my fitness.

  • Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

Welcome to Teaching you English in two minutes or less.


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A2 初級

您的晨間常規--英語會話和免費課程。 (Your Morning Routine - English conversation and free lesson)

  • 446 54
    黃柏瑜 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日