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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to another video now weighing in at the same as a very large dog or overweight child.

  • This alien, where dialects dating back to 2000 and 10 is an absolute behemoth in keeping with traditional alien way style.

  • Of course, costing £1900.9 years ago or just over $2300 I found this one last week for around £150 a significant reduction when compared to the original recommended retail price.

  • It still looks pretty tidy on the outside, apart from a few marks here and there.

  • But what really matters is what's on the inside, and today we're going to find that out.

  • Can this near 10 year old machines still game?

  • And if know which parts of it will need upgrading to keep up with modern requirements?

  • Let's begin the alien autopsy.

  • Actually, wait a second.

  • Can we just take a moment to appreciate the aesthetics and more?

  • It might not be to everyone's taste, but I love the style of thes cases.

  • I think this generation of Dell's gaming specific machines certainly looked ahead of their time, even if the internals weren't always representative of that speaking of which, when it's clear, this thing's never seen an air duster.

  • But it's nothing compared to some old machines I've tested, as I'm sure most of you will know.

  • The first thing that stands out in here, aside from the dust bunnies, is the old score trademark liquid CPU caller.

  • This one's attached to a socket 13 66 motherboard that I'm told has been paired with an IE seven process.

  • Sir, we've reviewed a few of these before, so that's nothing new.

  • But what piques my interest is the rather unusual looking graphics card, which will get onto shortly before that, though I'd like to address a few other points.

  • I knew we had an ice seven in here, or at least I was told as much.

  • But I was also informed of the knowing gigs of DDR three memory.

  • As soon as I saw the dims, I did wonder whether this amount was correct.

  • But as I removed one with the capacity of one gigabyte, I knew that they'd all be different.

  • Originally, I think this would have had six or 12 gigs installed, but some point the previous owner has harvested the Ogi stuff and swapped it out.

  • That made me wonder what else could be new inside here.

  • So we've confirmed the motherboard and liquid caller to be original, but it was time to move on to this worryingly thin Onda for mentoring that single slot GPU What sort of power is it packing?

  • Answer.

  • Well, it doesn't seem like much According to Tek.

  • Power up my favorite Go to spec checking site.

  • This is the O E m g Force GTs to 40 Not to be confused with the G t to 40.

  • This card is specifically designed to be used in alien where systems such as this one.

  • But here's the thing Back when this PC was knew you could I ever have this card this card in sl ai Arabi on HD 58 70 or a 58 70 in Crossfire The default conflict which comprised of 22 forties in SL I was only £20 cheaper than the HD 58 70 single card convict.

  • Yet that was a lot more powerful.

  • So why the person who suspected this one chose Thean video option?

  • I really don't know.

  • I would suggest that maybe money was tight, but come on.

  • They paid to K for an alien where, Furthermore, because the second GTs to 40 isn't here anymore, it could mean that it's been sold separately beforehand.

  • Or they requested the single card set up, which would again have been a little bit cheaper.

  • All of this is powered by an alien where 875 watt power supply, which sounds quite decent on offers, plenty of spare cables for upgrades and what?

  • No, Speaking of that grades, I was very pleasantly surprised to see an SSD in here, a Samsung 500 gig by 8 50 Evo.

  • To be precise, this was definitely an after market changes.

  • This only came with a one terabyte HDD originally, which, by the way, is still installed in here, too.

  • I'm very happy about the solid state drive inclusion, which retails for about 70 to £80 on its own.

  • There's a nice fan to call these drives in Here is well, so even if the graphics card is pretty lousy by today's standards, the rest of the specs make up for it, I reckon, anyway, But all this means nothing if the computer doesn't work.

  • So Mr Alien, where Shall we turn you on?

  • That sounds a bit creepy.

  • Shall we switch you on Slightly better Pressing the power button activates the traditional wish sound of the rear found firing up.

  • And with that, we got a course set of lighting effects combined with the flashing alien head again.

  • It's all for show and literally adds nothing to the performance.

  • But it's exactly this kind of showmanship that's always made these pieces popular because, let's face it, you could build so much more for so much less spec wise.

  • That's usually the case with pre books, but in recent years the price gap has certainly got smaller.

  • Oh, and I nearly forgot.

  • We also got this very cool Alienware keyboard without purchase to.

  • For some reason, it requires two USB connectors toe work.

  • But that's not unexpected.

  • At this point.

  • Something tells me this isn't the original mouse phone.

  • Don't ask me why.

  • I just don't think it necessarily matches the rest of the styling.

  • Determined to find out what this machine could do, I jump straight into some gains.

  • I should also mention that this PC has been upgraded to Windows 10 which booted in a matter of seconds, thanks to the s s d.

  • I was worried when I bought it that we'd be dealing with Vista, but part of me was at the same time, hoping for seven My personal favor OS, as some of you probably expected, gaming performance was a little lackluster.

  • Although Tech Power Up said this thing's supports the X 11.

  • I'm afraid this is not the case.

  • It's a G 92 based GPU and won't run anything modern.

  • Unless, of course, the game allows for it.

  • After all, the driver version for the GTs to 40 stops at 342.1, which released in 2000 and 16.

  • It's often the case that GP use will age a lot worse than processes, but the ice seven in this thing, for example, is still pretty good.

  • It has four cause and eight threads and turned out to be the ice 79 20 in the end.

  • But can it run crisis?

  • Well, last week I was messing around with a few texture packs, and I seem to have left a crisis three mode installed here.

  • Hence the differences with rifle textures on a few of the trees looking different.

  • This doesn't seem to affect the performance, that's all if I'm honest.

  • But it was worth mentioning in case you wondered why things looked a little different here.

  • We're running the game at the highest settings at 7 20 p, and as you can see, the eye 79 20 is plodding along just fine.

  • You'll actually experience this in most modern games, too.

  • It was about $1000 a launch.

  • So anyone who bought this way back when certainly made a wise investment on When you take into account that seemingly high value of 13 66 based motherboards, one of these could be a pretty fruitful find even fortnight, which luckily still supports the X 10 runs at 7 20 p with everything on low.

  • Medium settings were also fine ish, but there were a few more dips below 30 so low is the wisest move here.

  • Still, for 60 F ps, you'd be better off dropping the render scale a bit, too.

  • I've left things on native 7 20 p to try and preserve some of the graphical quality.

  • The last game I tested was called Black Ops, which seems to have a 91 f.

  • P.

  • S cap because the frame rate never went above it and never really went too far below it.

  • I've been playing a lot of this game recently, is it's one of my favorites.

  • This match waas against the box, But things didn't differ too much online.

  • In fact, there were no changes, so this classic will be more than playable.

  • There may be a way to remove the cap for anyone wondering, but it doesn't seem necessary, as I don't think you'd see figures on this GPU that would go far beyond the F PS limit anyway.

  • So let's recap.

  • Well, it's probably not a good idea to rush out and buy a brand new alien where PC in 2019 thanks to their high prices and the fact that you could build something with similar specs for quite a bit less, purchasing one of these old ones may just be a decent investment now, although we did get a pretty useless graphics card by modern standards, we got that I 79 20 we've got a 13 66 motherboard and we've gotten alien where 875.

  • What p s you all of which are worth quite a bit of money on their own, thanks to the fact that they are only in parts.

  • So even if you purchase one of these to sell the parts individually, you might find yourself making a tidy bit of profit on them.

  • If you want to buy on because, like me, you think they look pretty cool and you don't have much experience building pieces.

  • You want something pretty built that you can add a graphics card to.

  • You can purchase one of these knowing that that is entirely possible as well.

  • Remember, we've got an 875.

  • What power supply in here, which will let us upgrade to pretty much anything on the market, and most GP use will work okay with an IE 79 20 I think in the past I've tested aji ticks 10 70 with one and found that while there may be a couple of bottlenecks in some situations, a lot off the time the to work quite well together.

  • Remember, they don't be drawn in by the looks of this thing.

  • Don't pay over the odds.

  • If it's up for a sensible price, it may be worth purchasing when you keep everything in mind, but always be sensible with your cash.

  • If it's cheap to build something of similar speck from scratch, do that instead.

  • But to wrap up, I think that sometimes you can find a pretty decent deal in the world of pre bills and with the Alienware name slapped on it.

  • In a lot of cases, you're guaranteed to know, even lose any money should you sell it on a year or so later is the Alienware brand name, and it's just popular.

  • People always seem to want them.

  • With all that said, I hope you've enjoyed this video.

  • I hope you've enjoyed a look inside the 18 where Mystery Machine, If you enjoyed it, lever like on it, leave it.

Hello, everyone.


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這臺2000元的老Alienware ALX裡面有什麼? (What's Inside This Old $2000 Alienware ALX?)

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