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  • Today I'm going to show you 5 different things you can cut with an egg slicer,

  • I'm using this metal one because it's nice and strong.

  • Of course it's meant for hard-boiled eggs.

  • Once you've peeled it,

  • You just put it through the slicer

  • And you're left with these beautiful, thin slices.

  • The first thing I'm gonna try is a strawberry,

  • They seem to be just the right softness

  • and it works perfectly.

  • It doesn't squash out too much juice

  • And you could use it you're making a fruit salad

  • Staying with fruit, I wanted to see if it would work with a kiwi.

  • I decided to peel it first,

  • So I chopped off the ends

  • Then used a spoon to separate the skin from the fruit, all the way round.

  • I put it in the slicer and gave it a go.

  • As you can see, it didn't really work,

  • it just went a bit mushy and made a horrible mess.

  • So I decided to try again, with another kiwi

  • And this time, instead of putting it in this way round, I turned it round 90 degrees to see if it would make any difference

  • And it worked really well

  • It gave nice, even slices, and they looked really pretty.

  • You can also use it with an avocado.

  • Normal avocados are obviously far too big to fit in, but I did find these small avocados fit okay.

  • Carefully cut it in half, and remove the stone.

  • I used a spoon to remove it from the skin,

  • and place it on the slicer.

  • And it's soft enough to slice really easily

  • You could use it for salads, or even as a sandwich filling.

  • It works really well with mushrooms, too.

  • And you get this really lovely profile

  • You can eat them raw or use them for cooking and they're ideal for a pizza topping.

  • And on that note I decided to see if it would slice a mozzarella.

  • I drained the fluid out and removed the cheese.

  • It's a little bit big for the slicer, so I held it together as I brought the cutting arm down.

  • It made a little bit of a mess, but it actually worked really well.

  • It gave me these nice, even, thin slices of mozzarella

  • Which are perfect for on a pizza,

  • Along with your mushrooms.

  • I hope you've enjoyed watching this video, if you want to see more you can click on the links

  • or take a look at my youtube channel page.

  • Stay safe, have fun, and as always, thanks for watching!

Today I'm going to show you 5 different things you can cut with an egg slicer,


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雞蛋切片機可以切什麼? 生活小竅門 (What Can You Cut with an Egg Slicer? Life Hacks)

  • 14 0
    Jade Weng 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日