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Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.
Now, this is a court to extreme process, sir, that I managed to get for free.
Does it work?
I don't know.
Has it been over clocked?
I don't know.
These are the questions I put forward in the answers I got when buying it.
Well, not buying but collecting the CPU from the Facebook marketplace as part of an old collection of what was mostly junk.
I'm told this decade old processes owner was moving house and had to get rid off the few remaining remnants before the end of the week.
Furthermore, they told me it was purchased from C E.
Quite recently.
What a hectic story.
I thought something wasn't right.
They were definitely moving.
But why would you buy something only to give it away soon after, where they going to prison?
Have I just bought a PC component from a criminal?
Is it stolen all relevant questions?
I'm sure you'll agree, considering the's still self over £50 here in the UK and sometimes much more if boxed.
Released in the closing quarter of 2007 this 45 90 meter Q x 96 50 features a huge 130 what TDP and a massive price tag to match with four course for threads and three gigahertz clock speed.
It was an ideal part for enthusiasts looking to do some serious over clocking.
Having seen a couple of videos of this thing in action at four gigahertz and beyond, I was getting pretty excited at the potential, but my big plans were halted by bigger problems.
This is Theseus P.
Five Indy, a fantastic old school 775 board that looks excellent and offers great support and features, including official compatibility with the Q x 96 50.
With that in mind, I assembled the system with this 7 50 i chipset based board at the heart of it and also opted to use this aftermarket caller to try and keep temperatures as low as possible.
I paired it with eight gigs of 667 megahertz DDR two to start with, as well as my trusty GTX 10 70.
The first thing to do was to check out the raw CPU power.
So for that, I opened up center bench ar 15 and began the multi core benchmark a score of 3 15 is pretty respectable, the sort of score you should expect from, say, a standard yet overcooked core.
To quote, I also ran the Geek Bench four test, just so we'd have something to compare it to later and again, it didn't do too badly.
This was reflected by the generally okay, everyday performance.
I then fired up a couple of modern gains, the first of which, being Battlefield five.
I was probably expecting a bit too much, and here it was clear to see that our CPU was maxing out on a cause with the 10 70 just walking along beside it.
Changing the resolution made no difference, as expected, due to the CPU load situation.
The battlefield does still look quite good, low, just out of curiosity, either.
Notched far cry five again, not expecting much, and we saw a very similar results with any tested resolution.
Maybe the average of 15 was a little higher, but the CPU was still holding us back here.
It's a pretty good looking game, even with the reduced a graphical detail.
But that's besides the point.
So it was time to up my game a little, but then the system crashed, temperatures were fine and everything seemed to be going to plan.
But the PC just restarted.
With this discovery, I held off any over clocking and continue to use this process, sir, For about four hours during this time frame, I experienced 15 unplanned restarts, three freezes, three blue screens and one instance where by the system didn't post it all.
I thought the chip was done for.
Out of nowhere, it fired up again, and at this point I wondered if the ram was the issue.
I then tried an array of configurations, and after reading the official supported memory, pdf on the suit's website, I realized that maybe four sticks for the problem.
I mean, the system has booted and run.
So I'm I think I'm just in denial about potentially damaged CPU here.
But nonetheless, I tried just two sticks of DDR two instead, a set up more encouraged by the suits website.
The reason I'm detail ing everything that occurred during my quest to get this thing working is because building a PC isn't always straightforward, even for someone who's always putting together different configurations on by talking about the stuff that can go wrong or doesn't always work out.
Ah, hope it could potentially help you with any build issues.
In this case, I was still experiencing some post issues with constantly different results, even after getting through this whole bag of memory as well as a few different GP use.
Eventually, these 2 800 megahertz officially supported modules meant a straightforward boot, followed by a good few hours of PC usage without any hiccups or crashes.
I was certain at this point we had resolved our problems.
The CPU was still running.
Call and performance felt pretty reasonable considering the age of this process, sir.
So I decided to try a mild over clock, a couple of quick adjustments, and we were running at 3.83 gigahertz.
Not an amazing increase, but effortless drama free one.
The PC booted up just fine, and I saw an immediate improvement in this in a ventral 15 school with idle temperatures now at around 39 degrees, are get Bench four.
School was also improved here.
Crisis, a game that released in the same year as they Cebu, also ran pretty well with the high settings at 10 80 p, again with no process issues, frame rate or temperature wise.
Even to this day.
Crisis will put demanding hardware through its paces, and it's clear to see here we weren't able to achieve 60 frames per second, especially since this is a CPU bound game.
But I do think it did quite well at the settings we used, if not for a few frame drops here and there.
I then tried out shadow of the Tomb Raider, which or the average near 30 frames per second that Lowe was incredibly stuttering.
Don't forget, we are still running with just four gigs of RAM, which probably made things worse, but I had no choice at this point.
I decided to make a plan of action to go all out in the future Liquid calling a better DDR three supported enthusiast motherboard on an entire library of modern games to test.
I was going to get the most from this chip if it killed it.
So there we have it now.
I would have loved to do this video entirely in one go, but unfortunately, the parts I've ordered haven't arrived yet.
Now it's still in the back of my mind that the process er is at the center of all of the problems we've been having.
As you can see, it does work, although it seems to be quite temperamental.
I'm still hoping it isn't that I'm hoping perhaps it is the motherboard or the ram, despite me trying all those different configurations because I really am determined to get this thing up and running.
It's not the end of the world if it turns out to be 40 in whatever way, because I will just purchase another one from eBay because I really want to explore this old CPU and perhaps even put it in that old Alienware case.
Originally Bill Rising 2000 based system in there.
But it would be called to take it back a little bit, build an old school rig, perhaps run X peel windows seven on it and see what we can do from that.
Of course, the first step is to get it working.
Now my plans are to or my plan is when it arrives to use the DDR three based suck it 775 board.
Um, I'm not gonna take what it is yet, along with some better performing memory.
A liquid cooler as well.
And hopefully we can get this thing running with better.
Temperatures were just running consistently in the first place because it seems to be okay.
It's just causing a lot of problems.
I guess even when something's free, it can be too good to be true.
And there's always a reason someone's getting rid of something, especially if they're just giving it away.
But as for this one, I hope you've enjoyed it.
If you have to leave a light on it down below.
If you haven't leaving this, like subscribe to the Channel if you haven't done so already and I will see you all in the next video.