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I'm Iris on, and I'm going to show you my skincare routine, and then I'm gonna do my makeup.
So I just got out the shower.
My has wet.
So when my hair is wet to make it go into, like, nice, bring that sort of calls.
I put it in a rowboat grade before I start doing my makeup so that it dries Well, twist.
And then you just the other one in the same direction.
And I think these are really keen to that, like little spy.
So now I'm going to wash my face.
Um, and I use more weeks.
Kashmir turns up.
So I really like cleansing, which don't follow because a lot of the time the foaming agent in the cleanser can dehydrate your skin on when I put my hand on because my skin is we'll wrap it up.
You can massage your skin in directions, which bombed your face.
It's like those on jade rollers that you can use.
But I just use it with my fingers.
So I go like that.
And then I pull it like that, huh?
And then this one.
If you go up the tongue pools, it's like, makes your face look like So this is for making us convoy to.
I remember when I was younger, I sort off was just following what my friends were doing and they were using all of the like boots like face washes and stuff on.
It really messed with my skin of law.
But I did so much research, I literally would sit in my bed and just be looking up different skin cast off.
Me and I tried so much stuff I used to do, like mixing tumeric with honey.
I'm putting it will over my face, and I would just die.
My my face got dyed bright orange for like three days, even though it said online that it would do that.
I was like, Now I feel like from doing these things, it's all like settled, and I'm just of it.
More aware of what works for me, I can feel it walking.
So this is on anti blemish tonic on.
You could just use it day and night on you just put it on your face and it's basically just preventative.
But this just smaller a car stopped bringing the smile.
It's just so clean.
You're meant to use a cotton papa even with makeup on with scaling.
Use my hands.
I mean, because my skin used to be bad.
I got super worried about it getting bad again and like just staying on top of it.
So I do get a bit fanatic with keeping my skin clean.
I mean, I use this too much.
I put this on like a couple times a day and I think you should just use this one today.
So it's a witch hazel.
It's like anti bacterial, and it just will keep you know, if you have any sports and stuff, keep them from spreading.
This one is my favorite skin GIR thing that I've ever experienced or come into contact with in my life.
I basically use this now in my skin Curry Teen at the end of my skin carry teen on.
Don't talk with my makeup on throughout the day.
So this is to serums.
This is again preventative anti blemish boost stuff which I just mixed two drops with this serum, which is also complexion correction coming up to the end.
I just do a moisturizer.
This is Valmont again.
One of these products basically are pretty as well as long time.
They also like you, could just instantly see a change which I love, because I'm complexion.
I really love like Dewey Glory skin and like, very hydrated and so full of this stuff.
You know, it's for bright entering and like, making quite dearie like I never, ever used powder.
A lot of people want to, like, stop him, so I don't care if I'm shining everywhere.
I just love looking Sure I like my bags on like he never usually try and call for them too much because I think backs kind of cute.
This is some cream for daily use, not just porn.
You're in the sun, and I use it in London, even though we don't have some on.
Did you just put it on after everything before you put your makeup on and it just feels like a serum, which is good because a lot of the time phone cream feel like more like a thick cream, and it just freaks me out even if it's no.
Even if it's made for the skin and super precious expensive, I just get too scared and so I never use it.
So this is good, interesting car.
It is me to look after my skin protect.
Okay, so this is the bit that I'm just really excited for.
I actually love skin, camel, the makeup, but this just really excites me showing you how to stop.
I used the mac practice prime.
I mean, they will do the same thing that the lavender one just smells life.
You use it like before and after.
So you just need one thing.
This is, um, skin base, and it's called Honeymoon on.
It's so keep.
Basically, it's like honey.
So I just put that on my fingers.
I don't love the feeling of when I first put it on, but then when it starts to sink in really nice and it just looks good on the skin and it makes the makeups that really well and a good reason for using primer, which is like not just a spray is like for any pause putting primal and first helps, like, smooth and the text especially here, cause I have pause here, which, if I don't put prime when you can still see them, this is foundation.
If I'm going to use foundation.
I use like the smallest amount, and I rub it on my hands like that.
And then I just go like that.
It was just kind of turns into a BB cream almost because it's just such a small one.
But it just flattens.
Have some like this one.
I never cover up because it gets cute, but I have some, like little paler bets.
Here, take pigmentation.
It took me a really long time to find the right concealer on dhe.
I was using, I think, really good coverage concealers, but they're just not good for the skin.
This one is good coverage and is good for the skin, and it's just really light.
It doesn't feel thick on the skin.
I can tell it's no good, the damage for blush up, and I don't know if skin care people are gonna tell me this is really bad, but I never used blusher.
I use that stick as my Russia usually because I like to match my cheeks to my lips and also just because I like house me.
That isn't how it goes on big smile, and then I just go pick them.
See, I always think these little dots just looks so cute and then I have to.
Sometimes I'll do like nothing, no makeup and just put blush on.
And I do blush, which looks on natural sometimes because I just think it's so cute and I like looking somebody.
This is the Barbary control stick, and it's in darkest shade.
I think people usedto like when I used to do the experimental makeup, but now I've just kind of gotten boring with it.
So this is Garcia highlights, huh?
But with makeup, I have quite a lot of it, and I just do it differently each day, even though I use the same sort of routine, but with different products, because I use my fingers a lot.
I just rob the highlights out onto my fingers and then rub my fingers together like how we do with blocks.
My dad always made me like these.
I don't know.
He just always used to say that they were cute, and then I started looking because I didn't realize.
I always ask people if they have any birthmarks or things like that, like I never really want to cover that and I have some freckles on my veins.
And even though it doesn't make my skin look like God, Merson floor looks like.
I just think it's really, really cute.
This is Garcia.
Eyebrow stuff is really subtle.
Eyebrows is so they can just change your face completely, and it freaks me out like I like.
I was being exactly the shape that they are naturally and pretty much the same color and pretty much the same density, Just like I just feel a tiny and then I'm going.
But you want to push him up just to get the ones in direction.
The stuff that I got from my mom was more to do with, like, fashion and clothes.
But I have this memory off like being sat on her sink, and she was doing red lipstick when I was growing up.
She was always wearing red lipstick and she had black hair and red lips.
And so, like, I love doing red lipstick because it just like that was like the first thing that I saw makeup.
So I have three sort of like vibes of lip that I do.
I never do a light lift, and I never do.
We knew that This is like my daily that color or like a little bit light up.
This looks like it's bright red, but it comes out.
He's like pinky, so usually all disuse, pinky color, and then I use this one is my brush up or I'll do a red.
So I use a line on the lipstick for the ride and they take a lot more time on it.
That one.
I just dab it on on dhe.
I often find myself leaving the house with the red left and coming home with this color because I can't be bothered to, like, goes the bathroom and, like, do read lips or a lot of men cry maintenance.
And then this is like a party Willie Brown Superdog on.
Sometimes I like doing that because I have quite like eyes.
And so I feel like if I have, like, very minimal makeup, no Miss Kara and then like the dark brown.
So I kind of have my little lives.
I just have a irritation.
Optional lipstick.
Well, the way I almost always do.
You have, like, something on my lips.
Unless I'm just like chilling decisions, I'm gonna do red.
That's just extreme.
So I always start with keeping their.
Sometimes I decide to just follow that figure in there and then sometimes, like to the actual shape.
Today I'm gonna do the shape you like some lines going in just then.
So I want them down the outline of the lips.
I just go when I press on one corner of my lip current round.
So I basically just, like, threw out doing my makeup, just looking and just decide what I want to do next.
Probably I would do that perfect.
More so that it's right color for my leg.
Formally dismiss car.
I'm also not very specific.
With what, Ms Carr.
I use the way I do.
My flick cares.
I follow the line off this a bit of my eye.
So I watched that up with that.
If my flex aren't completely equal, that doesn't like, thank ee.
Think I'm done so see how that has made it look like See her.
So today wasn't the day we have now decided isn't around.
So yeah, I changed like mix Ah contained quite a few times so because I didn't use powder, but I like looking shiny.
He's good to carry around in your bag and they got a little different.
Basically, you just pulled out.
And then if you can see all the oil, it's on blotting paper.
It just kind of takes the right sort of oil out of the makeup.
So, like, See, that still looks dearly, but it just doesn't look like greasy two sprays the muck and then the quarterly spray.
It's me.
Thank you.