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Hey, it's Linda Rainer of Linda, rainer dot com, career strategist and founder of Top Notch Interview and Top Notch Resume and welcome to the top notch interview.
I'm so excited that you're here.
Thank you for taking the time you're here because you're an ambitious professional who wants to grow in your career.
You may be actively looking for a new job, or you may just be casually looking.
Regardless, when it comes to looking for a new position and landing that job offer.
There's one thing that is inevitable and unavoidable, and that is job interviews.
Yep, that's right, regardless of your field, your industry, your career type or position or job title, whatever it is, if you want to get a new job, you have to go through interviews in this video.
I'm gonna show you exactly how and why it's so important for you.
Sell yourself in front of employers in a confident way when it comes to interviews so that you can get the job offer that you want.
But here's the reality.
With interviews that many people face, you can have all the right skills, all the rate experience, all the right qualifications.
Maybe you have the most motivation, the most ambition to do a good job.
But if you are not able to articulate your value, you're not able to communicate and sell yourself effectively in front of those interviewers.
Unfortunately, you likely won't get that job.
Years ago, when I used to be a recruiter, I was able to meet with thousands of job candidates, professionals who had a good experience and a lot of motivation.
The one thing, however, was that many people were lacking strong communication skills and strong interview skills.
And back then I really wanted to be able to show people that if only they changed the way that they approached certain questions, they knew certain types of strategies, and they understood, had an answer.
Certain interview questions in a different way that they could significantly increase their chances of getting more job offers fast forward a few years later.
And that was what inspired me to create and designed this program top notch interview where I have used proven, tried and true techniques that have worked for my clients all around the world in landing their dream job offers.
And don't just believe what I'm saying, Here are some stories from real people just like you who have been able to get success using my interview strategies.
My name is, and I'm on experienced associate working in order them assurance practices before using the end of interview techniques.
I felt intimidated and rambled a lot during interviews.
I didn't feel confident in myself, especially given that I have degrees in music.
I wanted to make a careers reach into the field of accounting.
After practicing the strategies that Linda has taught me, I had a clear understanding off the reasons behind the questions that are being asked in the interview.
I know that as long as I stick to the infrastructures that I've practiced, I'll be able to answer any questions.
During the interview, I strongly recommend learning interview strategists and technique with Linda.
In the end, I'm very happy about where I am in my career, and I made a successful career street.
My name is her key, and I'm a project manager with a financial foam.
I found Lin down you two on before using Linda's interview techniques.
I used to downplay my skill than achievements, and I was not getting the job that I wanted.
Linda helped me to recognize my own self, for aunt, to portray myself, my skills and qualifications to the hiring manager, a confident, concise and precise manner.
And immediately after working with her within a month, I got so many interview calls and I was really happy I got my dream job with her.
So I highly recommend working with Linda because working with her is a game changer.
Not really clear cut here, but your life to thank you, Linda.
I moved from a small two bedroom apartment to a big house off my dreams to change before I started working with every single comment.
Go to interfere.
I would always feel so frozen and call up cars.
Reason Life felt like that, since I had no idea.
And what's it pulled from everything.
When asked questions, I would always remember going into an interview to be asked questions and got no answer.
And then, after a leads interview, thank you about Ford.
I'm saving myself.
Oh, that would have been a great example accused and would highlight after I started working with I feel very positive.
E I know that because the strategies Linda teaches works.
I no longer feel nervous or afraid going into here because I'm not know what is samples to use and how to tell the story behind every sample.
Truly showcase.
Why I'm talk for I wrote about Linda's anyone out there because instead of delaying, start a career while she teaches here will stay with Hi, my name is Lacey and I currently work as a corrosion is engineer.
You know, when you go in for interviews, people give you all these different advice is on the end of conflicting with each other, and she kind of laid to rest.
I guess you could say he's different.
Conflicting advice is, and one of the few things I struggled with this Do I show them my personality, which is I guess I made a lot of jokes and person or is it kind of like just go in there and you have your interview?
And she told me, It's great with people.
Go in there and they are comfortable and your true self, like your personality shine and I actually landed a position or accepted that position in mid name.
So it was only about a month and 1/2 to tour.
I had actually found a job and I didn't feel like I had to settle.
And when you're struggling to find a job, you feel like you have to settle by, like with Linda, because she helped me push towards what I really wanted.
I didn't have to do that, and I don't feel like I could have done it without her before you're selling us into real techniques.
I was filling frozen and numbers, but I had to do interviews.
And, you know, I had a lot of house.
My mom, I just didn't know how to present them properly in front of interviewers.
So that convinced interviewers that I am the best.
After learning Lima's interview strategies, I was able to spend that the interviewers perspective and answer their questions is confidence.
After that, I called multiple called job offers in less than two months.
So if you are struggling with her interview, still know how to answer Those tricky questions were just simply don't help yourself.
I recommend learned interviews, strategies so sad after you have any other final words of wisdom or advice for the audience.
I know that you have a program coming out, which is called Top Not interview.
So if there is any of you out there, we're looking for a new role.
I highly recommend this program because they know this program has all the strategies Fallon does Talk me and you really helped me, and I'm sure it's really Here's the thing.
It doesn't matter what industry or field or career type you're in.
It also doesn't matter if you've just graduated and our freshly starting out your career or you've been at your career for a little while now and you're trying to switch into another industry or another position.
It doesn't matter if you have one year of work experience or 10 years of work experience.
The methods and strategies that I teach in top notch interview will work for you because at the end of the day, getting a job is all about communication.
It's all about how you are able to communicate and interviews, how you're able to sell yourself and how you're able to tell compelling, attractive stories.
If you feel nervous before going into interviews and you find yourself rambling or freezing up and making answers on the spot that is no longer going to be the case top notch interview will give you the templates, strategies, methods and techniques that you need to be able to go from the first round phone interview all the way to the final job offer stage.
So if deep in your heart you know that you need to make a change, that you want to improve the way that you communicate and you want to get that better job offer than top notch interview is here and it's available for you.
I cannot wait to help you through every step of the process.
I'm gonna teach you the strategies and everything that I know.
And we're gonna work together to make sure that you get that next job offer.
Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you on the inside.
Feel free to check out all the information about top notch interview on this page.
And once you're ready, I hope to see you soon.