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How do you describe your relationship with Joe Button?
I mean, listen, me and Joe Budden aren't You know, we're not friends like that.
We're not like we didn't go to the same fucking high school or something.
So I get that part.
But when I'm out here flying around in different places and doing interviews and trying to use my platform to pump up slaughterhouse every chance I get and you're using your platform to fucking trash me, and I'm one of the things that keeps this ship moving do No, I'm saying so.
You're doing something.
You've got a voice in hip hop.
So you actually could be affecting the ship a little bit, you know, saying because you don't owe me nothing, But I've never gotten a fucking interview and been like Joe Button Shit is fucking trash.
That last album he put out is fucking trash.
So that's that's kind of the attitude I took.
So this whole album kamikaze is like, All right, what if I give everybody my opinion about them?
Well, I want to talk about slaughterhouse because there's a lot of including myself, people that I really feel like the slaughterhouse saga.
was finished.
You know, I noticed a glass, an album that was pretty much completed, but never relief.
Right where we had left it about two years ago was everybody came in and different.
Some of some of the guys in the group picked certain beats.
Somebody guys didn't feel those beads.
They like the other beats, and it was like there was definitely enough songs to put an album out.
But for the most part, it wasn't a complete picture because everybody wasn't on the same page of what their favorite songs work.
So I thought they were gonna go back, go back home, regroup and try to make a few more songs.
I didn't hear anything from that.
And then at that point I started getting really deep in tow, revival recording every day.
So a couple months go by, and from what I understand it to be what I was told.
I didn't hear this first Hang Zhou said.
Slaughterhouse ain't hot right now.
We don't have a buzz.
We need to put out a mix tape.
From that point, everybody started branching out.
Royce wanted his album Prime like everybody started doing their own kind of some bullshit.
So I thought they were just happy with that, you know?
Saying like they just wanted to maybe work on their own projects for a while.
And we'll come back and visit this or whatever.
When we made the first lot of house album, the welcome to our welcome to our house That was another album that I felt like Holy shit.
People literally just trashed this.
They trashed this album.
That was a huge fucking backlash of man to see what we want to hear.
It sounds too polished English it like you're not listening.
You're critiquing these guys who were fucking wordsmiths.
You know what I'm saying?
Like so you're there's a look.
There's a certain type of person, that man I like.
I only like the beats, a certain type person to lean towards lyrics, mortars, certain type person that will lean towards voice more.
They like better.
You know, I'm saying, like everybody leans towards towards their own thing.
But I was just like, holy shit because to me, the beats were crazy on that album and only thing I did was added my little touch of like sprinkling music in these tracks and mixing them to try to bring out.
You know, the production a little bit, which I don't even know if I did any actual beats on there on the first album.
But but all I heard was the backlash that it was too polished.
So we said, Okay, let's do another album and then you guys do what you want to do with it, which is kind of we left the ball in their court kind of thing.
So I didn't want to touch it in the sense of like, other than give my opinions on songs.
I didn't want to touch it with my production because I felt like if if what if that is the reason that they didn't sell albums.
I don't want to hinder that, you know, saying so we gave another album, and next thing I know, I hear Jo talking about who got that money, who got what money.
He did say, I saw a clip that he put of interview with him, a crooked, that he felt like that maybe perhaps like eluded that you and Paul got majority the money.
But but the album.
I hate to say this because I think the guys are super fucking talented.
But the album didn't do much to even recoup the first budget.
Then we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the second album that never came out.
What money didn't you get?
I don't know if I made a fucking dime off slaughterhouse.
I don't care if I made nothing.
I believed in them.
So you know, I wanted them to.
I wanted them to be huge, man.
I really did.
I wanted a group that lyrical toe fucking just must do everything you know, saying and it definitely hurt my feelings a lot.
When the album didn't do good the first out, it was just like fuck, man.
Like when we got seal on the hook of my life song I was like, Yo, this is this might be out of here.
What was the meaning Behind the line When you said the last hit you I'm paraphrasing.
The last hit you got was with your ex.
That was what that was was that that was a tap different tack.
It was attacked.
But he was also saying that his his ah alleged domestic abuse things or whatever which I'm not going to get into, But But I feel like I feel like the reason I had to do that is because, like I said, there's a there's a there's a fine line between saying You know what?
This guy's really been cool to me.
He's help me out and tried to help out on many occasions.
So I'm not gonna go in on untouchable like that.
I'm gonna say, It ain't for me Not crazy about it.
Whatever, whatever, but to be the worst song I've ever heard in your life.
Have you listened to your own shit?
Do you not listen back?
Because if that's the worst fucking song you've ever heard in your life, I don't know.
Ah, yes, it's interesting.
So we'll never see that Glass House album, Probably as far as you know.
I don't know.
I don't have the answer to that.
I, uh I I want to just make it clear, though, that aside from the Joe shit, I think that slaughterhouse is one of the best rap groups ever ever happen.
But that being said, I I wish their first album would have connected Yeah, two more people than it did.
I don't to this day, I still don't mean Paul.
Like what the fuck happened?
You know, I'm saying like, But look, man, everybody is not gonna like everything you put out all the time so that that was a dream team of EMC stole.
And I think a lot to what you're saying and regards to Why are people reacting to these words?
Smith is That's how we came up, you know?
And honestly, what people may not realize is that's what really separated hip hop from R and B rock and roll.
Another John Russell, is our ability to ben words to create patterns that made it unique to our genre, specifically which it seems like it's something that doesn't get any credibility.
People don't put a whole Not everybody put a whole lot in to bat now.
They don't give a lot of credence to that.
You know, which is probably a slaughterhouse.
Could have been a victim of that, that kind of ideology.
Um, you also on this album you went in on M g.
You guys had a discrepancy.
He mentioned it in his response song.
Rap devil.
You know that it's called sway and ask him.
Why I can't get in shape for five.
That wasn't response.
So I've seen him on the street once.
And I didn't know he couldn't come up to shade at that time for five.
And I said, Man, come on up, man.
And then I had to see him again and say, Man, I don't know what the shit is, but until that gets cleared up, there's no way I could have you on here.
Well, what's this shit with that?
What happened?
What the shit is just for the record, the thing that was going on and he was saying about my daughter.
I didn't even know about that until, like, literally, like a year and 1/2 later.
I wasn't it just it never hit my radar.
And then one day, you know, you go down the fucking wormhole, the YouTube and whatever.
So I see Shingen.
Kelly talks about Eminem's daughter.
So what the fuck?
Click on it.
You know, why is he didn't start doing press run.
Basically, about Haley.
I'm like, What the fuck?
Yo, my man.
Better chill, right?
So that's not why distant the reason that distance is actually a lot more petty than that.
The reason that I distant is because he got on first.
He said 1st 1st when he said, I'm I'm the greatest rapper alive since my favorite rapper banned me from Chez 45 or whatever he said, right?
Like I'm trying to hinder his career from a fuck about your career.
You think I actually fucking think about you?
You know how many fucking rappers that are better than you?
You're not even in the fucking conversation.
I don't care if you fucking blower if you don't blow, it doesn't matter to me.
But then when you get on Tech Nines album and you start sending shots and people start hitting me a bone machine gun Destry, we just destroyed issue.
I'm like, I listen to it.
I'm like, did he really dis me?
Keep listening to it.
You just wrap, not gods.
And then somebody sends me a screenshot of his Twitter, and it says had some shit to get off my chest.
You just wrap you not God, some shit like that.
And I was, like, a reference to the rap guys.
Yeah, so I'm like, on the song he said, Y'all just wrap you, not gods.
And on Twitter he said, you just wrap you Not God had some shit to get off my chest and I'm seeing.
And by the way, this was on the heels of the freestyle here.
Just did about shade 45 like shut the fuck up the fuck up.
Now, Now, I'm in this fucking weird thing because I'm like I had a answered is motherfucker.
And every time I do that, it makes that person is as irrelevant as people say I am am in hip hop.
I make them bigger by getting into this thing where I'm like, I want to destroy him.
But I also don't want to make him bigger.
You know what I'm saying?
Because now you're a fucking enemy, so I'll leave it at that.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do at this point right now, because I'm still kind of waiting to see what?
You haven't heard his rap double response?
No, I heard it.
What do you think of it's It's not bad for him.
He has some good lines in it.
It did John really call Interscope to try to shelve this.
Fuck No, I have never made a fucking car.
We made a call that did he Really, uh, I got did his number just hit him up?
Yo, did he went up?
Never happened.
It didn't feel like a distant You just felt like, pitiful we got Fuck.
Now I'm feeling bad for somebody to have to do with.
So that's how that happened.
So he made a reply to my reply.
So regardless of what the fuck he wants to say, who's from six years ago?
Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up!
I'm telling you the reason that distant now you're I'm telling you and gonna sit back and I'm gonna wait for a second just to see, because if people start firing off and not try to answer every fucking body that I destroyed kamikaze or had words about, we'll be going the next five fucking years making this song after this song.
You know, I'm saying so like you're gonna get hit though.
Trays all over this project trays.
Um, input.
I was all over it.
There's a couple songs that he kind of dead at him just because he didn't have a good reaction to him and he also felt like one of them's going a little far.
What does that mean, Like, how far did it go?
It will definitely will too far.