字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Then again, the Course is not alone in talking about this world as a dream 感謝佛洛依德 I 雙重夢境 and our having fallen asleep. 不只《奇蹟課程》闡釋了「世界是一場夢, But where the Course is alone and is unique, 我們都在沉睡」的道理。 in that it not only discusses the metaphysical implications, 但《課程》獨到之處, of this world being a dream, namely that this is an illusion 在於除了就形上層次談... but also supplies us with the motivation for why we dream here. 「世界是夢,亦即幻相」之外, And once we talk about dreams and motivation, 更指出我們作這一場夢的動機何在。 obviously we have to talk about Sigmund Freud, 談到夢與動機, because with Freud’s work on dreams 顯然得提到佛洛依德。 that not only really became the jumping off point 因為佛洛依德對夢的研究, for his whole theoretical work and practical work as an analyst 不僅是身為精神分析師的他... but it’s also the jumping off point for the whole treatment 整個理論與治療的起點, and understanding of the ego that you find in the Course. 也成了《奇蹟課程》理解小我、 In one of his letters he says, 對治小我的出發點。 “There is one wish that every dream is intended to fulfill 佛洛依德曾在一封信中說: though it assumes various forms, that is, the wish to sleep. 「夢固然千奇百怪,但是每個夢的背後, You dream to avoid having to wake up because you want to sleep.” 隱藏了同一個願望,就是想要繼續沉睡下去。 And then in Interpretation of Dreams itself, he echoes that insight and he says, 因為你存心沉睡,才會作夢,避免讓自己醒來。」 “Thus the wish to sleep must in every case be reckoned 《夢的解析》中呼應了這個觀點: as one of the motives for the formation of dreams. 「所有個案中,形成夢的種種動機裡, Every successful dream is a fulfillment of that wish.” 都少不了想要沉睡下去的願望。 One of the astonishing things I think when you read Freud in light of the Course 而每個作成的夢,都實現了這個願望。」 is to see that everything he’s saying about dreams, 若透過《課程》的觀點閱讀佛洛依德, and, of course, he’s only talking about our sleeping dreams, 必會大為驚訝他對夢的觀點... holds exactly for the way Jesus talks about our waking dreams. (當然,他只談睡眠中的夢), One of the things that Freud did in his understanding of dreams 和耶穌談醒時的人生大夢,如出一轍。 is that he spoke about two levels of the dream, 佛洛依德認為... what he referred to the as manifest content, which is the dream itself. 夢有兩個層次, When you wake in the morning and you want to tell someone this dream you had, 一個是「外顯的內容」,也就是夢中的情景。 what you tell them is the manifest content, what goes on in the dream. 你早晨醒來,能向人轉述的... Underneath that, however, is the meaning of the dream, 種種細節,就是外顯的夢。 what Freud referred to as the latent content. 然而此夢的意義都隱藏在情節下面, And, of course, it’s this latent content that opens up the understanding 佛洛依德稱為「隱晦的內容」。 of what is going on in the unconscious. 就是這隱晦的內容... That’s why he said, in a very important statement, 開啟了我們對潛意識的認識。 that the understanding and interpretation of dreams 為此,他有一句名言: are the “royal road to understanding the activities of the unconscious mind.” 夢的認識與解析... As we’ll see later on today Jesus would make that exact same statement, 是「了解潛意識活動的通衢大道」。 except what he means by dreams being the “royal road” 稍後我們會看到,這與耶穌的說法同出一轍, would be our waking dreams, our everyday experiences. 只是,耶穌心目中的通衢大道, And it’s his helping us to understand what the meaning is 是醒著的這場夢,也就是日常生活經驗。 of our everyday experiences that opens up for us 耶穌幫我們重新詮釋了... the whole idea that we actually do have a mind. 日常經驗的意義,開啟了我們的視野, And, of course, since this mind is totally out of awareness, 發現心靈竟然才是我們的本質。 we would say this mind is unconscious, 只因平時完全意識不到, but that’s where the thought system of the ego is, and that, of course, that's where 才會把心靈當成「潛」意識」。 the correction to the thought system of the ego is as well, the Holy Spirit. 然而心靈乃是小我思想體系寄身之處, For our purposes, we’ll think of “separation” 也是修正小我體系的聖靈所在之處。 as really being our having fallen asleep, 從《課程》的角度來說,「分裂」... and what follows from that will constitute the dreams. 等於陷於昏睡, So that when we chose, originally as one Son, 昏睡之後的種種,就成了人生大夢。 to listen to the ego’s interpretation of the tiny, mad idea 也就是說,原本是一體的聖子, as opposed to the Holy Spirit’s, 寧願聽從小我那一套瘋狂之念, the ego’s interpretation being that the tiny, mad idea 掩耳不聞聖靈之聲。 of being separate from God is true, in other words, 小我把天人分裂的瘋狂一念, that we are indeed separate from God, and that’s the birth 看得真實無比。 of the separated and individual and special self. 它真的認為我們與上主分離了, And we made that choice because we didn’t like 於是獨立而特殊的自我便誕生了。 which basically represents the principle of the Atonement, 我們之所以做出那個決定, the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the tiny, mad idea, 是因為我們不喜歡聖靈對瘋狂一念的詮釋, and that interpretation, in effect, is what tiny, mad idea? 也就《課程》所謂的「救贖原則」。 Namely, that there is no separation, nothing happened. 聖靈的回應就是:哪有什麼小小瘋狂一念? And therefore your belief that you exist as a separated, individual, 換言之,沒有分裂,什麼都沒發生。 unique, autonomous, and special person, is an illusion. 那麼,你所堅信的獨立自主... It hasn’t really happened. 與眾不同的自己,不過是一個幻覺, In a sense, that’s the Course’s equivalent for our having fallen asleep. 它根本不曾存在過。 Again, it’s the sleep of separation. 這可說是《課程》對「沉睡」的詮釋: What follows then is that the ego 你沉沉睡入分裂之境。 desperately wants to ensure that the decision that the son made 從此小我不能不... to choose the ego instead of the Holy Spirit, 死守著聖子的選擇, that that decision will be irrevocable. 也就是選擇小我,不聽聖靈, That the son would never be able to change his mind. 絕不容許聖子翻案, And so to ensure that the son would never change his mind, 確保聖子再也不能改變他的決定。 what the ego does is develop a strategy, 為了確保聖子永不改變心意, and this strategy basically involves 小我想出一個計謀, or includes two kinds of dreams 這計謀... what the Course refers to as the “secret dream” 包含雙重夢境。 and then as the world’s dream. 一是《課程》所謂「秘密的夢」, The secret dream is what you find in the ego box, 二是「世界之夢」。 specifically when you see error is real, serious 「秘密的夢」藏在小我的黑盒子裡, and it consists of the triad of sin, guilt, and fear. 每當你把錯誤當真而嚴陣以待時, As we’ll see that this would be the secret dream. 罪、咎、懼的鐵三角就出現, To use Freud’s terms, this would be the latent dream, 這就是「秘密的夢」, the latent meaning, the latent content. 用佛洛依德的話來說,則是「隱晦的夢」, Now, the ego has this dream, the secret dream, 因為其意義隱晦、內容隱晦。 of sin, guilt, and fear, because we believed 小我能有這罪咎懼的秘密之夢, we actually had destroyed Heaven because if I can have a thought 只因我們相信... that is outside of perfect oneness, 自己真的摧毀了天國, that stands outside and can choose against perfect oneness, 否則我不可能在... then perfect oneness must be an illusion, 純一境界之外,另生出與它抗衡的其他念頭。 because you can’t have thoughts outside of perfect oneness. 這表示純一境界必然只是幻相, Separation and oneness are mutually exclusive states. 否則,你豈能在「純一」之外生出他念? So by virtue of our entertaining that thought and then believing 分裂與一體是不可能並存的。 that we have this self that stands on that thought 我們如此珍惜這分裂之念 of wanting something other than the everything, 深信自己能獨立自主, wanting something beyond the all 寧願追求某種東西來取代一切, that thought itself then means that God has been destroyed. 且把此事物置於一切之上。 Now the ego has us dream the secret dream, of sin, guilt and fear 一旦心存此念,表示上主已被打敗, because the ego wants us to become so terrified of the contents of this dream 小我就這樣將我們帶入了秘密之夢, that we would believe that the only hope 希望夢中的罪咎懼會把我們嚇住, was to leave the mind entirely and go into the world. 逼著我們另尋出路, And since there is no world, was no world, and will never be a world, 徹底離開心靈而躲入世界。 we have to make one up and then believe that there is a world. 既然世界從不曾存在,也不可能存在, And it’s the projection of the secret dream of sin, guilt, and fear, 我們只好自己造出一個來加以相信。 that makes up, literally makes up, the entire physical universe. 於是這罪咎懼的秘密之夢開始向外投射, That’s what shifts our dreaming from, again, what the Course 幻化出整個物質宇宙。 refers to as our secret dream to the world’s dream. 《課程》所謂秘密之夢,就這樣... The only difference is that in the secret dream 拓展成世界之夢。 there’s only me and my projections onto God. 兩者唯一不同之處在於: In the world’s dream there are all these people, 秘密之夢只有我和我對上主的投射, hundreds, hundreds of thousands of people in my world, 而世界之夢, some I know personally, some I just know about, 則生出了芸芸眾生。 that are, again, all suitable objects for the projection of the guilt 有的我認識,有的只是緣慳一面, I do not want to accept in myself. 但都能成為我投射的靶子,只因... Which means the world’s dream and the secret dream are one. 我受不了心中的罪咎。 However, once we find ourselves in the world’s dream, 其實,世界之夢和秘密的夢是同一個夢。 meaning we find ourselves in a body, and in the Course body means 一旦我置身於世界之夢中, not only our physical identity but our psychological identity, too, 也就是意識到自己活在身體裡, once we find ourselves in the body, a veil falls. 這身體不只是生理的,也包括心理的認同, once we find ourselves in the body, a veil falls. 一道帷幕立時覆蓋下來。 and we have no memory of the secret dream. 只要我認為自己是身體,帷幕就將我蒙蔽, All we are aware of is again what the Course refers to as the world’s dream, 徹底忘了「秘密之夢」, but for us now this is no longer a dream, 只能經驗到《課程》所謂的「世界之夢」。 this is what we believe to be reality. 雖然是夢,我們卻不覺得是夢, Now again, we can understand that these two levels of dreams in the ego system, 完全當成現實人生。 the secret dream of sin, guilt, and fear, which I’ll go into in just a moment, 總之,我們看清了小我體系的兩重夢境, and then the world’s dream, have as their only purpose, 一個是罪咎懼的秘密之夢,我稍後還會深入, the only purpose that they have is to keep us in the state of sleep, 另一個是世界之夢。它們的目的只有一個, which we have already identified with the state of being separated. 就是讓我們昏睡下去, Now this understanding is absolutely crucial. 陷於前面所說的分裂狀態。 If you do not understand this you will misinterpret everything in this Course. 這一點,非常關鍵, Jesus tells us many, many times in the Course that purpose is everything. 否則你會全盤誤解《奇蹟課程》。 You understand the purpose of something and that will give you its meaning. 耶穌在課程中一再強調:目的決定一切。 And when you understand what it is for, what its purpose is, 你若了解某事的目的,便能掌握它的意義, you will understand why it’s there. You’ll understand its meaning. 才會了解它所為何來, So again, building on Freud’s remarkable insights, 也會明白它為什麼會出現、用意何在。 that the purpose of the dreams, of our dreaming, is to fulfill the wish of remaining asleep. 所以,從佛洛依德非凡的洞見出發 We understand that the reason the ego made up (亦即,作夢是為了繼續沉睡) this secret dream of sin, guilt, and fear, and then after that made up 我們了解為什麼小我要造出... the world’s dream of a physical universe, of separation and sin, guilt, and fear, 罪咎懼的秘密之夢,又如何繼續造出... has as its only purpose, its only meaning, to keep us in the state of separation. 充滿分裂與罪咎懼的物質世界這一夢境。 Or to make it more specific, to ensure that we never change our mind 其目的與意義無它,就是把我們扣留在分裂狀態。 and recognize that separation was a mistake, it was a mistaken choice, 說得更清楚,就是確保我們永不改變心意, and Atonement is the only sane choice we could ever make. 永遠認不出分裂只是一個錯誤的選擇,
B1 中級 中文 秘密 分裂 聖靈 世界 夢境 耶穌 我們欠弗洛伊德的債,第一部分_"奇蹟課程 "工作坊摘錄 (Our Debt to Freud, Part 1_Excerpt from "A Course in Miracles" Workshop) 283 22 阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字