I don't liketoputitonthiswaybecauseitjustisnot a goodlook.
And I liketolookgood, eh?
Sowhat I doislike, I actuallyliketopullmymasksAndplus, like, I knowpeoplesayitabsorbsintotheskin, but I feellikethiswayyoucould, like, reallygettintoallthoselittlecorners.
Thisisthecleanserthat I liketouseitsNatashadeepcleanse.
I don't likebeingtooroughwithmyskin, butyougottagetinthereandslowlyIthas, like, littlebeads.
Soit's reallynicefor, like, poresandthen I rinse.
I liketousecoldwater, um, formyfacewhen I rinseoffandthen I don't actuallyeverrubJusttapgentlyhave I feellikeholdwatermakesmypoorporeslooksmaller.
But y'allcanshockmebecause I'm not a scientistAndnow I'm gonnagoinwiththebitelipmask.
Mymomwouldnotletmewearmakeupuntil, like I was a seniorinhighschool.
So I wasthat I wasthatstudentwhowaslike, Hey, girl, doyouhave a lipstick?
I likeThiocomedown a littlebitonlife, gettheneck, evenifevenif I'm wearing a hijablike I don't knowwhichway I'm gonnabeturning.
So I liketostruggle.
I alsodon't gotothegym.
Theydon't callit a beatfornoreason.
Rightnowit's timefortheundereyes.
Theotherthingislike, um, I wearthehijab.
So, like, theway I decide.
Likehow I wantmymakeuptolook.
Forexample, if I'm gonnabewearing a colorfulheadscarflike I wantmymakeuptoreflectthat I knowsomepeopleliketohighlighttheirforehead, butmineisalreadygigantic, and I don't wanttobringanyattentiontoit.
Infact, it's theopposite.
I'm probablygonnawarmitupquite a lot.
Thatlittle I'm on.
Mylife's likethisislikemyfavoritecolorever.
I waslikesuckingmycheekbones.
I have a Somaliforehead, sothanks, Mom.
I'm kindofweird.
I usedthatsamecolortojustdothatformyentirelife.
I livedthisright.
It's literallymylipstick.
I'm gonnatake a littlebitofthat, right.
Andthentheotherthing I loveaboutusinglipstickaseyeshadow.
Firstofall, yougetyourmoney's worth, girl.
Youwetyourlips, youreyeshadow, yourcontour.
Thatislike a proinitself, right?
Andthentheotherthingis, ithas a nice, likeshinetoit.