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  • Okay, guys, today I wanted to do something different.

  • I shot a video.

  • How did the good and every photo and it the amazing?

  • I wanted to shoot video that we'll talk a little bit more about my creative process.

  • A lot of the content creation and instagram post I actually do myself.

  • So I wanted to do a little video talking about how you can make it work because I feel like today everyone is an influence or all of us.

  • One nice photos.

  • So why not just show you all the tools of the methods and everything that goes through my head and what I actually do in the process to achieve good Instagram led by yours truly.

  • So a lot of the times I do spend days at the office.

  • I have my office days, and I so create content there.

  • There's a lot of self fees and sell things that are made here.

  • What I like to do is to find corners.

  • Dad have some glimpse of hope for a solid set like this.

  • So obviously we want to avoid this way.

  • Want to avoid that?

  • What we're looking for Theo.

  • Sticky mount.

  • It's small when I started Instagram.

  • I used to walk around with, like, a little tripod and no longer do that.

  • I don't want to be featured on influencers in a while, but what I like is this.

  • I could really make work.

  • So I set up the mount on the window and then this one has an extra piece that can hold an iPhone.

  • Then I basically Yeah, lighting guys.

  • I usually do the selfies a t office when?

  • Because the lighting is Oh, my foot is coming because the lighting is great for kind of a closer look.

  • Influence in the wild.

  • And look at this looking and looking.

  • Thank you.

  • Honestly, we have literally a sliver of like lighting, but that's what I'm saying.

  • Confined it everywhere.

  • You can also do this in the car or in a place where it's kind of dark, but there is a chance for some sliver of good lighting.

  • This mount does everything for you.

  • Thanks.

  • Boo outfit of the day.

  • Not an easy pass when you live in a country that is so freaking cold.

  • Oh, where you going, honey?

  • They're not easy.

  • When you live in a country that well I mean right now it's windy, it's gray.

  • Look how dark it is.

  • So for a couple of days, if I don't shoot it just like a mirror a picture of my outfit of office, I'll usually, um, kind of look for an area where an indoor area that will be very aesthetically pleasing.

  • I think a lot of times the easiest thing to do is just to find, like, a nice store on go check their change rooms.

  • It's really weird, but I do it all the time.

  • I honestly spend so much time doing even like outside changed videos for you guys.

  • So trust me have been everywhere my favorite spot in the city.

  • And it's only because our offices right here is the same Laurent store, their marble and this whole like the change room is just so beautiful, and I also should mention that it is more discreet when you do it in a change themselves.

  • It is public, but a little less out there.

  • Super feel, because I decided to be nice and asked if I can shoot in the change room and they were like nothing, So now I have to figure this out.

  • So there's a lot of beautiful places here.

  • A lot of them are more public, but I feel like I feel like it's normal these days to shoot.

  • I think this'll could work usually in the change room.

  • I would put that sticky being on the mouth just like fire away.

  • But here it will be a little Doesn't focus.

  • Here you go.

  • James has a little appearance.

  • Yes, we got it.

  • I have James here with me because I need a behind the scenes to show you guys How would actually looks The next thing that I do quite often, especially because I shoot myself, is their pictures on the go.

  • It's not the way it used to be.

  • Where you know, the feet has to be so super curated for me.

  • I still love to have a nice aesthetic, but I do also like the aspect of, like, real life.

  • This is a great example of, like, an ugly, not very aesthetically pleasing situation.

  • But I'll show you what I do to make it work.

  • Equipment, phone.

  • Honestly, the whole thing here is angle.

  • So I don't want to see this.

  • What we do want to dio is angles.

  • No, segment hat trick is to make something in the background.

  • So let's say if I want a city by because I feel like my outfit works with City by.

  • I'm making sure that I avoid this focus more on.

  • Okay, Next challenge.

  • I call it inspiration everywhere, and this one is really more about how you can find areas that just will work for a good photo.

  • Usually those are alleyways, those air like I feel like a great find always because it's more kind of secluded.

  • You can just go in there.

  • There's usually like a brick or graffiti or something else that can just work for a picture.

  • So right now I just went out and looking for alleyway to show you how I how I do it and how I take my own photo when I am in an alleyway.

  • I wouldn't recommend to do it at night because, you know, alleyways nighttime never work.

  • This is what you get when you don't live in California.

  • Where you taking me?

  • E?

  • I knew it.

  • Success.

  • Okay, look at this alleyway.

  • You have a white wall.

  • It's pretty.

  • If you look very much like the aesthetic, A lot of people go for you have a great wall, and that's what you want to look for.

  • You want to look for, like, unassuming kind of areas that can actually translate into something really nice.

  • Also, because this is why my outfit is darker will make it pop.

  • Also, look at this.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • People are walking by and I'm just like, this is what I'm talking about.

  • This is out where you can put your phone on.

  • And basically, that's how it take my fun.

  • You don't have to worry about anyone running and stealing your phone because you're literally in the alleyway where they're gonna go.

  • Well, so I'm gonna use my bag first.

  • I'm gonna look for a perfect brain.

  • There are two ways to make this happen.

  • Number one, you D'oh!

  • A timer.

  • Zoo 10 seconds.

  • Are you ready?

  • Are you ready?

  • You want to make sure that you already have your shot, So I made sure that I'm standing so I know how it's gonna look like.

  • And then press haven't solved the whole people walking by thing it if you don't want to do this timer thing for too long.

  • What's another great way to make it work is do a video and then you just move really slowly and then scream shot kind of when it looks good for a photo.

  • And what's great about Social Media is that it does get people more adventurous.

  • So part of kind of the category that I'm talking about about inspiration is all around is that sometimes in the most unassuming area, you'll find like a beautiful little alleyway or a door that might be private property, and you have to really, really fast that they won't like you up.

  • I'm going to show you a perfect example of an area that I actually found.

  • We're going to get coffee, and it's completely looks like the way they're looks like it's old garbage around.

  • But then I found this beautiful, exclusive property, and I took one of my favorite outfit of the day shots there, so I'm going to show it to you.

  • So maybe it will spark your adventurous spirit to keep your eyes open and to get inspired from what's around you.

  • This'll really wholesome video feel.

  • This is not where you should take your pictures in.

  • No, no, But look at this situation, Okay?

  • This is how confidence created.

  • They didn't even need like a tripod.

  • I don't do tripods anymore.

  • And then which leads me to my next point of how to take your own photos when you're traveling by yourself.

  • Which happened to me quite a bit this year.

  • I feel like I went to set of friends and Paris for a few trips and I was alone and I did the same thing.

  • So everything that I showed you guys with this self timer with doing a video and then taking photos from that video of just placing the camera wherever it isn't, trust me.

  • I did it in terrace and like a very crowded area.

  • And I stepped away a little bit from the phone and it was fine.

  • You can totally do it.

  • And if you travel like to remote places, then I was sure bring a small little tripod.

  • I have one at home.

  • Also, another gadget that is really great is the remote remote where you press it, and then it takes a picture with your camera, and there's actually an AB that connects it.

  • I keep always losing them, but that's actually what I've used when I started with social media and taking pictures of myself, so that's a great option.

  • Can you got older tools?

  • Now?

  • Go out there and get it.

  • Thank you, guys.

  • So much for watching the video to check out the O G of Hot of a good and every photo click.

  • Yeah.

Okay, guys, today I wanted to do something different.


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如何在Instagram上看起來很驚豔|影響者技巧揭祕 (How To Look AMAZING On Instagram | Influencer Tips Exposed)

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